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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

HE LIVES - One Bread, One Body, 10/01/2020

Thursday, October 1, 2020, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus

Job 19:21-27
Psalm 27:7-9, 13-14
Luke 10:1-12
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Job prayed that his words would be inscribed in a record (Jb 19:23). His prayer was answered when these words became part of the Bible. Job also prayed that his words would be cut in the rock forever with an iron chisel and with lead. His following words were even further immortalized through Handel's Messiah. Job proclaimed: "I know that my Vindicator lives" (Jb 19:25), which is also translated: "I know that my Redeemer liveth."

   See Reference below "Editor's note" regarding lack of reflection.   




Editor's note: The words you read above are the last written words of Father Albert Lauer, founder and long-time author of One Bread, One Body (OBOB). Fr. Al passed from this life to His eternal reward on October 13, 2002. He wrote these words in great suffering from his deathbed two weeks before he died of liver cancer. So intense were the sufferings of his final weeks that he was not able to complete this final teaching. The words of those dying in the Lord are precious to Him (see Ps 116:15). Father's final words to you proclaim his undying faith in Jesus, his Redeemer. His life was a constant proclamation that Jesus is Lord and Redeemer, "the Resurrection and the Life" (Jn 11:25), "the Way, and the Truth, and the Life" (Jn 14:6). Please pray for his soul and be assured that he is praying assiduously for you, his beloved readers of OBOB. In the Holy Spirit, and in Fr. Al's spirit, we at Presentation Ministries are continuing to produce OBOB. We have produced another eighteen years of OBOB teachings since Father's death, drawing heavily upon Fr. Al's twenty years of teachings. Fr. Al Lauer, pray for us. "I know that my Redeemer lives!" (To learn more about Fr. Al Lauer and Presentation Ministries, order, view or download our booklet, The Presentation Story, on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


Copyright © Presentation Ministries

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

“HOW GREAT THOU ART” - One Bread, One Body,=?utf-8?Q?_09/30/2020?=

Wednesday, September 30, 2020, St. Jerome

Job 9:1-12, 14-16
Psalm 88:10-15
Luke 9:57-62
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"Should one wish to contend with Him, he could not answer Him once in a thousand times." —Job 9:3

God is beyond the powers of human expression. “He removes the mountains before they know it; He overturns them in His anger. He shakes the earth out of its place, and the pillars beneath it tremble” (Jb 9:5-6). “He alone stretches out the heavens and treads upon the crests of the sea” (Jb 9:8). “He does great things past finding out, marvelous things beyond reckoning” (Jb 9:10). “Should He seize me forcibly, who can say Him nay? Who can say to Him, ‘What are You doing?’ ” (Jb 9:12)
The truth that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” echoes throughout the Scriptures (e.g. see Ps 111:10). We feel amazement, awe, and wonder at the presence of the almighty God. “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb 10:31). “How great Thou art!”
When we have a more realistic awareness of Him, everything comes into right perspective. We realize our privilege to be in His kingdom. We recognize that the greatest honor possible for a human being is to praise and serve God. We feel blessed to suffer (Rm 8:17), even to die for Him. We almost faint to think we receive the all-holy God into our bodies in Holy Communion. When we have the fear of the Lord, we disdain a minimalistic, mediocre Christianity and abandon ourselves to a life of joyful, sacrificial commitment to the Lord.

Prayer: Jesus, why did You ever pay any attention to me? Thank You, Lord, for loving me.

Promise: "Jesus answered him, 'Whoever puts his hand to the plow but keeps looking back is unfit for the reign of God.' " —Lk 9:62

Praise: St. Jerome is the Church's greatest biblical scholar. Jerome wrote, "The reading of Holy Scriptures should follow upon prayer, and prayer in turn should follow reading."


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


Copyright © Presentation Ministries

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Monday, September 28, 2020

FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES - One Bread, One Body, 09/29/2020

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 , Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Revelation 12:7-12
Psalm 138:1-5
John 1:47-51
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"You shall see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." ––John 1:51

How often do you think about the Archangels? How often do you think about your guardian angel? It appears Jesus often thinks of His angels, since He frequently refers to them in the Gospels. “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, escorted by all the angels of heaven, He will sit upon His royal throne” (Mt 25:31). Seeing that angels enjoy such intimacy with the Lord, it’s incumbent upon us to further investigate our relationship with them.
Angels are creatures, purely spirit and possessing superior intellect. “In Him everything in heaven and on earth was created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominations, principalities or powers; all were created through Him, and for Him” (Col 1:16). In God’s redemptive plan, He uses these messengers at many critical points in salvation history. Angels:
• protected Lot (Gn 19:15),
• saved Hagar and her child (Gn 21:17ff),
• stayed Abraham’s hand (Gn 22:11-12),
• announced the birth of John the Baptist (Lk 1:11-13) and that of Jesus Himself (Lk 1:26-31),
• protected Jesus in His infancy (Mt 2:13),
• served Him in the desert (Mt 4:11), and 
• strengthened Him in His agony in the garden (Lk 22:43).
On this feast day, ask for the intercession of the Archangels.  God’s powerful messengers will deliver your petition to the heavenly throne (see Rv 8:3).

Prayer: Father, open the eyes of my heart to fully comprehend the communion of saints.

Promise: "You built up strength within me." ––Ps 138:3

Praise: "I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who enter and serve before the Glory of the Lord" (Tb 12:15).

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Sunday, September 27, 2020

ABSENCE OF MALICE - One Bread, One Body, 09/28/2020

Monday, September 28, 2020, St. Wenceslaus St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions

Job 1:6-22
Psalm 17:1-3, 6-7
Luke 9:46-50
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"Though You test my heart, searching it in the night, though You try me with fire, You shall find no malice in me." —Psalm 17:3

In one day, Job lost everything that was precious to him. Satan placed his bets on Job responding to this tragedy with malice by blaspheming God to His face (Jb 1:11). “In all this Job did not sin, nor did he say anything disrespectful of God” (Jb 1:22). Rather, Job responded: “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!” (Jb 1:21)
The prophet Jonah faced a much smaller dose of adversity. In one hot day, he found and then lost a shade tree, which had provided comfort and relief to him (Jon 4:7). Based on previous reactions, Satan didn’t have to bet on Jonah’s response to an inconvenience; he knew Jonah would respond with anger toward God and pity toward himself (Jon 4:9).
One man reacts to major tragedy with grace and humility, giving honor to God. Another man reacts to a minor setback with petty, self-centered anger and blames God. What causes the difference? One major reason is the absence of malice (Ps 17:3). Jonah harbored malice toward the people of Nineveh, and could not let go of that bitterness. Conversely, Job made a daily practice of praying fervently and was an upright man, “fearing God and avoiding evil” (Jb 1:1, 5). When tough times came, each man responded “from his heart’s abundance” (Lk 6:45). Are you ready for tough times? Who do you need to forgive?

Prayer: Father, create a clean heart in me (Ps 51:12). Help me to decide to forgive everyone who has hurt me.

Promise: "Whoever welcomes Me welcomes Him Who sent Me." —Lk 9:48

Praise: St. Lawrence travelled to Japan with Dominican priests, not fully understanding the persecution that awaited them. He never renounced the Faith, winning a martyr's crown.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


Copyright © Presentation Ministries

To add your e-mail address to this list go to https://www.presentationministries.com/subscribe/email

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PM eNewsletter 26th Sunday in ordinary time

September 27th 26th Sunday in ordinary time.

This week Jesus, Your church celebrates three great archangels, St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael.

These three angels are shining examples of how You love us, and protect us, by sending them to be Your
messengers to us, and with all of our own guardian angels to be with us everyday.

Jesus, Your plan of loving us is so amazing that we can't really understand it or truly appreciate it.

But that doesn't stop You from giving us help that we need to get through this life, so that someday we
will come home and spend eternity with you.

Thank You for loving us.

Amen and Amen.

Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.

For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.

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One Bread, One Body

This weeks readings and reflections


"Since he has turned away from all the sins which he committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die."
--Ezekiel 18:28

In track competition, sometimes a sprinter is described as "strong out of the blocks but weak to the finish."
We can picture an explosive start followed by running out of gas. Often, the natural world provides relevant
metaphors for our spiritual life. "When a virtuous man turns away from virtue to commit iniquity, and dies,
it is because of the iniquity he committed that he must die" (Ez 18:26). This is not the route we want to
follow. The Lord teaches us that he who perseveres to the end will be saved (see Mt 24:13).

Since the Lord is abundantly merciful, it is never too late. Jesus, in today's Gospel, paints a picture of
family life. It is a scene repeated throughout history: One son speaks disrespectfully to his father but does
the right thing; the other son pays lip service, while dissenting in his heart. "What do you think of this
case?" (Mt 21:28ff) Jesus poses this question to the chief priests and elders, leaders of the people in His
day. But we must challenge ourselves in the same way. Have we become disobedient? "When John came preaching
a way of holiness, you put no faith in him; but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did believe in him.
Yet even when you saw that, you did not repent and believe in him" (Mt 21:32).

Possibly a dose of humility would do us good (see Phil 2:3). Don't limp to the finish line! Repent and get
back on track. Run to Confession.

Prayer: Father, enlighten our minds to know Your truth and guide our footsteps in the ways of righteousness.

Promise: "Good and upright is the Lord; thus He shows sinners the way." --Ps 25:8

Praise: "...And every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!" (Phil 2:11)


"Though You test my heart, searching it in the night, though You try me with fire, You shall find no malice
in me." -Psalm 17:3


"You shall see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." --John 1:51

For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at

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" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."

This Week's Featured Publications

· Accepting Jesus as Lord, Savior, and God

· Unforgiveness is the Cause

· The Challenge of Making Disciples in a "Culture of Death"

· Home-Schooling and Home-Discipling

· Who Am I in Christ?

"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings himself to nought for
Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39

We must know who we are before we .....................................

Brochures by Topic

PM Internet Prayer Requests

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary that never was it known that anyone who fled to Your protection,
implored Your help, or sought Your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, we fly to
you, O Virgin of virgins, our Mother. To You we come; before You we stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother
of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in Your mercy, hear and answer us. Amen.
September 26, 2020

Pray the Rosary daily. Our Lady Of The Rosary Intercede for us.
September 26, 2020

Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy, may your healing hand rest upon me, may your life giving powers flow
into every cell of my body and into the depths of my soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring me to wholeness
and strength for service in your Kingdom. Amen.
September 25, 2020

Please pray the Prayer to Saint Michael often throughout each day for our children and grandchildren in
school which have become the breeding ground for the devil: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do
Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the Divine Power of God - cast into hell, satan and all the evil
spirits, who roam around our streets, schools and school boards, media, internet, social media, all levels of
governments throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. ---- Pray this as Saint Teresa of Calcutta
would as an Express Novena...9 times (one after another) and 1 last time for Thanksgiving!
September 25, 2020

Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.

Audio by Topic
Catholic MP3 Talks & Teachings

The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John are featured as well as covering the entire New Testament thru Revelation.
Also available, many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute
Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.

Take a moment and check the link below

Small Christian Communities

We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
form communities

PM's Small Christian Community Network

Learn about the Communities in our Network

Small Christian Community Resources

Introduction to Small Christian Community

"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:

Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)

Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)

For more information contact: community@presentationministries.com

Bible Telephone Line

The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 28 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with Deacon Ken Meade from the Archdiocese of Cleveland and two lay teachers, Jon Smith of
Fortville, IN and Darlene Davis of Greenfield, IN.. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on
the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also
leave a short prayer request which will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day on
a separate line.


United States: 513-823-3111

Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257

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The Gospel of Luke: The Holy Spirit Forms Disciples (Oct 16-18)
Married Couples' Retreat (Nov 13)
Men's Retreat: Answer the Holy Spirit's Call: "Ignite the Holy Fire!" (Dec 4-6)


LIVING the BEATITUDES Retreat (Feb 19)

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Visit Presentation Ministries at http://www.presentationministries.com

Saturday, September 26, 2020

ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO! - One Bread, One Body, 09/27/2020

Sunday, September 27, 2020, 26th Sunday Ordinary Time

Ezekiel 18:25-28
Philippians 2:1-11
Psalm 25:4-9
Matthew 21:28-32

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"Since he has turned away from all the sins which he committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die." ––Ezekiel 18:28

In track competition, sometimes a sprinter is described as “strong out of the blocks but weak to the finish.” We can picture an explosive start followed by running out of gas. Often, the natural world provides relevant metaphors for our spiritual life. “When a virtuous man turns away from virtue to commit iniquity, and dies, it is because of the iniquity he committed that he must die” (Ez 18:26). This is not the route we want to follow. The Lord teaches us that he who perseveres to the end will be saved (see Mt 24:13).
Since the Lord is abundantly merciful, it is never too late.  Jesus, in today’s Gospel, paints a picture of family life. It is a scene repeated throughout history: One son speaks disrespectfully to his father but does the right thing; the other son pays lip service, while dissenting in his heart. “What do you think of this case?” (Mt 21:28ff) Jesus poses this question to the chief priests and elders, leaders of the people in His day. But we must challenge ourselves in the same way. Have we become disobedient? “When John came preaching a way of holiness, you put no faith in him; but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did believe in him. Yet even when you saw that, you did not repent and believe in him” (Mt 21:32).
Possibly a dose of humility would do us good (see Phil 2:3). Don’t limp to the finish line! Repent and get back on track. Run to Confession.

Prayer: Father, enlighten our minds to know Your truth and guide our footsteps in the ways of righteousness.

Promise: "Good and upright is the Lord; thus He shows sinners the way." ––Ps 25:8

Praise: "...And every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!" (Phil 2:11)

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


Copyright © Presentation Ministries

To add your e-mail address to this list go to https://www.presentationministries.com/subscribe/email

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Friday, September 25, 2020

FOR GOD IT’S ALWAYS NOW - One Bread, One Body, 09/2=?utf-8?Q?6/2020?=

Saturday, September 26, 2020, Sts. Cosmas & Damian

Ecclesiastes 11:9—12:8
Psalm 90:3-6, 12-14, 17
Luke 9:43-45
View Readings

"For a thousand years in your sight are as yesterday, now that it is past, or as a watch of the night." ––Psalm 90:4

Human beings tend to be creatures of habit. One habitual skill most of us possess is a keen ability to forget things! Bogged down by our daily hustle and bustle, we rarely remember the transitory nature of life. Over time, God’s transcendence may momentarily break into our humdrum lives — but just as quickly these epiphanies generally fade. The Lord, knowing our weakness, is forebearing with us. “Consider that our Lord’s patience is directed toward salvation” (2 Pt 3:15). This is an unmerited blessing. 
The Psalmist, echoing a prayer of Moses, reminds us we “are like the changing grass” (Ps 90:5). Have we listened? The author of Ecclesiastes, recalling the wisdom of Solomon, tells us “the dust returns to the earth as it once was, and the life breath returns to God Who gave it” (Eccl 12:7). Have we contemplated this truth? St. Peter, calling to mind the Hebrew Scriptures, continues to challenge us: “This point must not be overlooked, dear friends.  In the Lord’s eyes, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day” (2 Pt 3:8; cf Ps 90:4). Do we recognize our mortality? How many prophets and apostles does the Lord need to send?
Jesus broke into our world and made the great I AM present (see Jn 8:57-58). Focus on the eternal. “God has overlooked the times of ignorance, but now He demands that all people everywhere repent” (Acts 17:30, RNAB). Let us no longer presume God’s patience.  Repent!

Prayer: Father, teach me to conquer procrastination.

Promise: "Rejoice, O young man, while you are young, and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart, the vision of your eyes; Yet understand that as regards all this God will bring you to judgment." ––Eccl 11:9

Praise: Sts. Cosmas & Damian, twin brothers and medical doctors, never accepted payment for their services.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


Copyright © Presentation Ministries

To add your e-mail address to this list go to https://www.presentationministries.com/subscribe/email

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Thursday, September 24, 2020

THE DEATH OF TIME - One Bread, One Body, 09/25/2020

Friday, September 25, 2020,

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Psalm 144:1-4
Luke 9:18-22
View Readings

"He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts." —Ecclesiastes 3:11

The writer of Ecclesiastes continues his bleak description of life by saying: “There is an appointed time for everything” (Eccl 3:1). In his view, everything is ruled by fate. Our dedication, creativity, and hard work mean nothing. They are negated by the tyranny of time. Things will happen when they are fated to happen, and we can’t do a thing about it. So why try? Is there any hope?
Jesus is the Hope of the world. His Resurrection has freed us from the tyranny of time. Baptized into Jesus and living for Him, we, in our daily activity, are making a difference rather than being deceived. Therefore, the most important thing in the world is to know and love our risen Lord and then to decide to live totally for Him and no longer for ourselves (2 Cor 5:14-15). When we decide to give our lives totally to Jesus, we lose our self-deceptions and chains and receive eternal life in the risen Christ.
How merciful the Lord has been to us! How privileged we are to live for Him and to have the exalted mission of telling the world about Him, “the Resurrection and the Life”! (Jn 11:25) Jesus became a Man and entered time so that we can escape from time’s tyranny. Jesus will come a final time, on the last day, and that will be the end of time. Come, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!  (Rv 22:20)

Prayer: Father, day by day may I enter more deeply into eternal life.

Promise: " 'But you — who do you say that I am?' He asked them. Peter said in reply, 'The Messiah of God.' " —Lk 9:20

Praise: A close call with possible death brought Tom back to an active prayer life.

(For a related teaching on Meeting the Risen Christ, order, listen to, or download our CD 4A-1 or DVD 4A on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


Copyright © Presentation Ministries

To add your e-mail address to this list go to https://www.presentationministries.com/subscribe/email

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

FROM VANITY TO TRINITY - One Bread, One Body, 09/24/2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020,

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11
Psalm 90:3-6, 12-14, 17
Luke 9:7-9
View Readings

"Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!" —Ecclesiastes 1:2

Solomon was the most learned, richest, and possibly most powerful man in the world. He was smart enough to realize that his life and all lives had no meaning. Life was hopeless. People today try to avoid facing such a bleak reality by many distractions, addictions, and forms of escapism, but this “mad dash” only shows how desperate we are.
The only way to be saved from the impossible situation of life without hope is to be baptized into Jesus, receive a new nature and a new life (Rm 6:4), become sons or daughters of God, and members of the Church, the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27), by which we share in the communion of saints. If we are living in and for Christ, every detail of our lives is charged with meaning and love. As sons or daughters of God and partakers in the divine nature (2 Pt 1:4), our very beings and all that we do are in Christ and in His body the Church. Thus, our selves and actions are taken up into the divine life, action, and infinite fulfillment of the Holy Trinity. Our lives enter into the mystery of God. Thus, the cry of the human race changes from “Vanity” to “Trinity.”
Therefore, let us pray to live by faith in the Trinity and to resist temptations to sin so that nothing will endanger our living this new life.

Prayer: Father, thank You for changing everything by sending Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I worship You now and forever. May I share this new life with the hopeless.

Promise: "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart." —Ps 90:12

Praise: Ron and Joan repented of making up their own minds concerning birth control. Deciding to follow the Church completely, they are joyously expecting their fourth child.

(For a related teaching on Effects of Sin, order, listen to, or download our CD 81-3 or DVD 81 on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY EXPERIENCES - One Bread, One Body,09/23/2020

Wednesday, September 23, 2020, St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Proverbs 30:5-9
Psalm 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163
Luke 9:1-6
View Readings

"Jesus now called the Twelve together and gave them power and authority to overcome all demons and to cure diseases." —Luke 9:1

“So they set out and went from village to village, spreading the good news everywhere and curing diseases” (Lk 9:6). It seems that at various times in the past, the Lord did many more healings through the Church. Although the Lord is doing many more healings in the present of which we are not aware, it is quite possible that we are not seeing as many healings now because we:
• are ignorant that the Lord wants to heal through us,
• have not tried to heal in Jesus’ name,
• are not following Jesus’ directions and simplifying our lives (Lk 9:3ff), which can be part of the ecology of healing,
• are not proclaiming God’s kingdom (see Lk 9:2), since healing accompanies this proclamation, and
• have not forgiven those who have rejected us (see Lk 9:5), which sabotages healing and the whole Christian life.
Although these comments about reasons for possibly fewer healings today are valid, many times we must realize that we don’t know why something seems to be different than Biblical standards. At that point, we should not deny or water down in any way the truth of divine revelation in the Scriptures. The Scriptures do not need to be altered to fit our limited human experience. Rather, we should humbly realize that we need to grow in faith and love so as to let the Lord work through us much more freely.
“Every word of God is tested” (Prv 30:5) and true (Jn 17:17). By God’s grace, let us always try to measure up to the truth.


Prayer: Father, thank You for transcending our understanding.

Promise: "The law of Your mouth is to me more precious than thousands of gold and silver pieces." —Ps 119:72

Praise: St. Pio passed from this life in 1968 — a modern saint. In 2002 at St. Pio's canonization, Pope St. John Paul II commented, "Padre Pio was a generous dispenser of divine mercy."


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Monday, September 21, 2020

POOR ME - One Bread, One Body, 09/22/2020

Tuesday, September 22, 2020,

Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13
Psalm 119:1, 27, 30, 34-35, 44
Luke 8:19-21
View Readings

"He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will himself also call and not be heard." —Proverbs 21:13

Whatever we do for “the least of the brethren,” we do for Jesus (see Mt 25:40). When we don’t give to “the least of the brethren,” we also deprive ourselves of receiving. We’ll have possessions which we’ve withheld from the poor, but we won’t have power, peace, joy, or fulfillment.
If we don’t answer the prayers of the poor, the Lord doesn’t answer our prayer (see Prv 21:13). “If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members share its joy” (1 Cor 12:26). We’re either happy all together or we’re all unhappy. For example, if one part of your physical body is hurting, your whole body is suffering. Even if you try to ignore that part of your body, it still hurts, and so do you. We’re in this together, whether we like it or not.
The first world is depressed because the third world is oppressed. When we love the poor, we love a part of our own body. The Lord promises: “Happy is he who has regard for the lowly and the poor; in the day of misfortune the Lord will deliver him. The Lord will keep and preserve him; He will make him happy on the earth, and not give him over to the will of his enemies. The Lord will help him on his sickbed, He will take away all his ailment when he is ill” (Ps 41:2-4).

Prayer: Father, may I lavishly give to the poor (Ps 112:9).

Promise: Jesus "told them in reply, 'My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and act upon it.' " —Lk 8:21

Praise: Peter and his family work together serving at a monthly soup kitchen.

(For a related teaching on Beatitudes, order, listen to, or download our CD 44-3 or DVD 44 on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Sunday, September 20, 2020

WHO, ME? - One Bread, One Body, 09/21/2020

Monday, September 21, 2020, St. Matthew

Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13
Psalm 19:2-5
Matthew 9:9-13
View Readings

Matthew "got up and followed [Jesus]." —Matthew 9:9

Jesus broke into St. Matthew’s life. Matthew, a tax collector, was working at a job that, at the time, was only done by turning his back on his Jewish faith and his Jewish people. Holy and faithful Jews considered a fellow Jew who collected taxes from his own people for the occupying Roman government to be the worst of sinners, in the same category as prostitutes (see Mt 21:31-32).
Jesus entered Matthew’s customs post, looked at Matthew, and called him, saying “Follow Me.” Matthew “got up and followed Him” (Mt 9:9). The Greek word for “got up” is the same word used for “rising from the dead.” Matthew literally rose from the death of sin to follow Jesus to new life.
Jesus calls each of us to “follow Him,” just as He called Matthew. If we feel unworthy to answer His call, Jesus reminds us, “I have come to call sinners” (see Mt 9:13).
Matthew joyfully welcomed Jesus into his home, like Zacchaeus would later do. Let us do the same. 

Prayer: Father, give me the grace to "rise up" from any apathy, fear, sin, and distractions and follow Jesus wherever He calls me.

Promise: "There is but one body and one Spirit, just as there is but one hope given all of you by your call." —Eph 4:4

Praise: St. Matthew had no hesitation in following Jesus and offering Him hospitality (Mt 9:9-10). St. Matthew, pray for us!

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.) (Celebrate the feast of St. Matthew by reading his gospel. Order, view or download our booklet Simple Reading Guide to Matthew and Mark on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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PM eNewsletter 25th Sunday in ordinary time

Sept 20th Twenty fifth Sunday in ordinary time

We call this season of the year, ordinary time, yet in You nothing is ordinary.

Just to know You in the Eucharist, and see You in the breaking of the bread, should be for us a cause
of great joy.

The fact that You are always with us in all the tabernacles of the world, ready to listen and help us,
should give us a tremendous sense of peace.

We know that You are truly there, just waiting for us to visit, and give You praise and glorify, thank
You, the Christ.

Amen and Amen.

Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.

For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.

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One Bread, One Body

This weeks readings and reflections


"I long to be freed from this life and to be with Christ, for that is the far better thing." -Philippians 1:23

St. Paul faced "death every day" (1 Cor 15:31). He was on "death row" on more than one occasion. Paul
faced death and smiled at it. He even taunted death when he proclaimed: "O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?" (1 Cor 15:55) Paul said: "Dying is so much gain" (Phil 1:21). He said that
he felt as strongly attracted to dying as living (Phil 1:23), although he considered dying in Christ "the
far better thing" (Phil 1:23).

Paul was freed from slavery to the fear of death (see Heb 2:15) because to him, life meant Christ
(Phil 1:21). When we totally give our lives to Christ, we believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and the
Life (Jn 11:25), Who has put death to death by His death on the cross (see Heb 2:14). When we give our
lives to Jesus, we give our deaths to Jesus, Who holds "the keys of death and the nether world" (Rv 1:18).
In Christ, there is no condemnation (Rm 8:1). In Christ, slavery to the fear of death is swallowed up in
victory (1 Cor 15:54).

On this and every Sunday, we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection from the dead. Today, give all to Jesus, smile
in the face of death, and live life freely and to the full (see Jn 10:10).

Prayer: Father, give me a happy death as soon as possible.

Promise: "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near." -Is 55:6

Praise: "I am the Resurrection and the Life: whoever believes in Me, though he should die, will come to
life; and whoever is alive and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" (Jn 11:25-26)

Monday WHO, ME?

Matthew "got up and followed [Jesus]." -Matthew 9:9

Tuesday POOR ME

"He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will himself also call and not be heard." -Proverbs 21:13

For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at

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" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."

This Week's Featured Publications

Accepting Jesus as Lord, Savior, and God
Unforgiveness is the Cause
The Challenge of Making Disciples in a "Culture of Death"
Home-Schooling and Home-Discipling

· Accepting Jesus as Lord, Savior, and God

· Unforgiveness is the Cause

· The Challenge of Making Disciples in a "Culture of Death"

· Home-Schooling and Home-Discipling

· Who Am I in Christ?

"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings himself to nought for
Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39

We must know who we are before we .....................................

Brochures by Topic

PM Internet Prayer Requests

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of our living God, please have mercy on the world and rid it of the COVID-19 virus.
Lead us all safely through to a better tomorrow.
September 15, 2020

For the spiritual and physical protection of our daughter EB and my husband CWB and for his complete
healing. And for the complete healing of my brother SFR who has tested positive for COVID-19. Thank You
Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here.
September 15, 2020

Thank you Lord for another day, Father please help me and give me the strength to do this job,in Jesus
name we pray Amen.
September 15, 2020

My goal is to have my will perfectly untied with God's Will. Amen!
September 14, 2020

Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.

Audio by Topic
Catholic MP3 Talks & Teachings

The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John are featured as well as covering the entire New Testament thru Revelation.
Also available, many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute
Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.

Take a moment and check the link below

Small Christian Communities

We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
form communities

PM's Small Christian Community Network

Learn about the Communities in our Network

Small Christian Community Resources

Introduction to Small Christian Community

"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:

Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)

Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)

For more information contact: community@presentationministries.com

Bible Telephone Line

The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 28 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with Deacon Ken Meade from the Archdiocese of Cleveland and two lay teachers, Jon Smith of
Fortville, IN and Darlene Davis of Greenfield, IN.. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on
the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also
leave a short prayer request which will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day on
a separate line.


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The Gospel of Luke: The Holy Spirit Forms Disciples (Oct 16-18)
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Men's Retreat: Answer the Holy Spirit's Call: "Ignite the Holy Fire!" (Dec 4-6)


LIVING the BEATITUDES Retreat (Feb 19)

Catholic Retreats

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Visit Presentation Ministries at http://www.presentationministries.com

Saturday, September 19, 2020

SISTER DEATH - One Bread, One Body, 09/20/2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020, 25th Sunday Ordinary Time

Isaiah 55:6-9
Philippians 1:20-24, 27
Psalm 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18
Matthew 20:1-16

View Readings

"I long to be freed from this life and to be with Christ, for that is the far better thing." —Philippians 1:23

St. Paul faced “death every day” (1 Cor 15:31). He was on “death row” on more than one occasion. Paul faced death and smiled at it. He even taunted death when he proclaimed: “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Cor 15:55) Paul said: “Dying is so much gain” (Phil 1:21). He said that he felt as strongly attracted to dying as living (Phil 1:23), although he considered dying in Christ “the far better thing” (Phil 1:23).
Paul was freed from slavery to the fear of death (see Heb 2:15) because to him, life meant Christ (Phil 1:21). When we totally give our lives to Christ, we believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life (Jn 11:25), Who has put death to death by His death on the cross (see Heb 2:14). When we give our lives to Jesus, we give our deaths to Jesus, Who holds “the keys of death and the nether world” (Rv 1:18). In Christ, there is no condemnation (Rm 8:1). In Christ, slavery to the fear of death is swallowed up in victory (1 Cor 15:54).
On this and every Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead. Today, give all to Jesus, smile in the face of death, and live life freely and to the full (see Jn 10:10).

Prayer: Father, give me a happy death as soon as possible.

Promise: "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near." —Is 55:6

Praise: "I am the Resurrection and the Life: whoever believes in Me, though he should die, will come to life; and whoever is alive and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" (Jn 11:25-26)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Friday, September 18, 2020

GRAIN ELEVATOR - One Bread, One Body, 09/19/2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020, St. Januarius

1 Corinthians 15:35-37, 42-49
Psalm 56:10-14
Luke 8:4-15
View Readings

"Some fell on good soil, grew up, and yielded grain a hundredfold." —Luke 8:8

A typical harvest of grain in the time of Jesus would be a sevenfold to eightfold yield. A hundredfold yield of grain could not possibly be attributed to the skill of the farmer or the fertility of the land. Jesus’ hearers would have understood that only the sheer grace of God could produce a hundredfold harvest.
Our approach to our daily reading of Scripture can resemble that of the Israelites who gathered the manna that God provided for decades in the desert (Ex 16:14ff). Many Israelites surely gathered it routinely year after year, seeing the miraculous food appear without perceiving; hearing others around them in the desert picking up their daily miracle from heaven without understanding (Lk 8:10). A normal routine of Scripture reading may not produce a hundredfold harvest, but rather the typical sevenfold or eightfold harvest that the Word of God automatically produces “of itself” (see Mk 4:28). If, by our own efforts, we are truly open to the Holy Spirit in our daily Scripture reading (Lk 8:15), perhaps we can increase the harvest to thirty or sixtyfold (Mt 13:8).
We at Presentation Ministries write One Bread, One Body to encourage you to read the daily Eucharistic readings before Mass. We encourage you to attend Mass daily, if possible, for at Holy Mass we are in the environment of miracles. Day by day, in the Eucharistic presence of Jesus, let’s expectantly ask Him to open our ears (Is 50:4). God will transform us and we will see an astounding, miraculous, hundredfold or greater harvest.

Prayer: Father, I tremble at Your Word (Is 66:2).

Promise: "To you the mysteries of the reign of God have been confided." —Lk 8:10

Praise: St. Januarius was martyred during Emperor Diocletian's persecution. His relics are preserved in Naples, Italy. Vials of his blood still regularly liquefy, defying natural explanation.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 25, 2020"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


Copyright © Presentation Ministries

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

JESUS IS RISEN! ALLELUIA FOREVER! - One Bread, One Body,09/18/2020

Friday, September 18, 2020,

1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Psalm 17:1, 6-8, 15
Luke 8:1-3
View Readings

"If Christ was not raised, your faith is worthless." —1 Corinthians 15:17

Jesus is raised from the dead, and He has promised to also raise from the dead those who live for Him. This is the major revelation of the Christian faith. If Jesus is risen, then He is God. If He is God, then all His revelations, claims, and promises must be true. If Jesus has not risen, then He is not God, and Christianity must be a sham. We are therefore not forgiven our sins (see 1 Cor 15:17). We are not born again. We are not children of God. We are not free, pure, or holy. “Those who have fallen asleep in Christ are the deadest of the dead” (1 Cor 15:18). If Christ is not risen, “we are the most pitiable of men” (1 Cor 15:19), life is meaningless, there is no hope for us, and we are doomed.
“But, as it is, Christ is now raised from the dead, the First Fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Cor 15:20). In the splendor of the risen Christ’s divine glory, we live a radically new life, as children of God, partakers in the divine nature (2 Pt 1:4), and as the Lord’s royal, priestly, and holy family (1 Pt  2:9). We are saved, redeemed, chosen, and called to be holy as the Lord is holy (see 1 Pt 1:15-16). We live in final victory, while we wait with Jesus for His enemies to be put beneath His feet (see Heb 10:12-13). Although we still take up our crosses each day (Lk 9:23) and share in the sufferings of Christ (Phil 3:10), we live the love, joy, and freedom of Christ’s risen life on earth and we look forward to living the perfection of that life face-to-face with Jesus in heaven.
With ever stronger faith, live the risen life to the full.

Prayer: Father, strengthen my faith in Jesus' Resurrection and show me ways that this faith is being subtly undermined.

Promise: "The Twelve accompanied Him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and maladies." —Lk 8:1-2

Praise: Working around her spouse's difficult schedule, Anna prayed that God work out a feasible Mass time for her. Since that prayer, she has been a daily communicant.


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from August 1, through September 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio October 1, 2019"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT - One Bread, One Body, 09/17/2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020, St. Robert Bellarmine

1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 28
Luke 7:36-50
View Readings

"You are being saved by it at this very moment if you hold fast to it as I preached it to you." —1 Corinthians 15:2

We pray God will do something for us, or thank Him for what He has done. We live in the past and in the future. However, the Lord wants us to be aware of Him at this very moment. “Now is the day of salvation!” (2 Cor 6:2) Now is the time to abandon our lives “to Him Whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine” (Eph 3:20).
When we pray for healing, do we expect an immediate response from God? Almost all Jesus’ healings in the Bible happened immediately. Has God changed His timing? Or are we not believing and so not receiving? The Lord promises: “Before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hearken to them” (Is 65:24). We think God is slow and we talk about waiting on the Lord, but He’s waiting on us. Jesus said to the two disciples: “How slow you are to believe!” (Lk 24:25) “Will [God] delay long over them, do you suppose? I tell you, He will give them swift justice. But when the Son of Man comes, will He find any faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:7-8)
The place is here, the person is you, and the time is now. Jesus said: “Your faith has been your salvation. Now go in peace” (Lk 7:50).

Prayer: Jesus, may I be living in and loving You now.

Promise: "You gave Me no kiss, but she has not ceased kissing My feet since I entered." —Lk 7:45

Praise: St. Robert was born in Tuscany but, after joining the Jesuits, was sent to Belgium. This was providential, as it exposed him to Protestantism. He is credited with developing the theological basis for the Catholic Reformation.

(Join us as we meet Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, Oct. 16-18, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Adams Co. Ohio. See www.presentationministries.com or email retreats@presentationministries.com or call 937-587-5464 for more information.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from August 1, through September 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio October 1, 2019"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

LOVE IS A FOUR-LETTER WORD - One Bread, One Body, 09/16/2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020, Pope St. Cornelius & St. Cyprian

1 Corinthians 12:31—13:13
Psalm 33:2-5, 12, 22
Luke 7:31-35
View Readings

"Love is patient; love is kind." —1 Corinthians 13:4

God is love (1 Jn 4:16). Without love, we gain nothing (1 Cor 13:3). They’ll know we are Christians by our love (Jn 13:35). Love is the essence of the Christian life. Love is an action more than a quality or condition. One translation of 1 Corinthians 13 is: “Love does patient things. Love does the kind thing,” etc. Love is not modified by an adjective but expressed by a verb. Furthermore, love does three things and does not do eight things. First, love does patient and kind things. A more exact translation would be: “Love suffers for a long time and removes others’ burdens.”
Love here is not so much feeling good but suffering. It is not self-centered but other-centered. The theme of selflessness is further expressed in the eight things that love does not do (1 Cor 13:4-6).  The climax of the passage is: “Love rejoices in the truth.” Love is not here related to feelings or sex but to joy and truth. When God speaks of love, He means something much different than we mean. Let us learn of love from God Who is Love (1 Jn 4:16).

Prayer: Jesus, give me divine love, unconditional love, Your love.

Promise: "God's wisdom is vindicated by all who accept it." —Lk 7:35

Praise: In the Third Century, Catholicism flourished in Northern Africa. St. Cyprian was Bishop of Carthage and administered his office with compassion. Not free from detractors, he was martyred in 258 AD.

(For a related teaching on Love, order, listen to, or download our CD 58-1 or DVD 58 on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from August 1, through September 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio October 1, 2019"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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Monday, September 14, 2020

MOM’S CRYING - One Bread, One Body, 09/15/2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020, Our Lady of Sorrows

1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31
John 19:25-27 or Luke 2:33-35 or Luke 7:11-17
Psalm 100:1-5
View Readings

"Jesus said to His mother, 'Woman, there is your son.' In turn He said to the disciple, 'There is your mother.' " —John 19:26-27

When a mother cries, a special power moves in the heart of each family member. When mom cries, we feel compelled to make peace and do whatever she tells us. Mother Mary tells us to do whatever Jesus tells us (Jn 2:5). So when she cries, it results in Jesus being obeyed.
When Jesus “offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to God” (Heb 5:7), His Father heard Him but most others ignored Him. Yet when mother Mary cries, it affects us differently. We are moved by her tears so as not to remain unmoved by His tears. Our hearts may be hardened, calloused, and cold. Yet when we see her crying, pierced with a sword, the thoughts of our hearts are laid bare (Lk 2:35). We see our insensitivity to the crucified Savior. When we see her crying at the foot of the cross, we notice we’re not crying when we should be (Jn 19:25).
How precious are a mother’s tears raining down on a dry, cold world! “At the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last” (Stabat Mater).

Prayer: Jesus, may I be ashamed not to cry before Your cross.

Promise: "Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother: 'This Child is destined to be the downfall and the rise of many in Israel, a Sign that will be opposed.' " —Lk 2:34

Praise: Mary endured a grueling flight into Egypt; the fear of the loss of her twelve year old Son; an encounter with her Divine Son on the way to Calvary; and the crucifixion. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

(For a related teaching on Crucifying Jesus, order, listen to, or download our CD 65-3 or DVD 65 on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body."

"In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from August 1, through September 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio October 1, 2019"

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at http://www.presentationministries.com/series/obob


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