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Sunday, May 31, 2015

PM eNewsletter Holy Trinity

May 31st Holy Trinity

You, Christ, are God, and You are one with the Father and the Spirit.

This mystery of faith is to be believed because it is true.

You are a Triune Godhead.

You are the creator of all things in the heavens and on the earth.

Thank You Jesus, for becoming one of us, and dying that we might
have eternal life.

Jesus, Your love for us is so powerful, that we can barely comprehend it.

Yet it is real.

Jesus help us to give all glory and praise to You, the Father and the
Spirit, forever and ever.

Amen and Amen.

Thank you Lord, for loving us totally.

For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home
page of Presentation Ministries? Please take a look.

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One Bread, One Body

This weeks readings and reflections


"Make disciples of all the nations. Baptize them in the name 'of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.' " -Matthew 28:19

We have been created to be baptized "in the name 'of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.' " The word "baptized" means "to
be immersed in." The meaning of life is to be immersed in, that is,
preoccupied with and consumed by the Holy Trinity (see Heb 12:29).

We enter into Trinitarian love and life through Jesus, the only Way
to the Father (Jn 14:6) and the One Who baptizes us in the Spirit
(Mk 1:8). Then the Father reveals the Son (see Lk 10:22), and the
Spirit witnesses for Jesus (Jn 15:26) and proclaims Jesus as Lord
(1 Cor 12:3). We are then immersed within a crossfire of Trinitarian

To be drawn even more deeply into the mystery of Trinitarian love,
one of the most important events which must occur is for the Spirit
to cry out in our hearts "Abba," that is, "Father" (Rm 8:15; Gal 4:6).
When we know the Father's love so personally, we are usually immersed
in the Trinity forever. However, we may withdraw from Trinitarian love
if we quench the Spirit crying out "Abba" by refusing to trust God,
forgive our earthly fathers, or repent of our sins of selfishness and

Are you going to go all the way with the Trinity or back out? The Holy
Spirit is crying "Abba." Fall into your Father's arms.

Prayer: Abba...

Promise: "And know that I am with you always, until the end of the
world!" -Mt 28:20

Praise: "Praise the Holy Trinity, undivided Unity!"


"They left Him and went off." -Mark 12:12


"Why are you trying to trip Me up?" -Mark 12:15

For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries,
check us out at


" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you
don't usually hear addressed."

This Week's Featured Brochures

Living in Reality

The Key to Building Life in the Spirit

Many people, even Christians, are not in touch with reality because of
sin and our secular humanistic culture. Therefore, in the preface
of this book, we consider four basic realities revealed by Christ. Then
we ..........................................

Risen Life

"Why do you search for the Living One among the dead? He is not here;
He has been raised up." -Luke 24:5-6

Alleluia! Jesus is risen! He's alive! "O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?" (1 Cor 15:55) We as Christians have
personally had the most overwhelming experience imaginable. The One
Who loves us so much, Who would do anything for us, was .............

Brochures by Topic

PM Internet Prayer Requests

Heavenly Father thank you for all the Blessings,please guide us with
your Holy spirit as we go along with our work.Lord please help us keep
safe in going to pink sister and going back home and meeting to our
parish priest .we ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen
(antang4, , 5/30/2015 3:37:49 PM)

Please pray for a lonely Irishman I know that he will open up more and
talk to people, as he is so shy and quiet.
(Anonymous, , 5/30/2015 1:29:47 PM)

Lord thank you for forgiveness of all my sins and for another day here
on earth with the children you blessed me with.Please pray for my
daughter's marriage my other daughter to make the right choices in
life.My son to stay on the right path and for my other son to have a
guardian angel as I fear for his life.I fear for mine as well Lord
please bless me with a financial miracle one that is enough to cover
my troubles to care for family friends and churches. I trust and
believe in you father you are capable of such great things I have
witnessed them so I know through you anything is possible.Prayers for
Charles,both Willys,Carlos,Maria,Terry,Heather,Lee and Jessica,Kelly
and Sharron and Brandy.In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen
(Teresa, , 5/30/2015 10:57:57 AM)

Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and
all the requests said silently in our hearts. Thank you LORD for all
those that have come to thing site with their petitions. Together we
can make a difference. In JESUS I trust. Thank you LORD
(Jim, Wisconsin, , 5/30/2015 10:31:28 AM)

Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.

MP3 4 You

The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.

Take a moment and check the link below

Small Christian Communities

We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities

PM's Small Christian Community Network

Learn about the Communities in our Network

Small Christian Community Resources

Introduction to Small Christian Community

"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:

Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)

Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)

For more information contact: community@presentationministries.com

Bible Telephone Line

New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!

The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 24 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.

** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**

Akron, OH 330-344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443-529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701-595-5300
Boston, MA 508-591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513-823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440-572-4366
Columbus, OH 614-210-3111
Detroit, MI 734-418-9101
Ft. Worth, TX 817-203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317-564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561-768-4321
Lexington, KY 859-554-1500
Long Island, NY 631-317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323-984-7500
Louisville, KY 502-694-3131
Miami, FL 305-520-9922
Perryville, MO 573-513-8411
Putnam, CT 860-821-0411
Phoenix, AZ 480-630-3999
Pittsburgh, PA 412-228-0228
San Diego 619-272-6111
St. Augustine,FL 904-414-4142
St. Louis, MO 314-561-7411
Toledo, OH 419-318-2211
Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Charlotte, NC 704-594-4811

Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer

Best of Daily Bread Radio Program

Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth

Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



...Mary attests that the mercy of the Son of God knows no bounds and
extends to everyone, without exception. Let us address her in the
words of the Salve Regina ... so that she may never tire of turning
her merciful eyes upon us, and make us worthy to contemplate the face
of mercy, her Son Jesus.


... May the Church echo the word of God that resounds strong and clear
as a message and sign of pardon, strength, aid and love. May she never
tire of extending mercy and be ever patient in offering compassion and
comfort. May the Church become the voice of every man and woman, and
repeat confidently without end: "Be mindful of Your mercy, O Lord, and
Your steadfast love, for they have been from of old" (Ps 25:6).


I have proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy as a special time
for the Church, a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger
and more effective.

(Source: Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, April 11, 2015)

PM Ministry List

" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.

Bible Institute

Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry

My People Newspaper

PM Newsletter

St. John Bosco Youth Group


Online Registration


· Worshiping Together (40 Hours Devotion and Family Campout) (Jun 19-21)
· Love in Action = Worship and Evangelization (Jul 20-22)
· What are You calling me to, Lord? (Silent Retreat) (Aug 2-5)

Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?

More information and registration for the Bible Institute

Catholic Retreats

· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list



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FATHER'S DAY - One Bread, One Body, 5/31/2015

You are invited to the 29th Annual Bible Institute, July 24 - Aug 1, 2015 in Cincinnati, OH. Join us for over 20 seminars, stirring liturgies, healing and worship services and more! Featured speakers include Bishop Joseph Binzer, Fr. Rob Jack, Fr. David Endres, Fr. Chris Clay, Deacon Ralph Poyo, Chris Padgett and Bill Richart, worship leader.

More information and registration at the link below

Sunday, May 31, 2015, Trinity Sunday

Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40, Romans 8:14-17, Psalm 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22, Matthew 28:16-20
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/053115.cfm


"Make disciples of all the nations. Baptize them in the name 'of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.' " -Matthew 28:19

We have been created to be baptized "in the name 'of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.' " The word "baptized" means "to be immersed in." The meaning of life is to be immersed in, that is, preoccupied with and consumed by the Holy Trinity (see Heb 12:29).
We enter into Trinitarian love and life through Jesus, the only Way to the Father (Jn 14:6) and the One Who baptizes us in the Spirit (Mk 1:8). Then the Father reveals the Son (see Lk 10:22), and the Spirit witnesses for Jesus (Jn 15:26) and proclaims Jesus as Lord (1 Cor 12:3). We are then immersed within a crossfire of Trinitarian love.
To be drawn even more deeply into the mystery of Trinitarian love, one of the most important events which must occur is for the Spirit to cry out in our hearts "Abba," that is, "Father" (Rm 8:15; Gal 4:6). When we know the Father's love so personally, we are usually immersed in the Trinity forever. However, we may withdraw from Trinitarian love if we quench the Spirit crying out "Abba" by refusing to trust God, forgive our earthly fathers, or repent of our sins of selfishness and self-reliance.
Are you going to go all the way with the Trinity or back out? The Holy Spirit is crying "Abba." Fall into your Father's arms.

Prayer: Abba...

Promise: "And know that I am with you always, until the end of the world!" -Mt 28:20

Praise: "Praise the Holy Trinity, undivided Unity!"


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

SEEK THE FAITHFUL - One Bread, One Body, 5/30/2015

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sirach 51:12-20, Psalm 19:8-11, Mark 11:27-33
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/053015.cfm


"My feet kept to the level path because from earliest youth I was familiar with" Wisdom. -Sirach 51:15

Conversion stories are exciting. We weep for joy as the good thief on the cross finds salvation in his last desperate hour (Lk 23:42-43). We marvel at the power of God as He overpowers the worst sinner, the persecutor Saul (1 Tm 1:15), who then incredibly becomes the great apostle and preacher Paul (Acts 9:3ff). Today we are greatly encouraged by the wave of staunch Protestants who have incredibly converted to Catholicism and now powerfully defend the Faith.
A life of faithfulness is not as popular a story. People rarely fill an auditorium to hear about the priest or sister who accepted their vocation as a child and then never wavered from living out their call in holiness and fruitfulness. Not many flock to seek wisdom from the couple who never used artificial contraception, had a large family, and raised children who have all stayed joyfully faithful to the Church.
The popularity of conversions is a very good thing. We constantly need to keep in mind the power of God. Yet when we encounter people who have never wavered in faithfulness and who have faithfully borne fruit over the years, we should seek them out to the point of wearing away their doorstep! (Sir 6:36) We are to frequent their company and stay close to them (Sir 6:35). Faithfulness is caught more than taught. Seek faithfulness by seeking the faithful.

Prayer: Father, bring people into my life who will lead me to greater faithfulness.

Promise: "The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul." -Ps 19:8

Praise: Alice has built her life around Jesus and has received Him daily in the Eucharist for forty years.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Friday, May 29, 2015

A GOLDEN FINISH - One Bread, One Body, 5/29/2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Sirach 44:1, 9-13, Psalm 149:1-6, 9, Mark 11:11-26
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052915.cfm


"Their wealth remains in their families, their heritage with their descendants." -Sirach 44:11

Many people work hard during their adult lives, with the goal of enjoying a relaxing, well-deserved retirement. They feel it's the time to enjoy one's grandchildren, and catch up on travel, hobbies, and leisure that were missed out on during many years of sacrifice.
However, the "golden years" are not really the time to let up; instead, these years are the time to "seal in" the heritage that has been sown. All too often, it takes only one generation for a society to lose its collective faith. The decades of solid groundwork that parents have laid may be lost in the relaxation of the golden years of retirement. Jesus may be issuing a call to grandparents when He says: "Listen to what I say: Open your eyes and see! The fields are shining for harvest!" (Jn 4:35)
Kings Hezekiah and Solomon both had tremendous starts in reforming their nation and turning their people to the Lord (2 Kgs 18:2ff; 1 Kgs 3:6ff). Yet their record is tarnished because they slacked off in later years. The end result of their reigns was that the nation was in worse shape when they died than it was before they started (2 Kgs 20:21ff; 1 Kgs 11:43ff).
Jesus warned us about "laying the foundation and then not being able to complete the work" (Lk 14:29). Then our legacy is merely a half-built tower, an extended family which didn't have the faith that endured. Let us build a heritage that will endure for the glory of God.

Prayer: Father, may I finish "the work You gave me to do" (Jn 17:4).

Promise: "I give you My word, if you are ready to believe that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, it shall be done for you." -Mk 11:24

Praise: Tom, a physician, prays with his patients and blesses them with holy water during their visits to his office.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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A GOLDEN FINISH - One Bread, One Body, 5/29/2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Sirach 44:1, 9-13, Psalm 149:1-6, 9, Mark 11:11-26
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052915.cfm


"Their wealth remains in their families, their heritage with their descendants." -Sirach 44:11

Many people work hard during their adult lives, with the goal of enjoying a relaxing, well-deserved retirement. They feel it's the time to enjoy one's grandchildren, and catch up on travel, hobbies, and leisure that were missed out on during many years of sacrifice.
However, the "golden years" are not really the time to let up; instead, these years are the time to "seal in" the heritage that has been sown. All too often, it takes only one generation for a society to lose its collective faith. The decades of solid groundwork that parents have laid may be lost in the relaxation of the golden years of retirement. Jesus may be issuing a call to grandparents when He says: "Listen to what I say: Open your eyes and see! The fields are shining for harvest!" (Jn 4:35)
Kings Hezekiah and Solomon both had tremendous starts in reforming their nation and turning their people to the Lord (2 Kgs 18:2ff; 1 Kgs 3:6ff). Yet their record is tarnished because they slacked off in later years. The end result of their reigns was that the nation was in worse shape when they died than it was before they started (2 Kgs 20:21ff; 1 Kgs 11:43ff).
Jesus warned us about "laying the foundation and then not being able to complete the work" (Lk 14:29). Then our legacy is merely a half-built tower, an extended family which didn't have the faith that endured. Let us build a heritage that will endure for the glory of God.

Prayer: Father, may I finish "the work You gave me to do" (Jn 17:4).

Promise: "I give you My word, if you are ready to believe that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, it shall be done for you." -Mk 11:24

Praise: Tom, a physician, prays with his patients and blesses them with holy water during their visits to his office.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

LOSING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITIES - One Bread, One Body, 5/28/2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sirach 42:15-25, Psalm 33:2-9, Mark 10:46-52
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052815.cfm


"You have nothing to fear from Him! Get up! He is calling you!" -Mark 10:49

Because of our sins, we are in some way spiritually blind. By grace, we may begin "to call out, 'Jesus, Son of David, have pity on' " us! (Mk 10:47) Then many things inside pressure us to be quiet (see Mk 10:48). What if Jesus did have mercy on us? What if He opened our eyes? We would see our sinfulness, our lives, and even reality. Moreover, healed blind people no longer qualify for the social securities of comforts, excuses, and sympathy. Then what would we do? We would need to repent. So it's best to keep quiet and to keep blind.
God's grace, however, prompts us to shout "all the louder, 'Son of David, have pity on' " us! (Mk 10:48) Jesus stops and calls us over (Mk 10:49). Now we're really in trouble. Jesus asks: "What do you want Me to do for you?" (Mk 10:51) With courage, we say: we "want to see" (Mk 10:51), even with all its frightening responsibilities. Jesus says to us: "Be on your way. Your faith has healed you" (Mk 10:52). Immediately, we receive our sight and start to follow Jesus as never before (see Mk 10:52).
Do you have the love and faith to be healed of spiritual blindness? Do you have the guts to see?

Prayer: Father, take away all the crutches in my life.

Promise: "He makes known the past and the future, and reveals the deepest secrets." -Sir 42:19

Praise: Jim, a psychiatrist, donates half of his working hours to a Christian counseling group. He imitates Jesus as he ministers to the brokenhearted and gives liberty to those in bondage (see Lk 4:18).

(For a related teaching, order our tape Spiritual Blindness" on audio AV 65-1 or video V-65.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

CROSS-WORDS - One Bread, One Body, 5/27/2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015, St. Augustine of Canterbury

Sirach 36:1, 4-5, 10-17, Psalm 79:8-9, 11, 13, Mark 10:32-45
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052715.cfm


"Can you drink the cup I shall drink or be baptized in the same bath of pain as I?" -Mark 10:38

The first time Jesus brought up the subject of the cross, He was reprimanded by Peter (Mk 8:32). In response, Jesus rebuked Peter: "Get out of My sight, you satan! You are not judging by God's standards but by man's!" (Mk 8:33)
After Jesus' Transfiguration, He tried again to communicate with the apostles about the cross. However, "they failed to understand His words" and "were afraid to question Him" (Mk 9:32).
For the third time, Jesus said: "The Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes. They will condemn Him to death and hand Him over to the Gentiles, who will mock Him and spit at Him, flog Him, and finally kill Him. But three days later He will rise" (Mk 10:33-34). Once again, the apostles missed the point. James and John were busy positioning themselves for a promotion (Mk 10:37), and the other apostles were upset with James and John.
Have things changed much? Is the cross still "rendered void of its meaning"? (1 Cor 1:17) Have we ever heard the message of the cross, or do we merely make the sign of the cross and use the cross for ornamentation? A tell-tale sign of hearing the message of the cross is our attitude towards other people. If we come to serve them rather than to be served by them (Mk 10:45), we have probably taken to heart the message of the cross. If we serve even to the point of laying down our lives for each other (see 1 Jn 3:16), we have heard the message of crucified love.
Jesus continues to talk about the cross: "Let him who has ears to hear Me, hear!" (Mk 4:9)

Prayer: Father, "may I never boast of anything but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!" (Gal 6:14)

Promise: "Let Your prophets be proved true." -Sir 36:15

Praise: St. Augustine wisely Christianized the pagan English culture by substituting martyrs' feasts in place of pagan festivals.


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

THE SACRIFICE - One Bread, One Body, 5/26/2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015, St. Philip Neri

Sirach 35:1-12, Psalm 50:5-8, 14, 23, Mark 10:28-31
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052615.cfm


"The just man's sacrifice is most pleasing, nor will it ever be forgotten." -Sirach 35:6

All cultures throughout history have instinctively understood that they needed to make offerings and sacrifices to God. The people of these cultures accordingly offered crops, animals, and even people.
The Lord revealed to the Jewish people that sacrifices entailed more than material things. He revealed the sacrifice of obedience. "To keep the law is a great oblation, and he who observes the commandments sacrifices a peace offering" (Sir 35:1). The Lord also revealed the sacrifice of charity. "In works of charity one offers fine flour, and when he gives alms he presents his sacrifice of praise" (Sir 35:2). Next, He revealed the sacrifice of justice, or at least of avoiding injustice (Sir 35:3).
Jesus revealed that sacrifices involved even more. He referred to the sacrifice of persecution (Mk 10:30). He ultimately offered the complete sacrifice of Himself on Calvary (Mk 10:34).
As we try to live a new Pentecost, we too are called to sacrifice time, preferences, money, and possessions (see Acts 2:42ff). As we do this, we often think of how to minimize sacrifices in the future, while God is thinking of maximizing our sacrifices. The Lord wants us to learn how to share in His sufferings by being formed into the pattern of His death (Phil 3:10). Sacrifice all the way.

Prayer: Father, I center every detail of my life on the sacrifice of the Mass.

Promise: "Many who are first shall come last, and the last shall come first." -Mk 10:31

Praise: St. Philip's method of starting to evangelize Rome was to be out in public among the people, meeting them, conversing with them, getting to know them, and being available to them. Large numbers of Romans eventually came to faith in Jesus as the result of his outreach.


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Monday, May 25, 2015

HOPE-LOSS? - One Bread, One Body, 5/25/2015

"Holy Year of Mercy" is the title of the latest issue of Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth.
--> http://www.presentationministries.com/pope/latest.asp

Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.

Monday, May 25, 2015, St. Bede the Venerable, Pope St. Gregory VII, St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

Sirach 17:19-24, Psalm 32:1-2, 5-7, Mark 10:17-27
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052515.cfm


"He encourages those who are losing hope." -Sirach 17:19

Hope in the Lord leads directly to strength. Those who hope in the Lord will never fail in strength (1 Mc 2:61) and actually renew their strength (Is 40:31). This is because "hope remains" after all else passes away (see 1 Cor 13:13). A people of hope is forever a people of strength.
Since hope is so critical to strength, it follows that Satan would relentlessly attack people to prevent them from growing in hope. To beat down our hope, Satan bludgeons us with:
* a delaying game. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" (Prv 13:12) rather than strong. We defeat this by lovingly waiting on the Lord (Is 40:31, RSV-CE) as long as it takes.
* disappointments. We don't let defeats conquer hope, for "hope will not leave us disappointed" (Rm 5:5; Is 49:23).
* sadness, which can lead to despair. We must fight this by rejoicing in hope (Rm 12:12) always (Phil 4:4).
* repeated temptations to focus on self instead of God. Instead, we must look at what God has done in past generations (Sir 2:10). Those who have hoped in God have always been rewarded.

We may be so battered by trials that we are unable to raise our heads, much less grow in hope. God lifts up our head (Ps 3:4) and refuses to let us lose hope. The Lord Himself "encourages those who are losing hope" (Sir 17:19). When all seems hopeless, God Himself will give us a living hope (see 1 Pt 1:3, RNAB). Therefore, never give up, never stop waiting on the Lord, never give in to hopelessness, "and always hope in your God" (Hos 12:7).

Prayer: Jesus, I will focus on You, my Hope of glory (Col 1:27).

Promise: "With God all things are possible." -Mk 10:27

Praise: Pope St. Gregory VII's last words were: "I have loved justice and hated iniquity...therefore, I die in exile" (see Ps 101).

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

PM eNewsletter Pentecost

May 24th Pentecost

This week, oh Jesus, we celebrate the birthday of Your church.

Continue to send down upon us, Your fire of love.

Let Your Spirit continue to set us on fire with faith, and give us
the graces that we will need to help spread the truth and
necessity of Your church.

Let Your church have freedom throughout the world.

Protect the Pope and all the clergy and religious.

Let us pray that all Catholics see You truly in the gift of the

Let us all adore You.

Amen and Amen.

Thank you Lord, for loving us totally.

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page of Presentation Ministries? Please take a look.

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One Bread, One Body

This weeks readings and reflections


"It was in one Spirit that all of us, whether Jew or Greek, slave or
free, were baptized." -1 Corinthians 12:13

On Pentecost, after praying for nine days (see Acts 1:14), we "receive
the Holy Spirit" (Jn 20:22). In fact, we are "filled with the Holy
Spirit" (Acts 2:4). Better than that, we are baptized in the Spirit
(Acts 1:5), that is, we are immersed in the Spirit. We not only drink
the waters of the Spirit but, in a spiritual sense, we are under and
stay under these waters.

Living under the waters of the Spirit is a new life. Naturally, when we
go under water, we can't breathe, but, supernaturally, being under the
waters of the Spirit is the only way we can breathe fully. However, we
are tempted to come up out of the waters of the Spirit for another
whiff of the polluted air of the world and the flesh. "The flesh lusts
against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh" (Gal 5:17). However,
we must resist these temptations and stay immersed in the Holy Spirit.
"When men have fled a polluted world by recognizing the Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, and then are caught up and overcome in pollution once more,
their last condition is worse than their first" (2 Pt 2:20).

On this Pentecost, take the plunge and live under the baptismal waters
of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, fill me, surround me, and submerge me.

Promise: "No one can say: 'Jesus is Lord,' except in the Holy Spirit."
-1 Cor 12:3

Praise: Praise You, Abba, for sending the Holy Spirit. Praise You, risen
Jesus, for baptizing us in the Holy Spirit (Mk 1:8). Praise You, Holy
Spirit, for filling the whole world and renewing the face of the earth!
(Ps 104:30)


"He encourages those who are losing hope." -Sirach 17:19


"The just man's sacrifice is most pleasing, nor will it ever be forgotten."
-Sirach 35:6

For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries,
check us out at


" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you
don't usually hear addressed."

This Week's Featured Brochures

Living in Reality

The Key to Building Life in the Spirit

Many people, even Christians, are not in touch with reality because of
sin and our secular humanistic culture. Therefore, in the preface
of this book, we consider four basic realities revealed by Christ. Then
we ..........................................

Risen Life

"Why do you search for the Living One among the dead? He is not here;
He has been raised up." -Luke 24:5-6

Alleluia! Jesus is risen! He's alive! "O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?" (1 Cor 15:55) We as Christians have
personally had the most overwhelming experience imaginable. The One
Who loves us so much, Who would do anything for us, was .............

Brochures by Topic

PM Internet Prayer Requests

Lord Jesus,please grant all my heart desires before the end of this
month may..AMEN!
(AMAKA E., nigeria, lagos, Nigeria, 5/23/2015 6:23:43 PM)

Thank you father for another day here on earth and for my heart surgery
being a success. My father in your son's precious name I pray for
forgiveness of all my sins.Especially the one that haunts me every day
Lord.The only way I can be freed from this sin is to have a great
financial miracle but one large enough to pay this debt and to care for
my family and friends.Please pray for Amos,Maria,Carlos,both Willys and
Brandy to have understanding in my situation. Ask and ye shall receive
I am ready for this great blessing Lord.Please please please bless me
father and please do not take me from my children.In your son Jesus
most precious name I pray. Amen
(Teresa, , 5/23/2015 6:09:05 PM)

As we approach Pentecost, let us ask The Holy Spirit to over-shadow us
as we pray for Traditional Marriage; the union of one man and one woman
as God intended. Come Holy Spirit let us not despair! Let us also pray
for the intercession of Saint Anne, Saint Joachim and The Holy Family;
Jesus, Mary and Joseph to pray for families during this persecution of
the Church.
(Ken, Texas, , 5/23/2015 5:57:36 PM)

Heavenly Father, I don't quite know how to pray for this one problem,
perhaps simply ask You to bring love back into the lives of those
following ISIS and other terrorist groups. Help them see the evil and
the sin in what they do. Help them understand killing to gain territory
is wrong and those who teach them be dealt with as You see fit, Father.
Please bring love into the hearts of all evil people and may they find
You my Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
(Anonymous, , 5/23/2015 5:27:35 PM)

Father forgive me for blaming my husband for the tax problems we are
having. He works hard but he's just not paid what he's worth. He is a
hard worker and always taken care of me. I just am worried over the bill
we got today in the mail. I pray You will please help us get this paid.
We have so many bills. Please allow us a financial blessing as I'm unable
to work and two can't live cheaper than one as some think. Please ease
the load from my sweet husbands back and bring blessings into his life.
I also ask that You please bless and help my grandson. He's in need of a
job...again. We can't help him, only to feed him. And please bring a
nice Christian girl into his life so he will stop seeing this older woman
with kids who's divorce isn't final. Bless my daughter who is going
through her own trials. She has nothing to do with us and that breaks our
heart. Help her, heal her and bring her love back to us. I love You
Father and I thank You. In Jesus name I pray to You Lord.
(Anonymous, , 5/23/2015 5:22:08 PM)

Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.

MP3 4 You

The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.

Take a moment and check the link below

Small Christian Communities

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leaders who will form communities

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Introduction to Small Christian Community

"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:

Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)

Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)

For more information contact: community@presentationministries.com

Bible Telephone Line

New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!

The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 24 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.

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Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Charlotte, NC 704-594-4811

Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer

Best of Daily Bread Radio Program

Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth

Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



It is absolutely essential for the Church and for the credibility of her
message that she herself live and testify to mercy. Her language and her
gestures must transmit mercy, so as to touch the hearts of all people and
inspire them ... to find the road that leads to the Father.


Merciful like the Father ... is the "motto" of this Holy Year. In mercy,
we find proof of how God loves us... Day after day, touched by His
compassion, we also can become compassionate towards others.


It is my burning desire that, during this Jubilee, the Christian people
may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It will be a way
to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty.

(Source: Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, April 11, 2015)

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· Worshiping Together (40 Hours Devotion and Family Campout) (Jun 19-21)
· Love in Action = Worship and Evangelization (Jul 20-22)
· What are You calling me to, Lord? (Silent Retreat) (Aug 2-5)

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SUBMARINE - One Bread, One Body, 5/24/2015

"Holy Year of Mercy" is the title of the latest issue of Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth.
--> http://www.presentationministries.com/pope/latest.asp

Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.

Sunday, May 24, 2015, Pentecost

Acts 2:1-11, 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13 or, Galatians 5:16-25, Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34, John 20:19-23, or John 15:26-27; 16:12-15
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052415.cfm


"It was in one Spirit that all of us, whether Jew or Greek, slave or free, were baptized." -1 Corinthians 12:13

On Pentecost, after praying for nine days (see Acts 1:14), we "receive the Holy Spirit" (Jn 20:22). In fact, we are "filled with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:4). Better than that, we are baptized in the Spirit (Acts 1:5), that is, we are immersed in the Spirit. We not only drink the waters of the Spirit but, in a spiritual sense, we are under and stay under these waters.
Living under the waters of the Spirit is a new life. Naturally, when we go under water, we can't breathe, but, supernaturally, being under the waters of the Spirit is the only way we can breathe fully. However, we are tempted to come up out of the waters of the Spirit for another whiff of the polluted air of the world and the flesh. "The flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh" (Gal 5:17). However, we must resist these temptations and stay immersed in the Holy Spirit. "When men have fled a polluted world by recognizing the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then are caught up and overcome in pollution once more, their last condition is worse than their first" (2 Pt 2:20).
On this Pentecost, take the plunge and live under the baptismal waters of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, fill me, surround me, and submerge me.

Promise: "No one can say: 'Jesus is Lord,' except in the Holy Spirit." -1 Cor 12:3

Praise: Praise You, Abba, for sending the Holy Spirit. Praise You, risen Jesus, for baptizing us in the Holy Spirit (Mk 1:8). Praise You, Holy Spirit, for filling the whole world and renewing the face of the earth! (Ps 104:30)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

STAYING POWER - One Bread, One Body, 5/23/2015

Pentecost Novena Day 9 - Saturday

Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31
John 21:20-25

Be silent

Pray: Father, renew my Baptism and Confirmation. Stir into flame the gifts of the Spirit in my life (see 2 Timothy 1:6-7).

On or near Pentecost, ask another Christian to lay hands on you (see Acts 19:6) and pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit. After receiving these prayers, thank the Holy Spirit for coming to you, go to Mass as often as possible, and share your faith in Jesus. Come, Holy Spirit!

Saturday, May 23, 2015, Pentecost Novena - Day 9

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31, Psalm 11:4-5, 7, John 21:20-25
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052315.cfm


"Follow Me." -John 21:22

The Holy Spirit comes to confirm us - to make us strong and faithful to the Lord. Before Pentecost, Jesus' disciples were like chameleons. Their commitment to Jesus changed according to the circumstances. For example, they said they would never disown Christ (Mt 26:35), but they all deserted Him in the Garden of Gethsemani (Mt 26:56). Jesus commanded St. Peter to follow Him, but Peter was more concerned about what other people were doing or not doing (Jn 21:21). Only by the power of the Spirit can we be faithful to the Lord.
St. Paul began in the Spirit and ended in the Spirit. From the day of his conversion, Paul proclaimed the kingdom of God. In the last scene of Acts, Paul was still proclaiming God's kingdom "with full assurance, and without any hindrance whatever" (Acts 28:31). Finally, Paul was martyred, still proclaiming God's kingdom.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb 13:8). We who are disciples of Jesus should also be the same in our commitment to Him. True love is "not alternately 'yes' and 'no,' " it is "never anything but 'yes' " (2 Cor 1:19). The Holy Spirit will make you faithful. Come, Holy Spirit of love and faithfulness!

Prayer: Father, may I never love You less but always love You more.

Promise: "There are still many other things that Jesus did, yet if they were written about in detail, I doubt there would be room enough in the entire world to hold the books to record them." -Jn 21:25

Praise: Martin and Rosa recently celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary. They have ministered the love of Jesus to many thousands of people throughout their married life.


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Friday, May 22, 2015

READY OR NOT? - One Bread, One Body, 5/22/2015

Pentecost Novena Day 8 - Friday

Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 25:13-21
John 21:15-19

Be silent

Pray: Holy Spirit, produce in me Your fruit: love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Friday, May 22, 2015, St. Rita of Cascia, Pentecost Novena - Day 8

Acts 25:13-21, Psalm 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20, John 21:15-19
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052215.cfm


"Do you love Me?" -John 21:15, 16, 17

As we near Pentecost, the questions loom: "Am I ready to receive the Holy Spirit in fullness? Am I ready to renew my Baptism and Confirmation? Am I ready to receive and to help others receive new Pentecosts?"
If we see signs of the miracle of unselfishness in our lives, we are probably ready for the Holy Spirit of Pentecost. If we are more concerned about feeding the sheep than feeding ourselves (see Jn 21:17), we are probably on the threshold of a new Pentecost. If we are willing to go not where we want but where others lead us (see Jn 21:18), we may be unselfish enough to receive the Holy Spirit on His terms.
The Holy Spirit wants to come to us - but not to take orders from us or to do our wills. Why should the all-holy, all-knowing, and all-loving Third Person of the Trinity take orders from His finite, fallen, and sinful creatures? However, if we die to ourselves, we can live in the Spirit (see Catechism, 736).
By the grace of God, become increasingly concerned about other people's problems, needs, and Pentecosts. Then you are ready to receive the Holy Spirit in fullness.

Prayer: Father, may I live no longer for myself but for You (see 2 Cor 5:15).

Promise: "(What He said indicated the sort of death by which Peter was to glorify God.) When Jesus had finished speaking He said to him, 'Follow Me.' " -Jn 21:19

Praise: St. Rita's constant prayer for her abusive husband bore fruit as he repented of his sins on his deathbed.

(For a related teaching, order our tape Don't Stifle the Spirit" on audio AV 56-3 or video V-56.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

GUIDANCE COUNSELOR - One Bread, One Body, 5/21/2015

Pentecost Novena Day 7 - Thursday

Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 22:30; 23:6-11
John 17:20-26

Be silent:

Pray: Jesus, baptize me, that is, immerse me in the Holy Spirit and in the fire of purification (Matthew 3:11).

Thursday, May 21, 2015, St. Christopher Magallanes, Pentecost Novena - Day 7

Acts 22:30; 23:6-11, Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052115.cfm


"I bless the Lord Who counsels me." -Psalm 16:7

God the Father is "great in counsel" (Jer 32:19), always guiding us in every situation. He counsels us by day and by night (Ps 16:7). "He has counsel in store for the upright" (Prv 2:7).
God the Father has sent us Jesus, the "Wonder-Counselor" (Is 9:5). Jesus counsels us through His Word (see Ps 119:24), through direct personal guidance (see Is 30:21), and through the teaching ministry of His Church (see Lk 10:16).
Jesus and the Father have sent us the Holy Spirit. The Spirit counsels us in practical ways. For example, the Spirit clearly instructed Philip step-by-step in his evangelization of the Ethopian official (Acts 8:29ff). The Holy Spirit instructs and counsels us in everything (Jn 14:26). He guides us to all truth (Jn 16:13).
Certainly the Lord intends to guide us in our personal lives. However, He expects us to take the gift He gives us and use it to bear fruit (Mt 10:8). He counsels us so that we can give counsel to others. When we received the Holy Spirit at our Baptism and Confirmation, we received "a spirit of counsel" (see Is 11:2).
So many people have been led astray by ungodly counsel. You may be the only godly counselor some people will ever meet. Therefore, ask the Holy Spirit to increase your spiritual gift of counsel and lead you into contact with those who need it. May your words of counsel have a great, lasting effect (see 1 Sm 3:19).

Prayer: Triune God, I will stop listening to the world's "experts" and devote myself to following Your advice (Prv 3:1-6).

Promise: "You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in Your presence, the delights at Your right hand forever." -Ps 16:11

Praise: St. Christopher gave his executioners absolution before he and Agustin Caloca were martyred.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


Copyright © 2015 Presentation Ministries

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

RIGHT GUARD - One Bread, One Body, 5/20/2015

Pentecost Novena Day 6 - Wednesday

Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 20:28-38
John 17:11-19

Be silent

Pray: Spirit of truth, consecrate me by means of truth. By obedience to the truth may I be purified for a genuine love of my brothers and sisters (1 Peter 1:22). I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015, St. Bernardine of Siena, Pentecost Novena - Day 6

Acts 20:28-38, Psalm 68:29-30, 33-36, John 17:11-19
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052015.cfm


"I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to guard them from the evil one." -John 17:15

Savage wolves will come from within the Church (Acts 20:29) to distort the truth and lead astray "any who follow them" (Acts 20:30). As part of the persecution from these savage wolves, we will have to contend with the hatred of the world (Jn 17:14) and the rage of the devil against us (see Rv 12:12; 1 Pt 5:8).
We definitely need to be guarded, and in addition to our guardian angels, the Holy Spirit has assigned people to guard us (Acts 20:28). The leaders of the Church have a special responsibility to guard us, especially the Pope. Therefore, we must be submissive to the Pope and the leaders of the Church, or the Holy Spirit's chosen method of guarding us will be ineffective.
Do you know what the Pope is teaching? Do you try to read his letters (encyclicals) to you? Do you know what the Church teaches? Have you read at least part of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? We must know what the Church teaches in order to obey her. We must be obediently submissive to the Church in order to be guarded according to the plan of the Spirit. We need to be guarded so we won't be hurt badly or destroyed. Be guarded. Come, Holy Spirit!

Prayer: Father, though a thousand fall at my side (Ps 91:7), may I stand protected, untouched, safe, and saved.

Promise: "You need to recall the words of the Lord Jesus Himself, Who said, 'There is more happiness in giving than receiving.' " -Acts 20:35

Praise: St. Bernardine gave so much of himself that he would often preach for three or four hours and sometimes additional sermons as well. His goal was that "the shining splendor of [Jesus'] name causes His word to be proclaimed and heard."

(To better know the Pope's teachings, order our monthly bulletin insert, "Pope Francis - Shepherd of Truth", for yourself and your parish.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

BE SHRINK-PROOF - One Bread, One Body, 5/19/2015

Pentecost Novena Day 5 - Tuesday

Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 20:17-27
John 17:1-11

Be silent

Pray: Father, send the Holy Spirit to give me the power to be a witness for Jesus. May I not be ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16). I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015, Pentecost Novena - Day 5

Acts 20:17-27, Psalm 68:10-11, 20-21, John 17:1-11
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/051915.cfm


"I have never shrunk from announcing to you God's design in its entirety." -Acts 20:27

Satan must be enjoying the shrinking in the Church: the shrinking ranks of priests, religious sisters, and brothers, shrinking faith, shrinking attendance at Mass, shrinking collections, shrinking lines for Confession, shrinking numbers of catechumens, shrinking family sizes, and so on. Numerous seminaries, convents, inner-city parishes, and parochial schools have shrunk so much that they've been closed. Some days it seems that the only thing pertaining to the Church that's not shrinking is the number of people lining up to criticize her.
Historically, when the Church has been shrinking, the Lord has raised up shrink-resistant men and women who never shrink from speaking the total truth of God's plan (Acts 20:27). They insist "solemnly on repentance before God" (Acts 20:21). They never shrink from telling people what is for their good, or from teaching them in every way God's truth (Acts 20:20).
The Holy Spirit lavishes us with grace to expand. Yet we must put aside our old, fearful nature which shrinks from the fear of man. Jesus taught that no one sews a new "unshrunken" cloth onto an old cloth (Mt 9:16), else it would tear loose. We can't mix our old "shrinking-violet" ways with the Holy Spirit. Nothing good comes from shrinking away. As Job proclaims: "What I fear overtakes me, and what I shrink from comes upon me" (Jb 3:25).
Repent of fear. Be shrink-resistant in the Spirit (Acts 2:4). Help the Church expand again. "The Spirit God has given us is no cowardly spirit, but rather One That makes us strong" (2 Tm 1:7).

Prayer: Father, I'm not ashamed of the gospel (Rm 1:16). I'm "proud to profess it in Christ Jesus" (Easter Baptismal Promises).

Promise: "Eternal life is this: to know You, the only true God, and Him Whom You have sent, Jesus Christ." -Jn 17:3

Praise: Once Sarah didn't dare speak out against wrongs she saw. Now in the Spirit she fights boldly for the Truth.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


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Monday, May 18, 2015

YOUR PENTECOST CONFESSION - One Bread, One Body, 5/18/2015

Pentecost Novena Day 4 - Monday

Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 19:1-8
John 16:29-33

Be silent

Pray: Father, may the Holy Spirit come down on me so that I will speak in tongues and utter prophecies. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, May 18, 2015, Pope St. John I, Pentecost Novena - Day 4

Acts 19:1-8, Psalm 68:2-7, John 16:29-33
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/051815.cfm


"As Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came down on them and they began to speak in tongues and to utter prophecies. There were in the company about twelve men in all." -Acts 19:6-7

The twelve Ephesian men so readily gave their lives to Jesus and received the Holy Spirit because they had received John's baptism of repentance (see Acts 19:3-4). At the first Christian Pentecost, Peter told the people to repent in order to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). On the evening of the day on which Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus commanded His apostles to receive the Holy Spirit (Jn 20:22). Then he delegated them to forgive sins in His name (Jn 20:23). The risen Jesus made it clear that the baptism of repentance accompanies the baptism in the Spirit (see Mk 1:4, 8).
On this fourth day of the Pentecost Novena, plan to go to Confession as soon as possible. One of the first works of the Spirit is to convict us of sin (Jn 16:8). If we respond to this grace by repenting, we open the door to an amazing series of movements of the Holy Spirit. It is both a necessity and a privilege for us to repent as deeply as possible. When even one person repents, all in heaven, including the Holy Spirit, rejoice (Lk 15:7). Repent. Give God joy. Receive the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Father, may sin lose its hold on me (see Heb 12:1).

Promise: "You will suffer in the world. But take courage! I have overcome the world." -Jn 16:33

Praise: Pope St. John I preached love even for heretical Arians and died of starvation from his imprisonment for "treason." "Blest are you who hunger; you shall be filled" (Lk 6:20-21).

(For a related teaching, order our tape on The Secret of Confession" on audio AV 44-3 or video V-44.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


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Sunday, May 17, 2015

DONE DEAD OR DONE GOOD? - One Bread, One Body, 5/17/2015

Pentecost Novena Day 3 - Sunday

Pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Year A
Acts 1:12-14
1 Peter 4:13-16
John 17:1-11

Year B
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26
1 John 4:11-16
John 17:11-19

Year C
Acts 7:55-60
Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20
John 17:20-26

Be silent

Pray: Father, make us one in the Spirit. As You have forgiven me, may I accept Your grace to forgive immediately all who have sinned against me. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, May 17, 2015, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost Novena - Day 3

Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 1:17-23 or, Ephesians 4:1-13, Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9, Mark 16:15-20
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/051715.cfm


"He was lifted up before their eyes in a cloud which took Him from their sight." -Acts 1:9

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He mounted "His throne amid shouts of joy; the Lord, amid trumpet blasts" (Ps 47:6). All the angels and saints were giving Jesus a "prostrate ovation" in recognition that He, the Lord of lords and the King of kings, had accomplished the plan of salvation.
The apostles shared in this worship of the glorified and enthroned Christ, but they "had entertained doubts" (Mt 28:17). On the cross, when Jesus said: "It is finished," His disciples probably thought that He was saying His life was over rather than that God's plan was fulfilled. When Jesus ascended, no one had a new nature, no one was a child of God, no one had the Trinity dwelling in him, and no one had the power to make disciples of all nations (see Mt 28:19). Why would the ascending Jesus be acclaimed in heaven when He left so much unfinished business?
Because God the Father through Jesus sent within a few days the Holy Spirit, Jesus' ascension was right on time. In the Holy Spirit, Jesus' disciples were baptized, received a share in the divine nature (2 Pt 1:4), were dwelling in the Trinity and the Trinity in them, and were made holy, royal, priestly, chosen, and powerful to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Pentecost makes Jesus' ascension glorious rather than bewildering. Let us devote ourselves "to constant prayer" for the coming of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:14).

Prayer: Father, in the Spirit may I do my part in Your plan.

Promise: "It is like the strength He showed in raising Christ from the dead and seating Him at His right hand." -Eph 1:19-20

Praise: Praise the ascended Jesus, "seen by the angels; preached among the Gentiles, believed in throughout the world, taken up into glory" (1 Tm 3:16).


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from April 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 21, 2014

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


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