Thursday, November 30, 2017, St. Andrew
Romans 10:9-18, Psalm 19:8-11, Matthew 4:18-22
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Jesus "watched two brothers, Simon now known as Peter, and his brother Andrew." -Matthew 4:18
Andrew was one of the first two disciples to follow Jesus (Jn 1:40). Andrew even led his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus (Jn 1:41). Andrew, with Peter, James, and John, was called by Jesus to become a fisher of men (Mt 4:19).
However, Andrew's prominence did not continue. Jesus did not include Andrew in His inner circle of apostles. Only Peter, James, and John were included at the raising of Jairus' daughter from the dead (Mk 5:37), the Transfiguration (Mk 9:2), and the agony in the garden of Gethsemani (Mt 26:37). Andrew was conspicuously not invited.
What do you do when you're number four in a threesome, the fourth leg for a tripod, or the fourth "member" of a trio? Most people respond to being left out by jealousy, unforgiveness, and/or self-pity. Andrew responded by persevering in his original commitment. He continued to abandon everything to be a fisher of men. He became the "designated evangelist" among the apostles. When several Greeks asked Philip to take them to Jesus, Philip took them to Andrew to take them to Jesus (Jn 12:21-22).
When you're left out, reach out. Share your love for Jesus, Who has been left out and rejected throughout His life on earth, even to the present day. He was rejected - from His birth in a manger to His death on a cross. When Jesus was and is left out, He reaches out to us in love. Be like Jesus.
Prayer: Father, may I not have pity parties but Jesus-parties.
Promise: "If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." -Rm 10:9
Praise: St. Andrew preached the gospel northeast and east of the Black Sea.
(For a related teaching, order our tape on "Evangelization is Like Fishing" on audio AV 55-1 or video V-55.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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A place where all the best, especially you and yours truly, can freely share the beauty of our faiths regardless of our colour, race, status, religion or creed as well as fiding out how to live life to the fullest by meditating on this short sharings daily, especially single mingle christian
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
THE HAND THAT WRITES GOD'S WORD - One Bread, One Body, 11/29/2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28, Daniel 3:62-67, Luke 21:12-19
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"A human hand appeared, writing on the plaster of the wall in the king's palace." -Daniel 5:5
King Belshazzar and his party companions were terrified but attentive to the words of God delivered in a sensational manner by the hand mysteriously writing on the wall (Dn 5:5ff). The king was consumed by curiosity to know the meaning of the message sent by God. The Lord has also written many other words by hands He has sent to earth. These hands wrote the words of God on scrolls, and became the books of the Bible. These words, however, were written in a more "ordinary" manner, even though there is a sensational character of human authors hearing the Word of God and faithfully transmitting it.
There will be parties in the next month, just like King Belshazzar's. In some of these parties, Bibles will be present in family book shelves. These Bibles sit quietly against the walls of the houses, and lack the obvious sensationalism of a hand writing on a wall. Nonetheless, the words written by human hands on the pages of those Bibles were sent directly from God.
Allow the Lord to consume you with the same curiosity and desire of those in King Belshazzar's party to know the meaning of the words sent by God. Unlike Belshazzar, however, don't be caught unprepared by the power of God's Word. "Stay sober and alert" (1 Pt 5:8), and receive the Word of God in humility, thanksgiving, and obedience.
Prayer: Father, may the Holy Spirit cry out in my heart "Abba" ("Father") (Gal 4:6).
Promise: "By patient endurance you will save your lives." -Lk 21:19
Praise: When the Bible became God's living Word for Marvin, it changed his life forever.
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28, Daniel 3:62-67, Luke 21:12-19
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"A human hand appeared, writing on the plaster of the wall in the king's palace." -Daniel 5:5
King Belshazzar and his party companions were terrified but attentive to the words of God delivered in a sensational manner by the hand mysteriously writing on the wall (Dn 5:5ff). The king was consumed by curiosity to know the meaning of the message sent by God. The Lord has also written many other words by hands He has sent to earth. These hands wrote the words of God on scrolls, and became the books of the Bible. These words, however, were written in a more "ordinary" manner, even though there is a sensational character of human authors hearing the Word of God and faithfully transmitting it.
There will be parties in the next month, just like King Belshazzar's. In some of these parties, Bibles will be present in family book shelves. These Bibles sit quietly against the walls of the houses, and lack the obvious sensationalism of a hand writing on a wall. Nonetheless, the words written by human hands on the pages of those Bibles were sent directly from God.
Allow the Lord to consume you with the same curiosity and desire of those in King Belshazzar's party to know the meaning of the words sent by God. Unlike Belshazzar, however, don't be caught unprepared by the power of God's Word. "Stay sober and alert" (1 Pt 5:8), and receive the Word of God in humility, thanksgiving, and obedience.
Prayer: Father, may the Holy Spirit cry out in my heart "Abba" ("Father") (Gal 4:6).
Promise: "By patient endurance you will save your lives." -Lk 21:19
Praise: When the Bible became God's living Word for Marvin, it changed his life forever.
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Daniel 2:31-45, Daniel 3:57-61, Luke 21:5-11
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"The great God has revealed to the king what shall be in the future; this is exactly what you dreamed, and its meaning is sure." -Daniel 2:45
The fourth kingdom in Nebuchadnezzar's vision was the strongest because it was made of iron (Dn 2:40). However, this kingdom was fragile because the iron was mixed with clay tile (Dn 2:41-42). This represented that the Seleucid kingdom sealed "their alliances by intermarriage" (Dn 2:43). This was doomed to failure and resulted in the collapse of the kingdom.
Marriage is the basis of culture. If people give their lives to Christ, love His Church (Eph 5:25), and then marry others who are also in Christ and in His Church, these marriages will be a strong base for a new civilization of life and love. However, if we denigrate marriage through adultery, fornication, contraception, unnatural sexual relations, pornography, and homosexual activity, our culture of death will become even more de-humanizing and will speed to its self-destruction.
Christian married couples, the world needs your marital love and united prayer. You are called to be co-creators with the Lord. You will significantly contribute to the destruction of this world, or you will rebuild this world by God's grace. Give your marriage to the Lord.
Prayer: Father, give us as many holy marriages as possible as soon as possible.
Promise: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed or delivered up to another people; rather, it shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and put an end to them, and it shall stand forever." -Dn 2:44
Praise: Children who have grown up in home-based Christian communities are passing on the faith to their own children.
(For a related teaching, order our tape on "Marriage" on audio AV 47B-1 or video V-47B.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Daniel 2:31-45, Daniel 3:57-61, Luke 21:5-11
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"The great God has revealed to the king what shall be in the future; this is exactly what you dreamed, and its meaning is sure." -Daniel 2:45
The fourth kingdom in Nebuchadnezzar's vision was the strongest because it was made of iron (Dn 2:40). However, this kingdom was fragile because the iron was mixed with clay tile (Dn 2:41-42). This represented that the Seleucid kingdom sealed "their alliances by intermarriage" (Dn 2:43). This was doomed to failure and resulted in the collapse of the kingdom.
Marriage is the basis of culture. If people give their lives to Christ, love His Church (Eph 5:25), and then marry others who are also in Christ and in His Church, these marriages will be a strong base for a new civilization of life and love. However, if we denigrate marriage through adultery, fornication, contraception, unnatural sexual relations, pornography, and homosexual activity, our culture of death will become even more de-humanizing and will speed to its self-destruction.
Christian married couples, the world needs your marital love and united prayer. You are called to be co-creators with the Lord. You will significantly contribute to the destruction of this world, or you will rebuild this world by God's grace. Give your marriage to the Lord.
Prayer: Father, give us as many holy marriages as possible as soon as possible.
Promise: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed or delivered up to another people; rather, it shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and put an end to them, and it shall stand forever." -Dn 2:44
Praise: Children who have grown up in home-based Christian communities are passing on the faith to their own children.
(For a related teaching, order our tape on "Marriage" on audio AV 47B-1 or video V-47B.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Monday, November 27, 2017
THE "ALL" CALL - One Bread, One Body, 11/27/2017
Monday, November 27, 2017
Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20, Daniel 3:52-56, Luke 21:1-4
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"They make contributions out of their surplus, but she from her want has given what she could not afford - every penny she had to live on." -Luke 21:4
Many people wish that the world would be saved in that war and violence would cease, babies and the elderly be protected from being murdered, marriages and families be holy, etc. Their wish is already granted. Jesus has saved us (see Ti 3:5). All we need do is apply Jesus' saving death and resurrection to our world. We do this by believing in Him and expressing our faith by acts of love, obedience, worship, evangelization, sanctification, sacrifice, service, penance, justice, and mercy. In effect, to apply Jesus' life-saving salvation to our world, we must give our lives to Him. We must give Him our "all" (see Lk 21:4). On Calvary, Jesus gave His life for us; we are called to give our lives to Him.
Most of us who are reading this have given our time, money, and talents to Jesus. We have given Him much. However, that is not the plan of salvation and the way of the cross. To obtain the kingdom of God, we must not give "much" but "all" (see Mt 13:44, 46).
It is easier to give the first 98% of our lives to Jesus than to give the last 2%. The devil will make a goal-line stand to prevent us from surrendering all to Jesus, accepting Him as our Savior, Lord, and God, and thereby changing the world.
Give Jesus absolutely everything.
Prayer: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All! (see Jn 20:28)
Promise: "To these four young men God gave knowledge and proficiency in all literature and science, and to Daniel the understanding of all visions and dreams." -Dn 1:17
Praise: Reading the Scriptures faithfully helped Doris allow Jesus to conquer her anxieties.
(For related teaching, order our book, "Conversion-Conversations".)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20, Daniel 3:52-56, Luke 21:1-4
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"They make contributions out of their surplus, but she from her want has given what she could not afford - every penny she had to live on." -Luke 21:4
Many people wish that the world would be saved in that war and violence would cease, babies and the elderly be protected from being murdered, marriages and families be holy, etc. Their wish is already granted. Jesus has saved us (see Ti 3:5). All we need do is apply Jesus' saving death and resurrection to our world. We do this by believing in Him and expressing our faith by acts of love, obedience, worship, evangelization, sanctification, sacrifice, service, penance, justice, and mercy. In effect, to apply Jesus' life-saving salvation to our world, we must give our lives to Him. We must give Him our "all" (see Lk 21:4). On Calvary, Jesus gave His life for us; we are called to give our lives to Him.
Most of us who are reading this have given our time, money, and talents to Jesus. We have given Him much. However, that is not the plan of salvation and the way of the cross. To obtain the kingdom of God, we must not give "much" but "all" (see Mt 13:44, 46).
It is easier to give the first 98% of our lives to Jesus than to give the last 2%. The devil will make a goal-line stand to prevent us from surrendering all to Jesus, accepting Him as our Savior, Lord, and God, and thereby changing the world.
Give Jesus absolutely everything.
Prayer: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All! (see Jn 20:28)
Promise: "To these four young men God gave knowledge and proficiency in all literature and science, and to Daniel the understanding of all visions and dreams." -Dn 1:17
Praise: Reading the Scriptures faithfully helped Doris allow Jesus to conquer her anxieties.
(For related teaching, order our book, "Conversion-Conversations".)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Sunday, November 26, 2017
PM eNewsletter Christ the King
November 26th Feast of Christ the King
Jesus, praise and glory to You.
Let us all praise You and love You with all of our being.
Let us realize that You truly are the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.
Let us worship You with our whole being.
Let us all be on fire to not only serve You, but be willing to tell others of our witness
of how You came into our lives and saved us.
Let our witness show Your true power and loving care.
Let us see You in the "Breaking of the Bread" that shows us the love that came to us from
the cross.
Let us all fall down in worship of You and feel that presence of You in our hearts.
Amen and Amen.
Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
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One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, escorted by all the angels of heaven, He will sit
upon His royal throne, and all the nations will be assembled before Him." -Matthew 25:31-32
Over 2,500 years ago, Ezekiel prophesied: "As for you, my sheep, says the Lord God, I will
judge between one sheep and another, between rams and goats" (Ez 34:17). Jesus announced
that it would be ultimately fulfilled at the end of the world when He comes again as the
King of kings to judge the living and the dead (Mt 25:32).
On that last day, Jesus will say to some: "Come. You have My Father's blessing! Inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world" (Mt 25:34). Others will hear the
terrifying words: "Out of My sight, you condemned, into that everlasting fire prepared for
the devil and his angels!" (Mt 25:41) This Last Judgment will be based on:
- primarily God's grace, mercy, and love,
- what we've done for the least of the brethren (Mt 25:40, 45),
- our repentance (see Mk 1:15),
- our faith (Eph 2:8), and
- our love (1 Cor 13:1-3; Mt 22:37-39).
In summary, King Jesus will judge us based on our doing of His Father's will (Mt 7:21) and
whether we have lost our lives to be His disciples (Lk 9:24).
King Jesus is going to return to love and judge us. We don't know the day of His return
(Mt 25:13). Therefore, it could be today. Are you ready for King Jesus' return? Are you
looking forward to Judgment Day? (see 1 Jn 4:17) Come, King Jesus!
Prayer: Father, may I be with You as soon as possible.
Promise: "In Christ all will come to life again." -1 Cor 15:22
Praise: Crucified as King of the Jews, Jesus rose as King of kings. All hail, King Jesus! Alleluia!
"They make contributions out of their surplus, but she from her want has given what she
could not afford - every penny she had to live on." -Luke 21:4
"The great God has revealed to the king what shall be in the future; this is exactly what
you dreamed, and its meaning is sure." -Daniel 2:45
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
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" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Publications
· Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit
· Job Performance for Jesus
· An Isaiah Advent
December 1 Isaiah 1-5
December 2 Isaiah 6-8
December 3 Isaiah 9-12
December 4 Isaiah 13-17
December 5 Isaiah 18-21
· The Book on Forgiveness
· Guilt, Guilt-Trips, and Scrupulosity
· How to Read the Bible
Who Am I in Christ?
"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings
himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39
We must know who we are before we .....................................
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.
(Anonymous, , 11/25/2017 12:08:27 PM)
Hail Holy Almighty Father! Hail Divine Mercy of Lord! Jesus, I Trust in You Almighty Father
have Mercy on us. O God, through Your Mercy, set free our family from captivity / tests, how
You have set the Israelites free from their captivity. Unconditionally Loving Great Father,
forgive our sins. Merciful Father, deliver us from the financial and health crisis. Abba
Father, i am facing pathetic situation at work, thru people who are cunning and behaving
phsyco. Save me O God from those evil minded at work place. May Your Mercy brings us
financial growth, good health and protection against all evil. Divine Mercy remember us in
Your Heavenly Kingdom.
(Joseph C. C., Tuticorin , Tamilnadu , India, 11/25/2017 10:50:29 AM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. LORD may I never feel you have forgotten me. LORD please help us in
all our needs. May all our needs that you fill lead us to eternal salvation. May I be a true
Christian presence and a true Christian inside today. May this lead others and myself closer
to you JESUS.
(Jim, Wisconsin, , 11/25/2017 10:32:44 AM)
Pray for me a great rest of the weekend
(Steve G., Acworth, Georgia, , 11/25/2017 10:00:34 AM)
I do not need a perfect life, just a life knowing God is with me through all of it. Pray that
I feel God's love, know God's peace, God's strength, protection and comfort - please God
bring peace to my husband's and my troubled souls. Some financial relief would help. Please
hear my prayer and the prayers of all the faithful. I ask this through Christ our Lord ..
Amen - Thank you.
(VRAS , United States, 11/25/2017 7:58:20 AM)
Pray please God will help my husband, Doug, that God gives comfort to him, restores his faith
and confidence -Please God watch over Doug today, help him through his stress today and grant
him a peaceful night sleep tonight. Lord Jesus Christ son of our living God please have mercy
on my husband. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. Thank you.
(Virginia , United States, 11/25/2017 7:54:51 AM)
Thank you Lord for another week. Father I pray for your direction with the house, Father
please help us to chose the right person to help us,in Jesus name we pray Amen
(Naa, , 11/25/2017 5:26:29 AM)
Virginia Mary, Mother of God pray for all victims of terrorism. May they receive the Grace
they need to move forward. Please Mother of Mercy pray for all terrorists that they will find
conversion. In the name of your precious Son we pray, Lord have mercy on us.
(Lori, Washington, , 11/25/2017 1:05:32 AM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
Audio by Topic
Catholic MP3 Talks & Teachings
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as well as covering the entire New Testament thru Revelation.
Also available, many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15
minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 26 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with one deacon of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and two lay teachers trained by
Presentation Ministries. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on the readings for the
daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer
request which will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day on a separate line.
United States: 513-823-3111
Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
This is a great responsibility, which the Church intends to share with all believers and men
and women of good will, who are called to respond to the many challenges of contemporary
migration with generosity, promptness, wisdom and foresight, each according to their own
... I wish to reaffirm that "our shared response may be articulated by four verbs: to welcome,
to protect, to promote and to integrate."
... Welcoming means... offering broader options for migrants and refugees to enter destination
countries safely and legally... Protecting ... may be understood as a series of steps intended
to defend the rights and rights and dignity of migrants and refugees, independent of their
legal status.
(Source: Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, issued 8/15/17)
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Jesus, praise and glory to You.
Let us all praise You and love You with all of our being.
Let us realize that You truly are the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.
Let us worship You with our whole being.
Let us all be on fire to not only serve You, but be willing to tell others of our witness
of how You came into our lives and saved us.
Let our witness show Your true power and loving care.
Let us see You in the "Breaking of the Bread" that shows us the love that came to us from
the cross.
Let us all fall down in worship of You and feel that presence of You in our hearts.
Amen and Amen.
Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
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One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, escorted by all the angels of heaven, He will sit
upon His royal throne, and all the nations will be assembled before Him." -Matthew 25:31-32
Over 2,500 years ago, Ezekiel prophesied: "As for you, my sheep, says the Lord God, I will
judge between one sheep and another, between rams and goats" (Ez 34:17). Jesus announced
that it would be ultimately fulfilled at the end of the world when He comes again as the
King of kings to judge the living and the dead (Mt 25:32).
On that last day, Jesus will say to some: "Come. You have My Father's blessing! Inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world" (Mt 25:34). Others will hear the
terrifying words: "Out of My sight, you condemned, into that everlasting fire prepared for
the devil and his angels!" (Mt 25:41) This Last Judgment will be based on:
- primarily God's grace, mercy, and love,
- what we've done for the least of the brethren (Mt 25:40, 45),
- our repentance (see Mk 1:15),
- our faith (Eph 2:8), and
- our love (1 Cor 13:1-3; Mt 22:37-39).
In summary, King Jesus will judge us based on our doing of His Father's will (Mt 7:21) and
whether we have lost our lives to be His disciples (Lk 9:24).
King Jesus is going to return to love and judge us. We don't know the day of His return
(Mt 25:13). Therefore, it could be today. Are you ready for King Jesus' return? Are you
looking forward to Judgment Day? (see 1 Jn 4:17) Come, King Jesus!
Prayer: Father, may I be with You as soon as possible.
Promise: "In Christ all will come to life again." -1 Cor 15:22
Praise: Crucified as King of the Jews, Jesus rose as King of kings. All hail, King Jesus! Alleluia!
"They make contributions out of their surplus, but she from her want has given what she
could not afford - every penny she had to live on." -Luke 21:4
"The great God has revealed to the king what shall be in the future; this is exactly what
you dreamed, and its meaning is sure." -Daniel 2:45
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December 2 Isaiah 6-8
December 3 Isaiah 9-12
December 4 Isaiah 13-17
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Who Am I in Christ?
"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings
himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39
We must know who we are before we .....................................
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PM Internet Prayer Requests
Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.
(Anonymous, , 11/25/2017 12:08:27 PM)
Hail Holy Almighty Father! Hail Divine Mercy of Lord! Jesus, I Trust in You Almighty Father
have Mercy on us. O God, through Your Mercy, set free our family from captivity / tests, how
You have set the Israelites free from their captivity. Unconditionally Loving Great Father,
forgive our sins. Merciful Father, deliver us from the financial and health crisis. Abba
Father, i am facing pathetic situation at work, thru people who are cunning and behaving
phsyco. Save me O God from those evil minded at work place. May Your Mercy brings us
financial growth, good health and protection against all evil. Divine Mercy remember us in
Your Heavenly Kingdom.
(Joseph C. C., Tuticorin , Tamilnadu , India, 11/25/2017 10:50:29 AM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. LORD may I never feel you have forgotten me. LORD please help us in
all our needs. May all our needs that you fill lead us to eternal salvation. May I be a true
Christian presence and a true Christian inside today. May this lead others and myself closer
to you JESUS.
(Jim, Wisconsin, , 11/25/2017 10:32:44 AM)
Pray for me a great rest of the weekend
(Steve G., Acworth, Georgia, , 11/25/2017 10:00:34 AM)
I do not need a perfect life, just a life knowing God is with me through all of it. Pray that
I feel God's love, know God's peace, God's strength, protection and comfort - please God
bring peace to my husband's and my troubled souls. Some financial relief would help. Please
hear my prayer and the prayers of all the faithful. I ask this through Christ our Lord ..
Amen - Thank you.
(VRAS , United States, 11/25/2017 7:58:20 AM)
Pray please God will help my husband, Doug, that God gives comfort to him, restores his faith
and confidence -Please God watch over Doug today, help him through his stress today and grant
him a peaceful night sleep tonight. Lord Jesus Christ son of our living God please have mercy
on my husband. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. Thank you.
(Virginia , United States, 11/25/2017 7:54:51 AM)
Thank you Lord for another week. Father I pray for your direction with the house, Father
please help us to chose the right person to help us,in Jesus name we pray Amen
(Naa, , 11/25/2017 5:26:29 AM)
Virginia Mary, Mother of God pray for all victims of terrorism. May they receive the Grace
they need to move forward. Please Mother of Mercy pray for all terrorists that they will find
conversion. In the name of your precious Son we pray, Lord have mercy on us.
(Lori, Washington, , 11/25/2017 1:05:32 AM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
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minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
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We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
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Bible Telephone Line
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 26 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with one deacon of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and two lay teachers trained by
Presentation Ministries. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on the readings for the
daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer
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Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
This is a great responsibility, which the Church intends to share with all believers and men
and women of good will, who are called to respond to the many challenges of contemporary
migration with generosity, promptness, wisdom and foresight, each according to their own
... I wish to reaffirm that "our shared response may be articulated by four verbs: to welcome,
to protect, to promote and to integrate."
... Welcoming means... offering broader options for migrants and refugees to enter destination
countries safely and legally... Protecting ... may be understood as a series of steps intended
to defend the rights and rights and dignity of migrants and refugees, independent of their
legal status.
(Source: Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, issued 8/15/17)
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Saturday, November 25, 2017
DENIAL IS JUST A RIVER IN EGYPT! - One Bread, One Body, 11/25/2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017, St. Catherine of Alexandria
1 Maccabees 6:1-13, Psalm 9:2-4, 6, 16, 19, Luke 20:27-40
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"Sick with grief because his designs had failed, he took to his bed. There he remained many days, overwhelmed with sorrow, for he knew he was going to die." -1 Maccabees 6:8-9
Before King Antiochus died, he looked back over his reign and observed: "I was kindly and beloved in my rule" (1 Mc 6:12). King Antiochus thought he was a "nice guy" and benevolent king although he:
* killed mothers with their babies hung from their necks (1 Mc 1:60-61),
* cut out the tongues of some of his opponents (2 Mc 7:4),
* scalped and cut off the hands and feet of seven brothers who opposed him (2 Mc 7:4) while their mother looked on, and
* fried seven brothers and their mother (2 Mc 7:5).
Likewise, Hitler and Stalin may well have thought of themselves as wonderful humanitarians who did so much good for the human race even through concentration camps, gas chambers, starvation bunkers, and gulags.
The human capacity to deny the reality of sin is shocking. We can abort millions of babies supposedly to show how compassionate we are to the poor. We can break the Church into pieces and say we are obeying the Lord rather than defying Him. We can build a culture of death and be proud of our progress.
Let us cry out: "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!" (see Lk 18:13)
Prayer: Father, free me from self-deception.
Promise: "They become like angels and are no longer liable to death. Sons of the resurrection, they are sons of God." -Lk 20:36
Praise: St. Catherine is said to have had a vision of Baby Jesus before her Baptism. After her Baptism He introduced her as His bride. God used her wisdom to convert fifty pagan philosophers and the empress.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
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1 Maccabees 6:1-13, Psalm 9:2-4, 6, 16, 19, Luke 20:27-40
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"Sick with grief because his designs had failed, he took to his bed. There he remained many days, overwhelmed with sorrow, for he knew he was going to die." -1 Maccabees 6:8-9
Before King Antiochus died, he looked back over his reign and observed: "I was kindly and beloved in my rule" (1 Mc 6:12). King Antiochus thought he was a "nice guy" and benevolent king although he:
* killed mothers with their babies hung from their necks (1 Mc 1:60-61),
* cut out the tongues of some of his opponents (2 Mc 7:4),
* scalped and cut off the hands and feet of seven brothers who opposed him (2 Mc 7:4) while their mother looked on, and
* fried seven brothers and their mother (2 Mc 7:5).
Likewise, Hitler and Stalin may well have thought of themselves as wonderful humanitarians who did so much good for the human race even through concentration camps, gas chambers, starvation bunkers, and gulags.
The human capacity to deny the reality of sin is shocking. We can abort millions of babies supposedly to show how compassionate we are to the poor. We can break the Church into pieces and say we are obeying the Lord rather than defying Him. We can build a culture of death and be proud of our progress.
Let us cry out: "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!" (see Lk 18:13)
Prayer: Father, free me from self-deception.
Promise: "They become like angels and are no longer liable to death. Sons of the resurrection, they are sons of God." -Lk 20:36
Praise: St. Catherine is said to have had a vision of Baby Jesus before her Baptism. After her Baptism He introduced her as His bride. God used her wisdom to convert fifty pagan philosophers and the empress.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Friday, November 24, 2017
PURITY - One Bread, One Body, 11/24/2017
Friday, November 24, 2017, St. Andrew Dung-Lac & the Vietnamese Martyrs
1 Maccabees 4:36-37, 52-59, 1 Chronicles 29:10-12, Luke 19:45-48
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Jesus "entered the temple and began ejecting the traders." -Luke 19:45
Jesus has made it clear that He wants His temple purified (see also 1 Mc 4:36). Jesus commands us to be pure, even "as He is pure" (1 Jn 3:3). Jesus is purifying His Church "in the bath of water by the power of the word, to present to Himself a glorious church, holy and immaculate, without stain or wrinkle or anything of that sort" (Eph 5:26-27). "By obedience to the truth," we can purify ourselves "for a genuine love" of our brothers and sisters (1 Pt 1:22). The Lord has promised us "a fountain to purify from sin and uncleanness" (Zec 13:1).
This fountain of purification is our Baptism into Jesus (Rm 6:3) in which we have stripped "off the carnal body completely" (Col 2:11). If we live our Baptism by being holy in every aspect of our conduct (1 Pt 1:15), we are pure. Even if we have defiled ourselves through sin after our Baptism, we can be purified by repentance, especially by accepting God's mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Therefore, "since we have these promises, beloved, let us purify ourselves from every defilement of flesh and spirit, and in the fear of God strive to fulfill our consecration perfectly" (2 Cor 7:1).
Prayer: Father, may I want to be pure more than a person with cancer wants to be free of all cancerous cells.
Promise: "All the people prostrated themselves and adored and praised Heaven, who had given them success." -1 Mc 4:55
Praise: Paul Le-Bao-Tinh, one of the Vietnamese martyrs, wrote that he was joyful in the midst of his prolonged torments and sufferings because he knew that he was not alone, that "Christ is with me" (see Mt 28:20).
(For related teaching, order our leaflet, "Be Holy, For I Am Holy".)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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1 Maccabees 4:36-37, 52-59, 1 Chronicles 29:10-12, Luke 19:45-48
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Jesus "entered the temple and began ejecting the traders." -Luke 19:45
Jesus has made it clear that He wants His temple purified (see also 1 Mc 4:36). Jesus commands us to be pure, even "as He is pure" (1 Jn 3:3). Jesus is purifying His Church "in the bath of water by the power of the word, to present to Himself a glorious church, holy and immaculate, without stain or wrinkle or anything of that sort" (Eph 5:26-27). "By obedience to the truth," we can purify ourselves "for a genuine love" of our brothers and sisters (1 Pt 1:22). The Lord has promised us "a fountain to purify from sin and uncleanness" (Zec 13:1).
This fountain of purification is our Baptism into Jesus (Rm 6:3) in which we have stripped "off the carnal body completely" (Col 2:11). If we live our Baptism by being holy in every aspect of our conduct (1 Pt 1:15), we are pure. Even if we have defiled ourselves through sin after our Baptism, we can be purified by repentance, especially by accepting God's mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Therefore, "since we have these promises, beloved, let us purify ourselves from every defilement of flesh and spirit, and in the fear of God strive to fulfill our consecration perfectly" (2 Cor 7:1).
Prayer: Father, may I want to be pure more than a person with cancer wants to be free of all cancerous cells.
Promise: "All the people prostrated themselves and adored and praised Heaven, who had given them success." -1 Mc 4:55
Praise: Paul Le-Bao-Tinh, one of the Vietnamese martyrs, wrote that he was joyful in the midst of his prolonged torments and sufferings because he knew that he was not alone, that "Christ is with me" (see Mt 28:20).
(For related teaching, order our leaflet, "Be Holy, For I Am Holy".)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Thursday, November 23, 2017
"DAY BY DAY" - One Bread, One Body, 11/23/2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017, Pope St. Clement I, St. Columban, Bl. Miguel Augustín Pro
1 Maccabees 2:15-29, Psalm 50:1-2, 5-6, 14-15, Luke 19:41-44
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"God forbid that we should forsake the law and the commandments." -1 Maccabees 2:21
How do we relate to the opposition in our daily life? What do we read? Who do we listen to? We are to kill the enemy, that is, the temptation within, by our zeal to obey God's law and be purified, to cast out that which leads us away from the Lord (see 1 Mc 2:26). People "make a covenant with death" (Is 28:15) by daily choosing death in the little things. Mattathias recognized the time of his visitation and was ready to choose the Lord and make any lifestyle changes required. Like Mattathias, spring up and kill these temptations (see 1 Mc 2:24).
We cannot have two masters (Mt 6:24). We can't "straddle the issue" (1 Kgs 18:21) between the world and the Lord. "A man is marked out as God's enemy if he chooses to be the world's friend" (Jas 4:4; Phil 3:19).
It's the little things we let into our lives - the magazine articles, the YouTube videos, the TV shows - that make us recognize or miss the time of our visitation (see Lk 19:44). People often choose death in small ways day by day. If this trend is not changed, after a time we have grown so far from God that we easily miss His visitation to us. On the other hand, we can choose to seek the Lord daily. Daily Mass, daily prayer, and daily Bible reading builds us up one day at a time to a place of strong commitment to the Lord. The choice is set before you, life or death. Choose life (Dt 30:19).
Prayer: Father, give me a deep contrition.
Promise: "We will not obey the words of the king nor depart from our religion in the slightest degree." -1 Mc 2:22
Praise: Bl. Miguel Pro proclaimed "Viva Christo Rey!" at his martyrdom.
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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1 Maccabees 2:15-29, Psalm 50:1-2, 5-6, 14-15, Luke 19:41-44
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"God forbid that we should forsake the law and the commandments." -1 Maccabees 2:21
How do we relate to the opposition in our daily life? What do we read? Who do we listen to? We are to kill the enemy, that is, the temptation within, by our zeal to obey God's law and be purified, to cast out that which leads us away from the Lord (see 1 Mc 2:26). People "make a covenant with death" (Is 28:15) by daily choosing death in the little things. Mattathias recognized the time of his visitation and was ready to choose the Lord and make any lifestyle changes required. Like Mattathias, spring up and kill these temptations (see 1 Mc 2:24).
We cannot have two masters (Mt 6:24). We can't "straddle the issue" (1 Kgs 18:21) between the world and the Lord. "A man is marked out as God's enemy if he chooses to be the world's friend" (Jas 4:4; Phil 3:19).
It's the little things we let into our lives - the magazine articles, the YouTube videos, the TV shows - that make us recognize or miss the time of our visitation (see Lk 19:44). People often choose death in small ways day by day. If this trend is not changed, after a time we have grown so far from God that we easily miss His visitation to us. On the other hand, we can choose to seek the Lord daily. Daily Mass, daily prayer, and daily Bible reading builds us up one day at a time to a place of strong commitment to the Lord. The choice is set before you, life or death. Choose life (Dt 30:19).
Prayer: Father, give me a deep contrition.
Promise: "We will not obey the words of the king nor depart from our religion in the slightest degree." -1 Mc 2:22
Praise: Bl. Miguel Pro proclaimed "Viva Christo Rey!" at his martyrdom.
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Wednesday, November 22, 2017
THE ONLY WAY TO DEFEAT TERRORISM - One Bread, One Body, 11/22/2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017, St. Cecilia
2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31, Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15, Luke 19:11-28
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"Most admirable and worthy of everlasting remembrance was the mother, who saw her seven sons perish in a single day, yet bore it courageously because of her hope in the Lord." -2 Maccabees 7:20
The Seleucids who persecuted the Jewish people at the time of the Maccabean revolt were terrorists. They did not just kill seven Jewish brothers but scalped, dismembered, and fried them one by one, while forcing the remaining brothers and their mother to watch every brutal act. The Seleucids planned that the mother's anguish would be used to manipulate her sons into becoming traitors to their faith or that they would at least break the spirit of the mother and the Jewish nation by their terrorism.
However, the terrorists' psychological warfare backfired on them. The mother's relationship with the Lord and with her sons was so strong that she did not crack under pressure. She strengthened her sons to die heroic deaths, and she followed them in martyrdom. Her faith and her family's faith was so strong that it defeated the terrorists.
Contrary to what many believe, terrorism is not defeated by military might. Because terrorism is demonic, it cannot be defeated by merely human means. It can be defeated only by faith in Jesus, especially by holy families of faith (see Mt 17:20-21). Therefore, we must become holy faith-filled disciples of Jesus, or we will be helpless, intimidated, manipulated victims of terrorists.
Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12). Have faith in Jesus, our only Hope.
Prayer: Father, I reject the spirit of fear and accept the Holy Spirit (see 2 Tm 1:6-7; Rm 8:15).
Promise: " 'Good man!' He replied. 'You showed yourself capable in a small matter. For that you can take over ten villages!' " -Lk 19:17
Praise: St. Cecilia and her converts, her husband Valerian and brother-in-law Tiburtius, were martyred for their faith in Jesus.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31, Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15, Luke 19:11-28
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"Most admirable and worthy of everlasting remembrance was the mother, who saw her seven sons perish in a single day, yet bore it courageously because of her hope in the Lord." -2 Maccabees 7:20
The Seleucids who persecuted the Jewish people at the time of the Maccabean revolt were terrorists. They did not just kill seven Jewish brothers but scalped, dismembered, and fried them one by one, while forcing the remaining brothers and their mother to watch every brutal act. The Seleucids planned that the mother's anguish would be used to manipulate her sons into becoming traitors to their faith or that they would at least break the spirit of the mother and the Jewish nation by their terrorism.
However, the terrorists' psychological warfare backfired on them. The mother's relationship with the Lord and with her sons was so strong that she did not crack under pressure. She strengthened her sons to die heroic deaths, and she followed them in martyrdom. Her faith and her family's faith was so strong that it defeated the terrorists.
Contrary to what many believe, terrorism is not defeated by military might. Because terrorism is demonic, it cannot be defeated by merely human means. It can be defeated only by faith in Jesus, especially by holy families of faith (see Mt 17:20-21). Therefore, we must become holy faith-filled disciples of Jesus, or we will be helpless, intimidated, manipulated victims of terrorists.
Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12). Have faith in Jesus, our only Hope.
Prayer: Father, I reject the spirit of fear and accept the Holy Spirit (see 2 Tm 1:6-7; Rm 8:15).
Promise: " 'Good man!' He replied. 'You showed yourself capable in a small matter. For that you can take over ten villages!' " -Lk 19:17
Praise: St. Cecilia and her converts, her husband Valerian and brother-in-law Tiburtius, were martyred for their faith in Jesus.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, November 21, 2017
WHAT DO THE SAVED DO? - One Bread, One Body, 11/21/2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017, Presentation of Mary
2 Maccabees 6:18-31, Psalm 3:2-7, Luke 19:1-10
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"Today salvation has come to this house, for this is what it means to be a son of Abraham." -Luke 19:9
When salvation came to Zacchaeus and his house, Zacchaeus was moved to say: "I give half my belongings, Lord, to the poor" (Lk 19:8). This expression of salvation has been common throughout Church history. Jesus loved and challenged a man by saying to him: "There is one thing more you must do. Go and sell what you have and give to the poor; you will then have treasure in heaven. After that, come and follow Me" (Mk 10:21). Peter said to Jesus: "We have put aside everything to follow you!" (Mk 10:28) In the early Church, "all who owned property or houses sold them and donated the proceeds" (Acts 4:34) to the extent that Ananias and Sapphira felt compelled to lie about giving the Church all the proceeds from property which they sold (Acts 5:1ff). When we give our lives to Christ, all is new (2 Cor 5:17), and "money is no object."
Christianity is the most radical decision possible for a human being. To follow the crucified Savior is to lose our lives (Lk 9:24) and be "delivered from the futile way of life" handed on to us by our materialistic culture (1 Pt 1:18). Let us be converted as Zacchaeus was converted. Let us be crucified with Christ (Gal 2:19). Let us love as Jesus loves.
Prayer: Father, may I repent by Your standards.
Promise: "This is how he died, leaving in his death a model of courage and an unforgettable example of virtue not only for the young but for the whole nation." -2 Mc 6:31
Praise: Mary, Our Lady of Presentation, played an integral part in opening the eyes of the disciples by asking Jesus to perform His first miracle. Because of this miracle at the wedding in Cana, "His disciples believed in Him" (Jn 2:11).
(For a related teaching, order our tape "Crucified to the World" on audio AV 40A-3 or video V-40A.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
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2 Maccabees 6:18-31, Psalm 3:2-7, Luke 19:1-10
Link to Readings -->
"Today salvation has come to this house, for this is what it means to be a son of Abraham." -Luke 19:9
When salvation came to Zacchaeus and his house, Zacchaeus was moved to say: "I give half my belongings, Lord, to the poor" (Lk 19:8). This expression of salvation has been common throughout Church history. Jesus loved and challenged a man by saying to him: "There is one thing more you must do. Go and sell what you have and give to the poor; you will then have treasure in heaven. After that, come and follow Me" (Mk 10:21). Peter said to Jesus: "We have put aside everything to follow you!" (Mk 10:28) In the early Church, "all who owned property or houses sold them and donated the proceeds" (Acts 4:34) to the extent that Ananias and Sapphira felt compelled to lie about giving the Church all the proceeds from property which they sold (Acts 5:1ff). When we give our lives to Christ, all is new (2 Cor 5:17), and "money is no object."
Christianity is the most radical decision possible for a human being. To follow the crucified Savior is to lose our lives (Lk 9:24) and be "delivered from the futile way of life" handed on to us by our materialistic culture (1 Pt 1:18). Let us be converted as Zacchaeus was converted. Let us be crucified with Christ (Gal 2:19). Let us love as Jesus loves.
Prayer: Father, may I repent by Your standards.
Promise: "This is how he died, leaving in his death a model of courage and an unforgettable example of virtue not only for the young but for the whole nation." -2 Mc 6:31
Praise: Mary, Our Lady of Presentation, played an integral part in opening the eyes of the disciples by asking Jesus to perform His first miracle. Because of this miracle at the wedding in Cana, "His disciples believed in Him" (Jn 2:11).
(For a related teaching, order our tape "Crucified to the World" on audio AV 40A-3 or video V-40A.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Monday, November 20, 2017
DON'T YOU SEE? - One Bread, One Body, 11/20/2017
Monday, November 20, 2017
1 Maccabees 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63, Psalm 119:53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158, Luke 18:35-43
Link to Readings -->
"Some from among the people promptly went to the king, and he authorized them to introduce the way of living of the Gentiles. Thereupon they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem according to the Gentile custom." -1 Maccabees 1:13-14
Some of the chosen people were so spiritually blind that they made an alliance with the Gentiles to introduce to Israel a pagan way of living (1 Mc 1:11). They even volunteered to help brainwash and pervert themselves. This alliance with pagans eventually became more obviously questionable when the pagans "erected the horrible abomination upon the altar of holocausts" (1 Mc 1:54), burnt any scrolls of the law (1 Mc 1:56), and murdered those who remained faithful to the Jewish law (1 Mc 1:60-63).
Christians today are in a similar situation. The secular humanistic "culture of death" seems at first innocuous to many Christians. Christian churches and groups even volunteer to help brainwash their members. Sooner or later, however, the "culture of death" begins to live up to its name. Its supposed tolerance is unmasked, and a violently anti-Christian totalitarian dictatorship emerges.
Some of you reading this see what I mean; others don't. May each one of us pray as the blind man of Jericho did: "Lord, I want to see" (see Lk 18:41). Once we see, let us "fight hard for the faith" (Jude 3) and protect people from lies, sin, death, and destruction.
Prayer: Father, may I see what's going on in our culture.
Promise: "At that very moment he was given his sight and began to follow Him, giving God the glory. All the people witnessed it and they too gave praise to God." -Lk 18:43
Praise: Attending a friend's funeral brought Peter back to Church. He then experienced the Lord's merciful love and returned to the Faith.
(For related teaching, order our leaflet, "The Challenge of Making Disciples in a Culture of Death", or on audio AV 97-1 and AV 97-3 or on video V-97.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
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1 Maccabees 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63, Psalm 119:53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158, Luke 18:35-43
Link to Readings -->
"Some from among the people promptly went to the king, and he authorized them to introduce the way of living of the Gentiles. Thereupon they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem according to the Gentile custom." -1 Maccabees 1:13-14
Some of the chosen people were so spiritually blind that they made an alliance with the Gentiles to introduce to Israel a pagan way of living (1 Mc 1:11). They even volunteered to help brainwash and pervert themselves. This alliance with pagans eventually became more obviously questionable when the pagans "erected the horrible abomination upon the altar of holocausts" (1 Mc 1:54), burnt any scrolls of the law (1 Mc 1:56), and murdered those who remained faithful to the Jewish law (1 Mc 1:60-63).
Christians today are in a similar situation. The secular humanistic "culture of death" seems at first innocuous to many Christians. Christian churches and groups even volunteer to help brainwash their members. Sooner or later, however, the "culture of death" begins to live up to its name. Its supposed tolerance is unmasked, and a violently anti-Christian totalitarian dictatorship emerges.
Some of you reading this see what I mean; others don't. May each one of us pray as the blind man of Jericho did: "Lord, I want to see" (see Lk 18:41). Once we see, let us "fight hard for the faith" (Jude 3) and protect people from lies, sin, death, and destruction.
Prayer: Father, may I see what's going on in our culture.
Promise: "At that very moment he was given his sight and began to follow Him, giving God the glory. All the people witnessed it and they too gave praise to God." -Lk 18:43
Praise: Attending a friend's funeral brought Peter back to Church. He then experienced the Lord's merciful love and returned to the Faith.
(For related teaching, order our leaflet, "The Challenge of Making Disciples in a Culture of Death", or on audio AV 97-1 and AV 97-3 or on video V-97.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
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Sunday, November 19, 2017
PM eNewsletter 33rd Sunday in ordinary time
November 19th 33rd Sunday in ordinary time
This week, Oh! Christ, Your church celebrates the "Presentation of Mary".
Let us see in this feast that Your plan of our redemption was unfolding in a very simple
yet concise way.
Mary, our mother, the "new ark of the covenant" was brought to God so as to be sealed in
His love.
Mary, our mother, was always and still is, full of grace, and her intercession is very
powerful, for all of us.
We have a loving, caring mother who loves us and prays for us all.
Jesus, give us the grace to realize Your love, and the means we can use to get the help
we need to reach Your kingdom in heaven, some day, thank You Jesus.
Amen and Amen.
Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Since you were dependable in a small matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs."
-Matthew 25:21, 23
Some of you are burning with love for God and, therefore, with love for all people. You
want all to be saved (1 Tm 2:4), families to be holy, neglected children to be loved,
peace for the world, justice for the poor, and babies in the womb to be rescued from
abortion. You want to do great things for love of God and man.
The Lord wants to entrust great things to us, but we must first be faithful in small
matters. For example, we must tithe and give alms before we are given greater things to
do, such as save lives and save souls (see Lk 16:10-12). If we don't pray everyday, why
should the Lord make us peacemakers? If we waste our time by sitting in front of the TV,
why would God choose us to change our culture of death into a civilization of love and
St. Therese, the "Little Flower," did the little things well. Then the Lord made her a
Doctor of the Church and the patroness of the world-wide mission work of the Church. She
was entrusted with great things. By love and faithfulness in small matters, become great.
Prayer: Father, make me great, royal, and priestly (see 1 Pt 2:9).
Promise: "All of you are children of light and of the day. We belong neither to darkness
nor to night; therefore let us not be asleep like the rest, but awake and sober!"
-1 Thes 5:5-6
Praise: Praise the risen Jesus, victorious and coming again in glory.
"Some from among the people promptly went to the king, and he authorized them to
introduce the way of living of the Gentiles. Thereupon they built a gymnasium in
Jerusalem according to the Gentile custom." -1 Maccabees 1:13-14
"Today salvation has come to this house, for this is what it means to be a son of Abraham."
-Luke 19:9
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Publications
· Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit
· Job Performance for Jesus
· An Isaiah Advent
December 1 Isaiah 1-5
December 2 Isaiah 6-8
December 3 Isaiah 9-12
December 4 Isaiah 13-17
December 5 Isaiah 18-21
· The Book on Forgiveness
· Guilt, Guilt-Trips, and Scrupulosity
· How to Read the Bible
Who Am I in Christ?
"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings
himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39
We must know who we are before we .....................................
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Father, we ask that You go before EB and surround her with Your Love and Angels. Protect her
from any breakdown, flat tires, bad traffic, bad weather, any delays, or evil and bring her
home safely. Thank You God, Amen.
(Carol, Arizona, , 11/18/2017 11:06:53 AM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. Through you LORD all is possible. LORD grant me the faith that I never
feel you have given up on me. May I be a true Christian presence and a true Christian inside,
Thank you
(Jim, Wisconsin, , 11/18/2017 10:21:52 AM)
Thank you for helping her this week.
(Anonymous, , 11/18/2017 9:02:54 AM)
Please help us today. Please helpi Michelle get 3. Please help with set up. Thanks
(Anonymous, , 11/18/2017 8:18:13 AM)
Pray please God will help my husband, Doug, that God gives comfort to him, restores his faith
and confidence -Please God watch over Doug today, help him through his stress today and grant
him a peaceful night sleep tonight. Lord Jesus Christ son of our living God please have mercy
on my husband. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. Thank you.
(Virginia, United States, 11/18/2017 8:06:36 AM)
I do not need a perfect life, just a life knowing God is with me through all of it. Pray that
I feel God's love, know God's peace, God's strength, protection and comfort - please God bring
peace to my husband's and my troubled souls. Some financial relief would help. Please hear my
prayer and the prayers of all the faithful. I ask this through Christ our Lord .. Amen
- Thank you.
(VRAS, United States, 11/18/2017 8:04:34 AM)
Pray that we will soon get a permanent home Also that my husband's health will improve and that
I will learn to love my new puppy and have more patience with him. Amen
(Lou, Belfast, Ireland, 11/18/2017 7:30:13 AM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
Audio by Topic
Catholic MP3 Talks & Teachings
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as well as covering the entire New Testament thru Revelation.
Also available, many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15
minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 26 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with one deacon of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and two lay teachers trained by
Presentation Ministries. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on the readings for the
daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer
request which will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day on a separate line.
United States: 513-823-3111
Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
"You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you
shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the lord
your God" (Leviticus 19:34).
Every stranger who knocks at our door is an opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ,
who identifies with the welcomed and rejected strangers of every age (Matthew 25:35-43).
The Lord entrusts to the Church's motherly love every person forced to leave their homeland
in search of a better future.
This solidarity must be concretely expressed at every stage of the migratory experience
- from departure through journey to arrival and return.
(Source: Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, issued 8/15/17)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about some of our
Bible Institute
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Men's Retreat (Dec 2)
· Children AND Youth AND Adult FAMILY Retreat: How do I Seek the Kingdom of God? (Feb 16-17)
Catholic Retreats
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
This week, Oh! Christ, Your church celebrates the "Presentation of Mary".
Let us see in this feast that Your plan of our redemption was unfolding in a very simple
yet concise way.
Mary, our mother, the "new ark of the covenant" was brought to God so as to be sealed in
His love.
Mary, our mother, was always and still is, full of grace, and her intercession is very
powerful, for all of us.
We have a loving, caring mother who loves us and prays for us all.
Jesus, give us the grace to realize Your love, and the means we can use to get the help
we need to reach Your kingdom in heaven, some day, thank You Jesus.
Amen and Amen.
Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Since you were dependable in a small matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs."
-Matthew 25:21, 23
Some of you are burning with love for God and, therefore, with love for all people. You
want all to be saved (1 Tm 2:4), families to be holy, neglected children to be loved,
peace for the world, justice for the poor, and babies in the womb to be rescued from
abortion. You want to do great things for love of God and man.
The Lord wants to entrust great things to us, but we must first be faithful in small
matters. For example, we must tithe and give alms before we are given greater things to
do, such as save lives and save souls (see Lk 16:10-12). If we don't pray everyday, why
should the Lord make us peacemakers? If we waste our time by sitting in front of the TV,
why would God choose us to change our culture of death into a civilization of love and
St. Therese, the "Little Flower," did the little things well. Then the Lord made her a
Doctor of the Church and the patroness of the world-wide mission work of the Church. She
was entrusted with great things. By love and faithfulness in small matters, become great.
Prayer: Father, make me great, royal, and priestly (see 1 Pt 2:9).
Promise: "All of you are children of light and of the day. We belong neither to darkness
nor to night; therefore let us not be asleep like the rest, but awake and sober!"
-1 Thes 5:5-6
Praise: Praise the risen Jesus, victorious and coming again in glory.
"Some from among the people promptly went to the king, and he authorized them to
introduce the way of living of the Gentiles. Thereupon they built a gymnasium in
Jerusalem according to the Gentile custom." -1 Maccabees 1:13-14
"Today salvation has come to this house, for this is what it means to be a son of Abraham."
-Luke 19:9
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Publications
· Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit
· Job Performance for Jesus
· An Isaiah Advent
December 1 Isaiah 1-5
December 2 Isaiah 6-8
December 3 Isaiah 9-12
December 4 Isaiah 13-17
December 5 Isaiah 18-21
· The Book on Forgiveness
· Guilt, Guilt-Trips, and Scrupulosity
· How to Read the Bible
Who Am I in Christ?
"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings
himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39
We must know who we are before we .....................................
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Father, we ask that You go before EB and surround her with Your Love and Angels. Protect her
from any breakdown, flat tires, bad traffic, bad weather, any delays, or evil and bring her
home safely. Thank You God, Amen.
(Carol, Arizona, , 11/18/2017 11:06:53 AM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. Through you LORD all is possible. LORD grant me the faith that I never
feel you have given up on me. May I be a true Christian presence and a true Christian inside,
Thank you
(Jim, Wisconsin, , 11/18/2017 10:21:52 AM)
Thank you for helping her this week.
(Anonymous, , 11/18/2017 9:02:54 AM)
Please help us today. Please helpi Michelle get 3. Please help with set up. Thanks
(Anonymous, , 11/18/2017 8:18:13 AM)
Pray please God will help my husband, Doug, that God gives comfort to him, restores his faith
and confidence -Please God watch over Doug today, help him through his stress today and grant
him a peaceful night sleep tonight. Lord Jesus Christ son of our living God please have mercy
on my husband. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. Thank you.
(Virginia, United States, 11/18/2017 8:06:36 AM)
I do not need a perfect life, just a life knowing God is with me through all of it. Pray that
I feel God's love, know God's peace, God's strength, protection and comfort - please God bring
peace to my husband's and my troubled souls. Some financial relief would help. Please hear my
prayer and the prayers of all the faithful. I ask this through Christ our Lord .. Amen
- Thank you.
(VRAS, United States, 11/18/2017 8:04:34 AM)
Pray that we will soon get a permanent home Also that my husband's health will improve and that
I will learn to love my new puppy and have more patience with him. Amen
(Lou, Belfast, Ireland, 11/18/2017 7:30:13 AM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
Audio by Topic
Catholic MP3 Talks & Teachings
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as well as covering the entire New Testament thru Revelation.
Also available, many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15
minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 26 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with one deacon of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and two lay teachers trained by
Presentation Ministries. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on the readings for the
daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer
request which will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day on a separate line.
United States: 513-823-3111
Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
"You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you
shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the lord
your God" (Leviticus 19:34).
Every stranger who knocks at our door is an opportunity for an encounter with Jesus Christ,
who identifies with the welcomed and rejected strangers of every age (Matthew 25:35-43).
The Lord entrusts to the Church's motherly love every person forced to leave their homeland
in search of a better future.
This solidarity must be concretely expressed at every stage of the migratory experience
- from departure through journey to arrival and return.
(Source: Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, issued 8/15/17)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about some of our
Bible Institute
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Men's Retreat (Dec 2)
· Children AND Youth AND Adult FAMILY Retreat: How do I Seek the Kingdom of God? (Feb 16-17)
Catholic Retreats
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
YOU ARE CALLED TO GREATNESS - One Bread, One Body, 11/19/2017
The latest issue of My People Newspaper is now online. Articles include:
Welcome Migrants
Mother Cabrini Is Witness For Today
Fight Trafficking Of Migrants
Museum Celebrates Bible
Defend The Rights Of Migrants
Light to the Nations
Sunday, November 19, 2017, 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time
Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 25:14-30
Link to Readings -->
"Since you were dependable in a small matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs." -Matthew 25:21, 23
Some of you are burning with love for God and, therefore, with love for all people. You want all to be saved (1 Tm 2:4), families to be holy, neglected children to be loved, peace for the world, justice for the poor, and babies in the womb to be rescued from abortion. You want to do great things for love of God and man.
The Lord wants to entrust great things to us, but we must first be faithful in small matters. For example, we must tithe and give alms before we are given greater things to do, such as save lives and save souls (see Lk 16:10-12). If we don't pray everyday, why should the Lord make us peacemakers? If we waste our time by sitting in front of the TV, why would God choose us to change our culture of death into a civilization of love and life?
St. Therese, the "Little Flower," did the little things well. Then the Lord made her a Doctor of the Church and the patroness of the world-wide mission work of the Church. She was entrusted with great things. By love and faithfulness in small matters, become great.
Prayer: Father, make me great, royal, and priestly (see 1 Pt 2:9).
Promise: "All of you are children of light and of the day. We belong neither to darkness nor to night; therefore let us not be asleep like the rest, but awake and sober!" -1 Thes 5:5-6
Praise: Praise the risen Jesus, victorious and coming again in glory.
(For related teaching, order our booklet, "Life-Changing Prayers from the Bible" or our tape on "How to Pray the Bible" on audio AV 82-3 or video V-82.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Welcome Migrants
Mother Cabrini Is Witness For Today
Fight Trafficking Of Migrants
Museum Celebrates Bible
Defend The Rights Of Migrants
Light to the Nations
Sunday, November 19, 2017, 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time
Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 25:14-30
Link to Readings -->
"Since you were dependable in a small matter I will put you in charge of larger affairs." -Matthew 25:21, 23
Some of you are burning with love for God and, therefore, with love for all people. You want all to be saved (1 Tm 2:4), families to be holy, neglected children to be loved, peace for the world, justice for the poor, and babies in the womb to be rescued from abortion. You want to do great things for love of God and man.
The Lord wants to entrust great things to us, but we must first be faithful in small matters. For example, we must tithe and give alms before we are given greater things to do, such as save lives and save souls (see Lk 16:10-12). If we don't pray everyday, why should the Lord make us peacemakers? If we waste our time by sitting in front of the TV, why would God choose us to change our culture of death into a civilization of love and life?
St. Therese, the "Little Flower," did the little things well. Then the Lord made her a Doctor of the Church and the patroness of the world-wide mission work of the Church. She was entrusted with great things. By love and faithfulness in small matters, become great.
Prayer: Father, make me great, royal, and priestly (see 1 Pt 2:9).
Promise: "All of you are children of light and of the day. We belong neither to darkness nor to night; therefore let us not be asleep like the rest, but awake and sober!" -1 Thes 5:5-6
Praise: Praise the risen Jesus, victorious and coming again in glory.
(For related teaching, order our booklet, "Life-Changing Prayers from the Bible" or our tape on "How to Pray the Bible" on audio AV 82-3 or video V-82.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Saturday, November 18, 2017
DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN - One Bread, One Body, 11/18/2017
The latest issue of My People Newspaper is now online. Articles include:
Welcome Migrants
Mother Cabrini Is Witness For Today
Fight Trafficking Of Migrants
Museum Celebrates Bible
Defend The Rights Of Migrants
Light to the Nations
Saturday, November 18, 2017, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Dedication of Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul
Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9, Psalm 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43, Luke 18:1-8
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"They beheld stupendous wonders." -Wisdom 19:8
The whole Israelite nation had been enslaved in Egypt for several hundred years. They had no way of ever being freed. Then the Lord did a series of "stupendous wonders" (Wis 19:8) by which He set His people free, "for all creation, in its several kinds, was being made over anew" (Wis 19:6).
The book of Leviticus prescribes that in the Jubilee Year, slaves are freed, debts are forgiven, and land is restored to its original "owners" (see Lv 25:28). The Great Jubilee, which Pope St. John Paul II proclaimed in the year 2000, was hoped to be something like the Exodus - only much more extensive. By external appearances, however, it seems like the radical freedom prophesied for the year 2000 did not take place. We need again for the Lord to do "stupendous wonders" in our own day.
"Will not God then do justice to His chosen who call out to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them, do you suppose? I tell you, He will give them swift justice. But when the Son of Man comes, will He find any faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:7-8)
Prayer: Father, do it again.
Promise: "Your all-powerful word from heaven's royal throne bounded, a fierce warrior, into the doomed land, bearing the sharp sword of your inexorable decree. And as he alighted, he filled every place with death." -Wis 18:15-16
Praise: St. Rose started a school for American Indians at the age of seventy-one. The Potawatomi Indians to whom Rose ministered called her "the woman who always prays."
(For a related teaching, order our leaflet "Mission Impossible" or our audio tape AV 46-1 or video V-46.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Welcome Migrants
Mother Cabrini Is Witness For Today
Fight Trafficking Of Migrants
Museum Celebrates Bible
Defend The Rights Of Migrants
Light to the Nations
Saturday, November 18, 2017, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Dedication of Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul
Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9, Psalm 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43, Luke 18:1-8
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"They beheld stupendous wonders." -Wisdom 19:8
The whole Israelite nation had been enslaved in Egypt for several hundred years. They had no way of ever being freed. Then the Lord did a series of "stupendous wonders" (Wis 19:8) by which He set His people free, "for all creation, in its several kinds, was being made over anew" (Wis 19:6).
The book of Leviticus prescribes that in the Jubilee Year, slaves are freed, debts are forgiven, and land is restored to its original "owners" (see Lv 25:28). The Great Jubilee, which Pope St. John Paul II proclaimed in the year 2000, was hoped to be something like the Exodus - only much more extensive. By external appearances, however, it seems like the radical freedom prophesied for the year 2000 did not take place. We need again for the Lord to do "stupendous wonders" in our own day.
"Will not God then do justice to His chosen who call out to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them, do you suppose? I tell you, He will give them swift justice. But when the Son of Man comes, will He find any faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:7-8)
Prayer: Father, do it again.
Promise: "Your all-powerful word from heaven's royal throne bounded, a fierce warrior, into the doomed land, bearing the sharp sword of your inexorable decree. And as he alighted, he filled every place with death." -Wis 18:15-16
Praise: St. Rose started a school for American Indians at the age of seventy-one. The Potawatomi Indians to whom Rose ministered called her "the woman who always prays."
(For a related teaching, order our leaflet "Mission Impossible" or our audio tape AV 46-1 or video V-46.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Friday, November 17, 2017
THE LAST DAY - One Bread, One Body, 11/17/2017
"Migrants and Refugees" is the title of the latest issue of Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth.
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.
Friday, November 17, 2017, St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Wisdom 13:1-9, Psalm 19:2-5, Luke 17:26-37
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"It will be like that on the day the Son of Man is revealed." -Luke 17:30
Jesus will return and the world will end:
* when we least expect it (Lk 12:40),
* when it is "business as usual" (see Lk 17:27-28),
* suddenly (see Lk 17:24, 31),
* after a most severe persecution of the Church (Lk 21:12),
* after "great earthquakes, plagues, and famines in various places - and in the sky fearful omens and great signs" (Lk 21:11),
* after the mass apostasy (2 Thes 2:3),
* after the Antichrist is destroyed (2 Thes 2:8),
* when "the love of most" has grown cold (Mt 24:12),
* after the gospel has been "proclaimed throughout the world" (Mt 24:14),
* when "all Israel" has been saved (Rm 11:26), and
* when the Church is "holy and immaculate, without stain or wrinkle or anything of that sort" (Eph 5:27).
Are you ready for Jesus to come back now? Do you love Him so much that you are trying to hasten His return? (2 Pt 3:12) Do you have no reason to be afraid of Judgment Day? In love, faith, repentance, and holiness, let us "wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ" (the prayer following the "Our Father" at Mass). Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rv 22:20)
Prayer: Father, when Jesus returns, may He find me feeding Your people (see Lk 12:42).
Promise: "Let them know how far more excellent is the Lord than these; for the original Source of beauty fashioned them." -Wis 13:3
Praise: St. Elizabeth was widowed at twenty-one. After her husband's death, she sold her possessions and gave the proceeds to the poor.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.
Friday, November 17, 2017, St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Wisdom 13:1-9, Psalm 19:2-5, Luke 17:26-37
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"It will be like that on the day the Son of Man is revealed." -Luke 17:30
Jesus will return and the world will end:
* when we least expect it (Lk 12:40),
* when it is "business as usual" (see Lk 17:27-28),
* suddenly (see Lk 17:24, 31),
* after a most severe persecution of the Church (Lk 21:12),
* after "great earthquakes, plagues, and famines in various places - and in the sky fearful omens and great signs" (Lk 21:11),
* after the mass apostasy (2 Thes 2:3),
* after the Antichrist is destroyed (2 Thes 2:8),
* when "the love of most" has grown cold (Mt 24:12),
* after the gospel has been "proclaimed throughout the world" (Mt 24:14),
* when "all Israel" has been saved (Rm 11:26), and
* when the Church is "holy and immaculate, without stain or wrinkle or anything of that sort" (Eph 5:27).
Are you ready for Jesus to come back now? Do you love Him so much that you are trying to hasten His return? (2 Pt 3:12) Do you have no reason to be afraid of Judgment Day? In love, faith, repentance, and holiness, let us "wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ" (the prayer following the "Our Father" at Mass). Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rv 22:20)
Prayer: Father, when Jesus returns, may He find me feeding Your people (see Lk 12:42).
Promise: "Let them know how far more excellent is the Lord than these; for the original Source of beauty fashioned them." -Wis 13:3
Praise: St. Elizabeth was widowed at twenty-one. After her husband's death, she sold her possessions and gave the proceeds to the poor.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Thursday, November 16, 2017
MORE "FIRST-HAND" KNOWLEDGE OF GOD - One Bread, One Body, 11/16/2017
"Migrants and Refugees" is the title of the latest issue of Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth.
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.
Thursday, November 16, 2017, St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude the Great
Wisdom 7:22-8:1, Psalm 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175, Luke 17:20-25
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"Indeed, she reaches from end to end mightily and governs all things well." -Wisdom 8:1
The writer of the Book of Wisdom had such a deep awareness of God's wisdom that he personified wisdom and saw it as being more than a quality of God. He said of wisdom: "She, who is one, can do all things, and renews everything while herself perduring" (Wis 7:27). The writer of Wisdom may have had an intimation of the Trinity.
If the Lord had never told us about the Trinity through the Church and her Scriptures, would you have had any inkling of the Trinity? How deep is your experience of God? Do you know God well enough to write some of the things in the book of Wisdom? Can you speak of God personally and in detail without having to "copy off of someone else's paper"? How much of your experience of God is "second-hand"? Paul said of the gospel: "I did not receive it from any man, nor was I schooled in it. It came by revelation from Jesus Christ" (Gal 1:12). Can you say as much?
Let us make a priority of our relationship with God. Let us:
* take a significant amount of time daily to listen to God,
* structure our lives to live in Christian community where the Lord will be the main Point of our conversations,
* live in the Church and go to the world rather than vice versa, and
* witness to "the marvels God has accomplished" (Acts 2:11).
Live to know and love God as deeply as possible.
Prayer: Father, as baptized in You, Jesus, and the Spirit, immerse me in the Trinity. May I come to know You
Promise: more deeply."Your word, O Lord, endures forever; it is firm as the heavens." -Ps 119:89
Praise: Though living two very different vocations, one as a mother of eight and the other as a Benedictine nun, Sts. Margaret and Gertrude both laid down their lives for Jesus.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.
Thursday, November 16, 2017, St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude the Great
Wisdom 7:22-8:1, Psalm 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175, Luke 17:20-25
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"Indeed, she reaches from end to end mightily and governs all things well." -Wisdom 8:1
The writer of the Book of Wisdom had such a deep awareness of God's wisdom that he personified wisdom and saw it as being more than a quality of God. He said of wisdom: "She, who is one, can do all things, and renews everything while herself perduring" (Wis 7:27). The writer of Wisdom may have had an intimation of the Trinity.
If the Lord had never told us about the Trinity through the Church and her Scriptures, would you have had any inkling of the Trinity? How deep is your experience of God? Do you know God well enough to write some of the things in the book of Wisdom? Can you speak of God personally and in detail without having to "copy off of someone else's paper"? How much of your experience of God is "second-hand"? Paul said of the gospel: "I did not receive it from any man, nor was I schooled in it. It came by revelation from Jesus Christ" (Gal 1:12). Can you say as much?
Let us make a priority of our relationship with God. Let us:
* take a significant amount of time daily to listen to God,
* structure our lives to live in Christian community where the Lord will be the main Point of our conversations,
* live in the Church and go to the world rather than vice versa, and
* witness to "the marvels God has accomplished" (Acts 2:11).
Live to know and love God as deeply as possible.
Prayer: Father, as baptized in You, Jesus, and the Spirit, immerse me in the Trinity. May I come to know You
Promise: more deeply."Your word, O Lord, endures forever; it is firm as the heavens." -Ps 119:89
Praise: Though living two very different vocations, one as a mother of eight and the other as a Benedictine nun, Sts. Margaret and Gertrude both laid down their lives for Jesus.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017
A LOVE-HATE RELATIONSHIP - One Bread, One Body, 11/15/2017
Attend our upcoming Discipleship Retreat, "Men's Retreat", Dec 2 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Peebles, OH. For more information or to register visit
Wednesday, November 15, 2017, St. Albert the Great
Wisdom 6:2-11, Psalm 82:3-4, 6-7, Luke 17:11-19
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"He threw himself on his face at the feet of Jesus and spoke His praises. This man was a Samaritan." -Luke 17:16
"Recall that Jews have nothing to do with Samaritans" (Jn 4:9). The Jews and the Samaritans had a long history of being enemies. Yet Jesus spoke to and brought salvation to a Samaritan woman (see Jn 4:42). This surprised both the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:9) and Jesus' disciples (Jn 4:27). Jesus also made a Samaritan the hero of His story about loving one's neighbor (Lk 10:33). Then Jesus pointed out that the Samaritan leper was the only one of the ten who were healed that returned to thank Him (Lk 17:16-18). As with the Samaritan woman, Jesus gave salvation to this grateful Samaritan (Lk 17:19). Immediately before Jesus ascended, He promised to give us the Holy Spirit so we could be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes, even to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). This promise was fulfilled when Philip "went down to the town of Samaria and there proclaimed the Messiah" (Acts 8:5).
Jesus loved and loves Samaritans. Jesus openly proclaims His love for our long-standing enemies - for those whom it is politically correct to vilify and demonize. Jesus loves those whom it is very unpopular to love. By His love for those who are the enemies whom we all agree should be hated, Jesus sets Himself up to be unpopular, persecuted, and hated.
Jesus commands us to love as He loves. Therefore, love your Samaritans and expect to be hated for your love, as Jesus was and is.
Prayer: Father, may I love as You do.
Promise: "The lowly may be pardoned out of mercy but the mighty shall be mightily put to the test." -Wis 6:6
Praise: St. Albert proved there is no conflict between science and the Truth. He taught that the Eucharist "is most useful because it bestows the fullness of grace on us in this life."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017, St. Albert the Great
Wisdom 6:2-11, Psalm 82:3-4, 6-7, Luke 17:11-19
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"He threw himself on his face at the feet of Jesus and spoke His praises. This man was a Samaritan." -Luke 17:16
"Recall that Jews have nothing to do with Samaritans" (Jn 4:9). The Jews and the Samaritans had a long history of being enemies. Yet Jesus spoke to and brought salvation to a Samaritan woman (see Jn 4:42). This surprised both the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:9) and Jesus' disciples (Jn 4:27). Jesus also made a Samaritan the hero of His story about loving one's neighbor (Lk 10:33). Then Jesus pointed out that the Samaritan leper was the only one of the ten who were healed that returned to thank Him (Lk 17:16-18). As with the Samaritan woman, Jesus gave salvation to this grateful Samaritan (Lk 17:19). Immediately before Jesus ascended, He promised to give us the Holy Spirit so we could be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes, even to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). This promise was fulfilled when Philip "went down to the town of Samaria and there proclaimed the Messiah" (Acts 8:5).
Jesus loved and loves Samaritans. Jesus openly proclaims His love for our long-standing enemies - for those whom it is politically correct to vilify and demonize. Jesus loves those whom it is very unpopular to love. By His love for those who are the enemies whom we all agree should be hated, Jesus sets Himself up to be unpopular, persecuted, and hated.
Jesus commands us to love as He loves. Therefore, love your Samaritans and expect to be hated for your love, as Jesus was and is.
Prayer: Father, may I love as You do.
Promise: "The lowly may be pardoned out of mercy but the mighty shall be mightily put to the test." -Wis 6:6
Praise: St. Albert proved there is no conflict between science and the Truth. He taught that the Eucharist "is most useful because it bestows the fullness of grace on us in this life."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, November 14, 2017
THANKFUL "USELESS SERVANTS" - One Bread, One Body, 11/14/2017
Attend our upcoming Discipleship Retreat, "Men's Retreat", Dec 2 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Peebles, OH. For more information or to register visit
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Wisdom 2:23-3:9, Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19, Luke 17:7-10
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"We are useless servants. We have done no more than our duty." -Luke 17:10
To serve the Lord is the most awesome privilege possible for a human being. One day serving in His courts is better than a thousand elsewhere (Ps 84:11). To take out the garbage for Jesus is better than being the CEO for a multi-national conglomerate.
Therefore, in serving the Lord, we should not focus on how much we're doing for Him but on how much He's doing for us by letting us do something for Him. We should look at ourselves as "useless servants" but look at Jesus as Lord and God Who is worthy to be praised (see Rv 5:12). We should not think of Sunday Mass as only our Sunday obligation but as the privileged opportunity of a lifetime. God doesn't owe us anything, but we owe Him everything. God can get along without us very well (see Est 4:14); we are honored to be included by the Lord in anything, even in the most difficult jobs. God didn't have to create us, save us, choose us, or use us, but He did. We should not be complaining but thanking. "Serve the Lord with gladness" (Ps 100:2).
Prayer: Father, thank You for choosing to create and love me.
Promise: "The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them." -Wis 3:1
Praise: When Beth decided to give God the first hour of the day in prayer, the rest of her day fell into godly order.
(Bear fruit a hundredfold by having a ministry of the Word. For encouragement, order our tapes on the "Bible Teachers Series". Our six-tape series starts with AV 117-1. Our three-part video series starts with V-117.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Wisdom 2:23-3:9, Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19, Luke 17:7-10
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"We are useless servants. We have done no more than our duty." -Luke 17:10
To serve the Lord is the most awesome privilege possible for a human being. One day serving in His courts is better than a thousand elsewhere (Ps 84:11). To take out the garbage for Jesus is better than being the CEO for a multi-national conglomerate.
Therefore, in serving the Lord, we should not focus on how much we're doing for Him but on how much He's doing for us by letting us do something for Him. We should look at ourselves as "useless servants" but look at Jesus as Lord and God Who is worthy to be praised (see Rv 5:12). We should not think of Sunday Mass as only our Sunday obligation but as the privileged opportunity of a lifetime. God doesn't owe us anything, but we owe Him everything. God can get along without us very well (see Est 4:14); we are honored to be included by the Lord in anything, even in the most difficult jobs. God didn't have to create us, save us, choose us, or use us, but He did. We should not be complaining but thanking. "Serve the Lord with gladness" (Ps 100:2).
Prayer: Father, thank You for choosing to create and love me.
Promise: "The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them." -Wis 3:1
Praise: When Beth decided to give God the first hour of the day in prayer, the rest of her day fell into godly order.
(Bear fruit a hundredfold by having a ministry of the Word. For encouragement, order our tapes on the "Bible Teachers Series". Our six-tape series starts with AV 117-1. Our three-part video series starts with V-117.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Monday, November 13, 2017
SCANDALIZED OR DE-SCANDALIZED? - One Bread, One Body, 11/13/2017
Monday, November 13, 2017, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Wisdom 1:1-7, Psalm 139:1-10, Luke 17:1-6
Link to Readings -->
Jesus "said to His disciples: 'Scandals will inevitably arise, but woe to him through whom they come.' " -Luke 17:1
Throughout the history of Christianity and humanity, scandals have inevitably arisen. Talking about these scandals makes matters worse. However, we can make even scandals work together for the good of all who love God (Rm 8:28), if we:
* are on guard so as not to cause scandals (Lk 17:3),
* are on guard to prevent scandals (Lk 17:3),
* correct our brothers and sisters (Lk 17:3),
* forgive others 70 x 7 (Lk 17:4; Mt 18:22),
* pray for an increase of faith (Lk 17:5), and
* use our faith to move trees, mountains, and anything else so as to further God's kingdom (Lk 17:6).
Of course, we cannot do all these things by our power but only by the power of the Spirit (see Zec 4:6). Throughout history, the Spirit has transformed the worst situations, and will do it in our times also. Consequently, ask for the Spirit (see Lk 11:13) to be stirred into flame in your life (2 Tm 1:6-7). Follow the Spirit's lead (Gal 5:25) as the Spirit lusts against the flesh (Gal 5:17) and convicts the world (Jn 16:8). You will not cause scandals but cause them to be turned into blessings. De-scandalize the scandalized.
Prayer: Father, may I let the Holy Spirit work through me to renew the face of the earth and rid it of scandals (see Ps 104:30).
Promise: "God is the Witness of [the blasphemer's] inmost self and the sure Observer of his heart and the Listener to his tongue." -Wis 1:6
Praise: Facing the conditions of extreme poverty her many people endured, St. Frances remained undeterred in her efforts to establish orphanages and places of care for the sick and uneducated.
(For related teaching, order our leaflet, "Pentecost Novena", and our booklets, "Praying for a New Pentecost", and "Additional Life in the Spirit Seminars".)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Wisdom 1:1-7, Psalm 139:1-10, Luke 17:1-6
Link to Readings -->
Jesus "said to His disciples: 'Scandals will inevitably arise, but woe to him through whom they come.' " -Luke 17:1
Throughout the history of Christianity and humanity, scandals have inevitably arisen. Talking about these scandals makes matters worse. However, we can make even scandals work together for the good of all who love God (Rm 8:28), if we:
* are on guard so as not to cause scandals (Lk 17:3),
* are on guard to prevent scandals (Lk 17:3),
* correct our brothers and sisters (Lk 17:3),
* forgive others 70 x 7 (Lk 17:4; Mt 18:22),
* pray for an increase of faith (Lk 17:5), and
* use our faith to move trees, mountains, and anything else so as to further God's kingdom (Lk 17:6).
Of course, we cannot do all these things by our power but only by the power of the Spirit (see Zec 4:6). Throughout history, the Spirit has transformed the worst situations, and will do it in our times also. Consequently, ask for the Spirit (see Lk 11:13) to be stirred into flame in your life (2 Tm 1:6-7). Follow the Spirit's lead (Gal 5:25) as the Spirit lusts against the flesh (Gal 5:17) and convicts the world (Jn 16:8). You will not cause scandals but cause them to be turned into blessings. De-scandalize the scandalized.
Prayer: Father, may I let the Holy Spirit work through me to renew the face of the earth and rid it of scandals (see Ps 104:30).
Promise: "God is the Witness of [the blasphemer's] inmost self and the sure Observer of his heart and the Listener to his tongue." -Wis 1:6
Praise: Facing the conditions of extreme poverty her many people endured, St. Frances remained undeterred in her efforts to establish orphanages and places of care for the sick and uneducated.
(For related teaching, order our leaflet, "Pentecost Novena", and our booklets, "Praying for a New Pentecost", and "Additional Life in the Spirit Seminars".)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from October 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 12, 2017
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2017 Presentation Ministries
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Sunday, November 12, 2017
PM eNewsletter 32nd Sunday in ordinary time
November 12th 32nd Sunday in ordinary time.
Christ, You always do for us what is best, and Lord, You have really helped us to see
You through the actions of others.
This week we celebrate a saint who gave and gave out of love for You.
She was a tireless worker for You and founded many schools, orphanages, and hospitals,
in America.
Her name is Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, a saint for all and the first U.S. citizen to
be canonized.
Her love for You flowed out for all.
Jesus, please help us to love as she did, and help others as she did.
Let us see You in all people, and try our best to be You to them.
Let us become truly brothers and sisters in You.
Thank You Jesus, for loving us so much that You constantly give us true workers of love.
Amen and Amen.
Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Open the door." -Matthew 25:11
"The door was barred." -Matthew 25:10
Jesus knocks on the door of our lives. He says: "Here I stand, knocking at the door. If
anyone hears Me calling and opens the door, I will enter his house and have supper with
him, and he with Me" (Rv 3:20). Jesus wants us to allow Him to know us personally. He
wants us even to let Him take over our lives so that we would truthfully and practically
say: "It is no longer I that live but Christ Who lives in me" (Gal 2:20, our transl).
There is another door. It is not the door of our lives but the door of eternal life.
When Jesus comes for us at our death or at His final coming, He wants to take us through
this door into eternal life, love, and happiness with Him. However, we will be able to
go through this door only if we have let Jesus know us personally, if we have accepted
Him as the Lord of our lives. Otherwise, the door will be barred, and we will hear the
eerie, horrifying words of Jesus: "I tell you, I do not know you" (Mt 25:12). Those who
are not known by Jesus and do not know Him will be left outside in the darkness of hell
where they will wail and grind their teeth forever (Mt 25:30).
Open the door of your life to Jesus. He will later open the door of eternal life to you.
Prayer: Jesus, Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11) and the Sheepgate (Jn 10:7), may I know You as
You and the Father know each other (Jn 10:14-15).
Promise: "The Lord Himself will come down from heaven at the word of command, at the
sound of the archangel's voice and God's trumpet; and those who have died in Christ will
rise first. Then we, the living, the survivors, will be caught up with them in the clouds
to meet the Lord in the air." -1 Thes 4:16-17
Praise: Praise to the risen Lord, Who will reign forever through all generations
(Ps 146:10). Alleluia!
Jesus "said to His disciples: 'Scandals will inevitably arise, but woe to him through
whom they come.' " -Luke 17:1
"We are useless servants. We have done no more than our duty." -Luke 17:10
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Publications
· Clarity, Certainty, and Commitment
· How to Get Your Kids to go to Church and go to Heaven
· How to Fight False Teachings
· Healing: The Imitation of Christ
· Be Holy, For I Am Holy
· Hope and Healing Through Aborted Children
Who Am I in Christ?
"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings
himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39
We must know who we are before we .....................................
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Please I ask to bless me and my family to be saved from all destruction and evilic attack.
Pray for peace in my family and the good health of body mind and soul.
(c.f, , 11/11/2017 3:26:12 AM)
I have been blessed by your prayers in the past! I come to you again with hope for God's
help. I have been in a relationship for a while and it's now time to marry, or to move on.
We are both very afraid of either option and this limbo is killing my spirit and his.
Please pray for the Lords will be done. If we are to marry then let us have the courage to
do so, or if not, then to let it go. We both had very troubled upbringings, broken homes,
abuse maybe that is why. There's a lot of love between us, even if our love is imperfect
due to the abuse. Please, please pray.
(kim , Houston, , 11/11/2017 1:53:56 AM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. Prayers are needed for Charlette who ended her earthly journey
yesterday. LORD may Charlette pass into your arms. Also prayers needed for Cindy who just
had a major surgery for cancer. LORD if you don't cure her she doesn't make it. Prayer
warrior Cindy needs help. Thank you
(Jim, Wisconsin, , 11/10/2017 11:33:09 PM)
Precious Lord God in heaven please please hear my prayers please bless my daughter Gemma
her partner Michael my grandson Mason and my unborn grandchild my partner Dave bless us
with peace love and happiness keep us all safe in your loving arms with the Lord Jesus Amen.
Thank you all for your prayers and God bless each and every one who prays for us
(Rose, United Kingdom, 11/10/2017 10:54:55 PM)
Please pray for Jude to be liberated from depression and pursue a brighter future.
Thank you!
(Grace, Malaysia, 11/10/2017 10:16:39 PM)
Thanks for all the prayers my husband passed away today
(Karen, Baltimore, Baltimore, , 11/10/2017 7:33:56 PM)
I ask the Lord for further conversion of our family members, especially for our daughter to
want to say the rosary every day. I also ask the Lord for further discernment about having
a prayer group and maybe a community. Thank you very much.
(Rosemary B., Sandy, Oregon, United States, 11/10/2017 6:09:02 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
Audio by Topic
Catholic MP3 Talks & Teachings
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as well as covering the entire New Testament thru Revelation.
Also available, many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15
minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 26 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with one deacon of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and two lay teachers trained by
Presentation Ministries. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on the readings for the
daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer
request which will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day on a separate line.
United States: 513-823-3111
Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
... God created us to be a source of hope for others, a true and attainable hope, in
accordance with each person's state of life. In "asking" and "demanding" of each of us
the fulfillment of the duties of our proper state
(Letters of Sister Lucia, February 28, 1943), God effects a general mobilization against
the indifference that chills the heart and worsens our myopia.
We do not want to be a stillborn hope! Life can survive only because of the generosity of
other lives.
With Mary's protection, may we be for our world sentinels of the dawn, contemplating the
true face of Jesus the Savior, resplendent at Easter. Thus may we rediscover the young
and beautiful face of the Church, which shines forth when she is missionary, welcoming,
free, faithful, poor in means and rich in love.
(Source: Homily at Mass and Rite of Canonization of Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto,
May 13, 2017, feast of Our Lady of Fatima)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about some of our
Bible Institute
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Men's Retreat (Dec 2)
· Children AND Youth AND Adult FAMILY Retreat: How do I Seek the Kingdom of God? (Feb 16-17)
Catholic Retreats
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Christ, You always do for us what is best, and Lord, You have really helped us to see
You through the actions of others.
This week we celebrate a saint who gave and gave out of love for You.
She was a tireless worker for You and founded many schools, orphanages, and hospitals,
in America.
Her name is Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, a saint for all and the first U.S. citizen to
be canonized.
Her love for You flowed out for all.
Jesus, please help us to love as she did, and help others as she did.
Let us see You in all people, and try our best to be You to them.
Let us become truly brothers and sisters in You.
Thank You Jesus, for loving us so much that You constantly give us true workers of love.
Amen and Amen.
Thank You Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Open the door." -Matthew 25:11
"The door was barred." -Matthew 25:10
Jesus knocks on the door of our lives. He says: "Here I stand, knocking at the door. If
anyone hears Me calling and opens the door, I will enter his house and have supper with
him, and he with Me" (Rv 3:20). Jesus wants us to allow Him to know us personally. He
wants us even to let Him take over our lives so that we would truthfully and practically
say: "It is no longer I that live but Christ Who lives in me" (Gal 2:20, our transl).
There is another door. It is not the door of our lives but the door of eternal life.
When Jesus comes for us at our death or at His final coming, He wants to take us through
this door into eternal life, love, and happiness with Him. However, we will be able to
go through this door only if we have let Jesus know us personally, if we have accepted
Him as the Lord of our lives. Otherwise, the door will be barred, and we will hear the
eerie, horrifying words of Jesus: "I tell you, I do not know you" (Mt 25:12). Those who
are not known by Jesus and do not know Him will be left outside in the darkness of hell
where they will wail and grind their teeth forever (Mt 25:30).
Open the door of your life to Jesus. He will later open the door of eternal life to you.
Prayer: Jesus, Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11) and the Sheepgate (Jn 10:7), may I know You as
You and the Father know each other (Jn 10:14-15).
Promise: "The Lord Himself will come down from heaven at the word of command, at the
sound of the archangel's voice and God's trumpet; and those who have died in Christ will
rise first. Then we, the living, the survivors, will be caught up with them in the clouds
to meet the Lord in the air." -1 Thes 4:16-17
Praise: Praise to the risen Lord, Who will reign forever through all generations
(Ps 146:10). Alleluia!
Jesus "said to His disciples: 'Scandals will inevitably arise, but woe to him through
whom they come.' " -Luke 17:1
"We are useless servants. We have done no more than our duty." -Luke 17:10
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Publications
· Clarity, Certainty, and Commitment
· How to Get Your Kids to go to Church and go to Heaven
· How to Fight False Teachings
· Healing: The Imitation of Christ
· Be Holy, For I Am Holy
· Hope and Healing Through Aborted Children
Who Am I in Christ?
"He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings
himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." -Matthew 10:39
We must know who we are before we .....................................
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Please I ask to bless me and my family to be saved from all destruction and evilic attack.
Pray for peace in my family and the good health of body mind and soul.
(c.f, , 11/11/2017 3:26:12 AM)
I have been blessed by your prayers in the past! I come to you again with hope for God's
help. I have been in a relationship for a while and it's now time to marry, or to move on.
We are both very afraid of either option and this limbo is killing my spirit and his.
Please pray for the Lords will be done. If we are to marry then let us have the courage to
do so, or if not, then to let it go. We both had very troubled upbringings, broken homes,
abuse maybe that is why. There's a lot of love between us, even if our love is imperfect
due to the abuse. Please, please pray.
(kim , Houston, , 11/11/2017 1:53:56 AM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. Prayers are needed for Charlette who ended her earthly journey
yesterday. LORD may Charlette pass into your arms. Also prayers needed for Cindy who just
had a major surgery for cancer. LORD if you don't cure her she doesn't make it. Prayer
warrior Cindy needs help. Thank you
(Jim, Wisconsin, , 11/10/2017 11:33:09 PM)
Precious Lord God in heaven please please hear my prayers please bless my daughter Gemma
her partner Michael my grandson Mason and my unborn grandchild my partner Dave bless us
with peace love and happiness keep us all safe in your loving arms with the Lord Jesus Amen.
Thank you all for your prayers and God bless each and every one who prays for us
(Rose, United Kingdom, 11/10/2017 10:54:55 PM)
Please pray for Jude to be liberated from depression and pursue a brighter future.
Thank you!
(Grace, Malaysia, 11/10/2017 10:16:39 PM)
Thanks for all the prayers my husband passed away today
(Karen, Baltimore, Baltimore, , 11/10/2017 7:33:56 PM)
I ask the Lord for further conversion of our family members, especially for our daughter to
want to say the rosary every day. I also ask the Lord for further discernment about having
a prayer group and maybe a community. Thank you very much.
(Rosemary B., Sandy, Oregon, United States, 11/10/2017 6:09:02 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
Audio by Topic
Catholic MP3 Talks & Teachings
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as well as covering the entire New Testament thru Revelation.
Also available, many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15
minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up leaders who will
form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 26 years. Begun by Fr. Al in 1991, it now
continues with one deacon of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and two lay teachers trained by
Presentation Ministries. The BTL provides callers with a short teaching on the readings for the
daily Mass. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer
request which will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day on a separate line.
United States: 513-823-3111
Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
... God created us to be a source of hope for others, a true and attainable hope, in
accordance with each person's state of life. In "asking" and "demanding" of each of us
the fulfillment of the duties of our proper state
(Letters of Sister Lucia, February 28, 1943), God effects a general mobilization against
the indifference that chills the heart and worsens our myopia.
We do not want to be a stillborn hope! Life can survive only because of the generosity of
other lives.
With Mary's protection, may we be for our world sentinels of the dawn, contemplating the
true face of Jesus the Savior, resplendent at Easter. Thus may we rediscover the young
and beautiful face of the Church, which shines forth when she is missionary, welcoming,
free, faithful, poor in means and rich in love.
(Source: Homily at Mass and Rite of Canonization of Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto,
May 13, 2017, feast of Our Lady of Fatima)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about some of our
Bible Institute
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Men's Retreat (Dec 2)
· Children AND Youth AND Adult FAMILY Retreat: How do I Seek the Kingdom of God? (Feb 16-17)
Catholic Retreats
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
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Visit Presentation Ministries at
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