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Sunday, September 19, 2010

PM eNewsletter Twenty fifth Sunday in ordinary time

Sept 19th Twenty fifth Sunday in ordinary time

We call this season of the year, ordinary time, yet in You
nothing is ordinary.

Just to know You in the Eucharist, and see You in the breaking
of the bread, should be for us a cause of great joy.

The fact that You are always with us in all the tabernacles of
the world, ready to listen and help us, should give us a
tremendous sense of peace.

We know that You are truly there, just waiting for us to visit,
and give You praise and glorify, thank You, the Christ.

Amen and Amen.

Thank you Lord, for loving us totally.

For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home
page of Presentation Ministries? Please take a look.

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One Bread, One Body

This weeks readings and reflections


"First of all, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving
be offered for all men, especially for kings and those in authority." -1 Timothy 2:1-2

Did you pray today for the president, governor, mayor, bishops, priests,
ministers, celebrities, superstars, and millionaires? All these people are
in authority, and the Lord commands us to pray for them "first of all"
(1 Tm 2:1). "Prayer of this kind is good, and God our Savior is pleased
with it, for He wants all men to be saved and come to know the truth"
(1 Tm 2:3-4).

When was the last time you openly prayed with people on the street, as
at the first Pentecost? Did the men lead these prayers "with blameless
hands held aloft?" (1 Tm 2:8) Do you occasionally pray all night or at
least into the night? (see Is 26:9; Lk 18:7) Is prayer the first thing you
do when you wake up, even if you're not a "morning person"? Do you
pray more than you watch TV? Do you faithfully pray when you don't
feel like it and when God seems to be a million miles away? Do you
pray on the phone? Do you "at every opportunity pray in the Spirit,
using prayers and petitions of every sort" (Eph 6:18)?

"The Spirit too helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to
pray as we ought; but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us"
(Rm 8:26).


"Take heed, therefore, how you hear." -Luke 8:18


"What reason can the Teacher have for eating with tax collectors and
those who disregard the law?" -Matthew 9:11

For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries,
check us out at

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quick and it will make Jesus smile!


" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you
don't usually hear addressed."

This Week's Featured Brochures

Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

"All of us, gazing on the Lord's glory with unveiled faces, are being
transformed from glory to glory into His very image by the Lord
Who is the Spirit." -2 Corinthians 3:18

Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Life Changing Masses, No Matter What

This is My Body

Brochures by Topic

PM Internet Prayer Requests

Please calm down the temperamental attitude of my nephew.
Thank you
(M.A., New York, NY, United States, 9/18/2010 8:21:12 PM)

Please pray for healing and health for a friend Joan T. who has
serious health concerns.
(L. , Cincinnati, OH, 9/18/2010 7:49:27 PM)

Please pray for Alex a 14 month old boy who has a rare disease.
Also for his parents. He will under go tests this week to determine
how bad his condition is. Please pray for healing and peace for
his family. Thank you and God bless, SPK, Massachusetts
(Anonymous, 9/18/2010 7:41:50 PM)

Please pray for the peace of jerusalem and for the neareast peace talks
(M.K, 9/18/2010 7:07:45 PM)

I'm tired of being treated coldly. I don't want to respond in kind, but I
don't know what to do. I'm hurt. Help me grow closer to her. Please
pray that she will be warm and genuine with me next week (or will
contact me sooner even).
(L.C., New York, NY, United States, 9/18/2010 6:49:33 PM)

Join me in prayers for our Pope Benedict XVI that the Lord will watch
over him on his journey and that by the power of the Holy Spirit eyes,
minds and hearts will be open to the Truth.Jesus I Trust in YOU!
(K., Texas, 9/18/2010 6:03:42 PM)

Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.

MP3 4 You

The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable
tapes online. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3. Also available,
many MP3 formatted Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible
and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.

Take a moment and check the link below

Small Christian Communities

We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more
communities by raising up leaders who will form communities

PM's Small Christian Community Network

Learn about the Communities in our Network

Small Christian Community Resources

Introduction to Small Christian Community

"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:

Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)

Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)

For more information contact: community@presentationministries.com

Bible Telephone Line

** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**

Cincinnati 513 297-2821
Cleveland 440 572-4366
Columbus 614 470-0020
Detroit 734 720-1852
Indianapolis 317 767-5413
Long Island 631 778-5015
Los Angeles 213 455-0872
Miami 305 356-7638
Toledo 419-464-9880

Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings
of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer

Best of Daily Bread Radio Program

Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth

Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



... On the Solemnity of the Assumption into Heaven of the Mother
of God, we celebrate the passage from the earthly condition to
heavenly blessedness of the One who engendered in the flesh
and received in faith the Lord of Life.


It is 60 years since Venerable Pope Pius XII ...solemnly defined
this Dogma ... This ... is the nucleus of our faith in the
Assumption: we believe that Mary, like Christ her Son, overcame
death and is already triumphant in heavenly glory, in the totality
of her being, "in body and soul".

(Sources: Homily 8/15/2010, Angelus 8/15/2010 and 8/22/2010)


PM Ministry List

" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below
you can find information about some of our ministries.

Bible Institute

Word Gifts Ministry

Online Registration


· Mother-Daughter Retreat (Sep 25)
· Father-Son Retreat (Oct 2)
· Lay Members of Christ Faithful People (Oct 4-7)


· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list



Visit Presentation Ministries at http://www.presentationministries.com

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