Make a New Year's Resolution to share OBOB with a friend.
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature" (Mk 16:15).
Monday, December 31, 2012, Pope St. Sylvester
1 John 2:18-21, Psalm 96:1-2, 11-13, John 1:1-18
Link to Readings -->
"He was in the world, and through Him the world was made, yet the world did not know who He was." -John 1:10
Did you feel rejected in 2012? If you did, you're in good company. Jesus was also rejected. "To His own He came, yet His own did not accept Him" (Jn 1:11). What hurts most is that the rejection usually comes from those closest to us. For example, wives reject husbands in sexual relations; parents refuse to forgive their children; sons and daughters rebel and break their parents' hearts. The psalmist cries: "If an enemy had reviled me, I could have borne it; if he who hates me had vaunted himself against me, I might have hidden from him. But you, my other self, my companion and my bosom friend! You, whose comradeship I enjoyed; at whose side I walked in procession in the house of God!" (Ps 55:13-15)
Even in the Church we feel rejected by others. But our pain from rejection is almost nothing compared to humanity's constant rejection of the Lord for thousands of years. "Now many such antichrists have appeared. This makes us certain that it is the final hour. It was from our ranks that they took their leave" (1 Jn 2:18-19). No one has been rejected more than Jesus. He understands your pain.
As we end the old year and begin this new one, do two things: Forgive and give. First, ask for the power to forgive all the rejections of the past. Second, give yourself to Jesus. He promises: "All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me; no one who comes will I ever reject" (Jn 6:37). 2013 can be the best year of your life.
Prayer: Jesus, don't let me go to sleep tonight without forgiving everyone who has ever hurt and rejected me. I give myself to You. Remind me of this at midnight tonight.
Promise: "But you have the anointing that comes from the Holy One, so that all knowledge is yours." -1 Jn 2:20
Praise: Pope St. Sylvester's papacy was noted for building up the church and constructing basilicas. He understood building God's house took precedence over the comfort of man (see Hg 1:8-9).
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
A place where all the best, especially you and yours truly, can freely share the beauty of our faiths regardless of our colour, race, status, religion or creed as well as fiding out how to live life to the fullest by meditating on this short sharings daily, especially single mingle christian
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
PM eNewsletter Feast of the Holy family
December 30th Feast of the Holy family
Jesus, as we end this year, let us see the power of love that exists
in the human family that should be like your Holy Family.
We all have our faults and failings, but they can be given to You, so
that we can be free to love those who gave us life and took care of
us as children.
Let us see that our parents did the best they could where they were at.
And let us pray for them to come and find the love that You have for all
Jesus, help all children, especially those who had difficult childhoods,
and give them the grace to forgive.
Let this next year be a year of peace and love and forgivness.
Amen and Amen.
Thanks to You, Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
Jesus "was submissive to them. His mother meanwhile kept all these things in memory. Jesus,
for His part, progressed steadily in wisdom and age and grace before God and men."
-Luke 2:51-52, our transl.
In the Christmas season, the Lord graces us to grow in love for Him even more deeply than
at most other times of the year. We will receive this new and deeper love at Mass, through
God's Word, by witnessing for Jesus, by forgiving our enemies, and in many other ways. In
trying to deepen our love for the members of our family, we will also grow in our love for
the Lord.
The way to love your family more deeply is to be yourself, that is, to fulfill your
God-given role in the family. Because God created families to be ecological, the various
roles and dynamics of family life are intricately interrelated. For example, a single parent
shouldn't try to be a "double-parent." Parents shouldn't try to be a peer to their children.
While all people are called to be submissive on many occasions, wives are to be the main
models of submission (see Eph 5:22). Otherwise, most people will not be submissive and will
misunderstand submission, as is the case in the Western world today. Fathers are to take the
greatest responsibility in making their children disciples of Christ. There are, of course,
many other examples.
The Lord expects us only to be ourselves and to do our best. He will provide what is missing
in the family. In being ourselves and doing our best in family life, we will know the depth
of Christ's love in a new way this Christmas season (Eph 3:18). Try to be a holy family.
Know a new love for Jesus.
Prayer: Father, teach me the ecology of family life and love.
Promise: "See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of
God." -1 Jn 3:1
Praise: Praise Jesus, holy and risen Lord! "Give to the Lord, you families of nations, give
to the Lord glory and praise; give to the Lord the glory due His name!" (Ps 96:8)
"He was in the world, and through Him the world was made, yet the world did not know who He
was." -John 1:10
"They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Baby lying in the manger; once they
saw, they understood what had been told them concerning this Child." -Luke 2:16-17
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochure
Marriage & Family Life
The Bible on Sex
Birth Control
Healing Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families
Healing the Family Tree
Home-Schooling and Home-Discipling
How to Get Your Kids to go to Church and go to Heaven
Leading Your Loved Ones to Christ
Living in Reality
Oral Sex in Marriage
Sexual Sin, Abortion, and the Pill
There's No Place Like Home-(Schooling)
An Urgent Message to Godparents
Who Am I in Christ?
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Heavenly Father thank you for all the Blessings,Please guide us by your Holy spirit as we go along
with our work.Lord Bless our family and other family,give us a healthy body and please heough
Christ our Lord.amen.lp my granddaughter to grow with a good and loving. we ask this thr
(antang4, 12/29/2012 5:24:34 PM)
(PRISCILLA, WA, Ghana, 12/29/2012 4:35:48 PM)
Please pray for my sister Rosie's inner healing and conversion of heart. thank you, God bless your
Ministry and have a happy New Year.
(Emma B., San Antonio, Texas, United States, 12/29/2012 2:58:36 PM)
That God in His Mercy and Goodness will help me with the person who is envious in what I want to
do in the near future in regards to serving God among the poor.
(Anonymous, St.John's, NL, Canada, 12/29/2012 1:09:43 PM)
For all prayer requests posted. Amen.
(Anonymous, 12/29/2012 11:58:02 AM)
Prayer intentions for strengthening of families with God as a priority, for our country to bring
God back into schools and government, and a continued effort to make Life a sacred and
non-negotiable right.
(Anonymous, 12/29/2012 11:37:47 AM)
Let us pray that the New Year will see an increase of Faith, through the support and expansion of
Catholic radio stations in the US and around the world. For modesty in our dress and to stand up
and refuse to watch the trash provided in television viewing, commercials, advertising by all the
different types of media.
(Ken, Texas, 12/29/2012 11:15:26 AM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 19 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.
** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**
Akron, OH 330 344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443 529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701 595-5300
Boston, MA 508 591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513 823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440 572-4366
Columbus, OH 614 210-3111
Detroit, MI 734 418-9101
Fort Worth, TX 817 203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317 564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561 768-4321
Lexington, KY 859 554-1500
Long Island, NY 631 317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323 984-7500
Louisville, KY 502 694-3131
Miami, FL 305 520-9922
Pittsburg, PA 412 228-0228
Phoenix, AZ 480 630-3999
St. Augustine, FL 904 414-4142
St Louis, MO 314 561-7411
San Diego, CA 619 272-6111
Toledo, OH 419 318-2211
Toronto, Ontario 647 723-9923
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
It is in the family that the light of peace is first kindled in hearts so that they may
illuminate our world.
... Sunday is the day of the Lord and of men and women, a day in which everyone must be
able to be free, free for the family and free for God. In defending Sunday, we defend
human freedom!
...Without the family humanity has no future; young people in particular need to learn
the values that give meaning to life, they need to be born into and grow up in that
community of life and love which God Himself desired for men and women.
(Sources: Homily, World Meeting of Families, 6/3/12, Milan, Italy; General Audience, 6/ 6/12)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
John Paul Speaks
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Let the Spirit Lead You Into the Desert of Lent with His Gifts (Feb 15-16)
· Women's Retreat (Mar 9)
· Intercession and Healing (Apr 12-14)
Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?
More information and registration for the Bible Institute
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Jesus, as we end this year, let us see the power of love that exists
in the human family that should be like your Holy Family.
We all have our faults and failings, but they can be given to You, so
that we can be free to love those who gave us life and took care of
us as children.
Let us see that our parents did the best they could where they were at.
And let us pray for them to come and find the love that You have for all
Jesus, help all children, especially those who had difficult childhoods,
and give them the grace to forgive.
Let this next year be a year of peace and love and forgivness.
Amen and Amen.
Thanks to You, Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
Jesus "was submissive to them. His mother meanwhile kept all these things in memory. Jesus,
for His part, progressed steadily in wisdom and age and grace before God and men."
-Luke 2:51-52, our transl.
In the Christmas season, the Lord graces us to grow in love for Him even more deeply than
at most other times of the year. We will receive this new and deeper love at Mass, through
God's Word, by witnessing for Jesus, by forgiving our enemies, and in many other ways. In
trying to deepen our love for the members of our family, we will also grow in our love for
the Lord.
The way to love your family more deeply is to be yourself, that is, to fulfill your
God-given role in the family. Because God created families to be ecological, the various
roles and dynamics of family life are intricately interrelated. For example, a single parent
shouldn't try to be a "double-parent." Parents shouldn't try to be a peer to their children.
While all people are called to be submissive on many occasions, wives are to be the main
models of submission (see Eph 5:22). Otherwise, most people will not be submissive and will
misunderstand submission, as is the case in the Western world today. Fathers are to take the
greatest responsibility in making their children disciples of Christ. There are, of course,
many other examples.
The Lord expects us only to be ourselves and to do our best. He will provide what is missing
in the family. In being ourselves and doing our best in family life, we will know the depth
of Christ's love in a new way this Christmas season (Eph 3:18). Try to be a holy family.
Know a new love for Jesus.
Prayer: Father, teach me the ecology of family life and love.
Promise: "See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of
God." -1 Jn 3:1
Praise: Praise Jesus, holy and risen Lord! "Give to the Lord, you families of nations, give
to the Lord glory and praise; give to the Lord the glory due His name!" (Ps 96:8)
"He was in the world, and through Him the world was made, yet the world did not know who He
was." -John 1:10
"They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Baby lying in the manger; once they
saw, they understood what had been told them concerning this Child." -Luke 2:16-17
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochure
Marriage & Family Life
The Bible on Sex
Birth Control
Healing Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families
Healing the Family Tree
Home-Schooling and Home-Discipling
How to Get Your Kids to go to Church and go to Heaven
Leading Your Loved Ones to Christ
Living in Reality
Oral Sex in Marriage
Sexual Sin, Abortion, and the Pill
There's No Place Like Home-(Schooling)
An Urgent Message to Godparents
Who Am I in Christ?
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Heavenly Father thank you for all the Blessings,Please guide us by your Holy spirit as we go along
with our work.Lord Bless our family and other family,give us a healthy body and please heough
Christ our Lord.amen.lp my granddaughter to grow with a good and loving. we ask this thr
(antang4, 12/29/2012 5:24:34 PM)
(PRISCILLA, WA, Ghana, 12/29/2012 4:35:48 PM)
Please pray for my sister Rosie's inner healing and conversion of heart. thank you, God bless your
Ministry and have a happy New Year.
(Emma B., San Antonio, Texas, United States, 12/29/2012 2:58:36 PM)
That God in His Mercy and Goodness will help me with the person who is envious in what I want to
do in the near future in regards to serving God among the poor.
(Anonymous, St.John's, NL, Canada, 12/29/2012 1:09:43 PM)
For all prayer requests posted. Amen.
(Anonymous, 12/29/2012 11:58:02 AM)
Prayer intentions for strengthening of families with God as a priority, for our country to bring
God back into schools and government, and a continued effort to make Life a sacred and
non-negotiable right.
(Anonymous, 12/29/2012 11:37:47 AM)
Let us pray that the New Year will see an increase of Faith, through the support and expansion of
Catholic radio stations in the US and around the world. For modesty in our dress and to stand up
and refuse to watch the trash provided in television viewing, commercials, advertising by all the
different types of media.
(Ken, Texas, 12/29/2012 11:15:26 AM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 19 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.
** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**
Akron, OH 330 344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443 529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701 595-5300
Boston, MA 508 591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513 823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440 572-4366
Columbus, OH 614 210-3111
Detroit, MI 734 418-9101
Fort Worth, TX 817 203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317 564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561 768-4321
Lexington, KY 859 554-1500
Long Island, NY 631 317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323 984-7500
Louisville, KY 502 694-3131
Miami, FL 305 520-9922
Pittsburg, PA 412 228-0228
Phoenix, AZ 480 630-3999
St. Augustine, FL 904 414-4142
St Louis, MO 314 561-7411
San Diego, CA 619 272-6111
Toledo, OH 419 318-2211
Toronto, Ontario 647 723-9923
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
It is in the family that the light of peace is first kindled in hearts so that they may
illuminate our world.
... Sunday is the day of the Lord and of men and women, a day in which everyone must be
able to be free, free for the family and free for God. In defending Sunday, we defend
human freedom!
...Without the family humanity has no future; young people in particular need to learn
the values that give meaning to life, they need to be born into and grow up in that
community of life and love which God Himself desired for men and women.
(Sources: Homily, World Meeting of Families, 6/3/12, Milan, Italy; General Audience, 6/ 6/12)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
John Paul Speaks
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Let the Spirit Lead You Into the Desert of Lent with His Gifts (Feb 15-16)
· Women's Retreat (Mar 9)
· Intercession and Healing (Apr 12-14)
Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?
More information and registration for the Bible Institute
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
FAMILY ECOLOGY - One Bread, One Body, 12/30/2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012, Holy Family
1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28, 1 John 3:1-2, 21-24, Psalm 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10, Luke 2:41-52
Link to Readings -->
Jesus "was submissive to them. His mother meanwhile kept all these things in memory. Jesus, for His part, progressed steadily in wisdom and age and grace before God and men." -Luke 2:51-52, our transl.
In the Christmas season, the Lord graces us to grow in love for Him even more deeply than at most other times of the year. We will receive this new and deeper love at Mass, through God's Word, by witnessing for Jesus, by forgiving our enemies, and in many other ways. In trying to deepen our love for the members of our family, we will also grow in our love for the Lord.
The way to love your family more deeply is to be yourself, that is, to fulfill your God-given role in the family. Because God created families to be ecological, the various roles and dynamics of family life are intricately interrelated. For example, a single parent shouldn't try to be a "double-parent." Parents shouldn't try to be a peer to their children. While all people are called to be submissive on many occasions, wives are to be the main models of submission (see Eph 5:22). Otherwise, most people will not be submissive and will misunderstand submission, as is the case in the Western world today. Fathers are to take the greatest responsibility in making their children disciples of Christ. There are, of course, many other examples.
The Lord expects us only to be ourselves and to do our best. He will provide what is missing in the family. In being ourselves and doing our best in family life, we will know the depth of Christ's love in a new way this Christmas season (Eph 3:18). Try to be a holy family. Know a new love for Jesus.
Prayer: Father, teach me the ecology of family life and love.
Promise: "See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God." -1 Jn 3:1
Praise: Praise Jesus, holy and risen Lord! "Give to the Lord, you families of nations, give to the Lord glory and praise; give to the Lord the glory due His name!" (Ps 96:8)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28, 1 John 3:1-2, 21-24, Psalm 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10, Luke 2:41-52
Link to Readings -->
Jesus "was submissive to them. His mother meanwhile kept all these things in memory. Jesus, for His part, progressed steadily in wisdom and age and grace before God and men." -Luke 2:51-52, our transl.
In the Christmas season, the Lord graces us to grow in love for Him even more deeply than at most other times of the year. We will receive this new and deeper love at Mass, through God's Word, by witnessing for Jesus, by forgiving our enemies, and in many other ways. In trying to deepen our love for the members of our family, we will also grow in our love for the Lord.
The way to love your family more deeply is to be yourself, that is, to fulfill your God-given role in the family. Because God created families to be ecological, the various roles and dynamics of family life are intricately interrelated. For example, a single parent shouldn't try to be a "double-parent." Parents shouldn't try to be a peer to their children. While all people are called to be submissive on many occasions, wives are to be the main models of submission (see Eph 5:22). Otherwise, most people will not be submissive and will misunderstand submission, as is the case in the Western world today. Fathers are to take the greatest responsibility in making their children disciples of Christ. There are, of course, many other examples.
The Lord expects us only to be ourselves and to do our best. He will provide what is missing in the family. In being ourselves and doing our best in family life, we will know the depth of Christ's love in a new way this Christmas season (Eph 3:18). Try to be a holy family. Know a new love for Jesus.
Prayer: Father, teach me the ecology of family life and love.
Promise: "See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God." -1 Jn 3:1
Praise: Praise Jesus, holy and risen Lord! "Give to the Lord, you families of nations, give to the Lord glory and praise; give to the Lord the glory due His name!" (Ps 96:8)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Like One Bread, One Body on Facebook. We are posting each day's teaching on Facebook so you can share it with friends and groups there.
Saturday, December 29, 2012, St. Thomas Becket
1 John 2:3-11, Psalm 96:1-3, 5-6, Luke 2:22-35
Link to Readings -->
"My eyes have witnessed Your saving Deed displayed for all the peoples to see: A revealing Light to the Gentiles, the Glory of Your people Israel." - Luke 2:30-32
What has Jesus been giving you as you begin the Christmas season? Expect to receive the Lord's personal love this day and each day in the next few weeks. He loves you and wants to show it. Let Him touch and embrace you this Christmas time.
You may have a Simeon-Christmas by receiving what it seems you've been waiting for your whole life (Lk 2:29). Now your life is complete; you can die. Maybe you will die and have the best Christmas ever, in heaven. Perhaps you've been praying for your son to accept Jesus as Lord. This Christmas may be the one when you see the glory of God. Alternatively, you may have a "Mary" Christmas. You may receive a prophetic word about the future. Even if a sword of suffering will pierce your heart, it's a great Christmas gift to know God's plan for your life (Lk 2:34-35). You may have a Joseph-Christmas, a Shepherds-Christmas, or a Magi-Christmas.
All of these Christmases are life-changing encounters with the living God. "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on man what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor 2:9). Let the Christ of Christmas have His way in your life this Christmas.
Prayer: Lord, this Christmas may I let You love me with abandon.
Promise: "The man who continues in the light is the one who loves his brother; there is nothing in him to cause a fall." -1 Jn 2:10
Praise: As St. Thomas was being martyred, he proclaimed: "For the name of Jesus and in defense of the Church I am willing to die."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Saturday, December 29, 2012, St. Thomas Becket
1 John 2:3-11, Psalm 96:1-3, 5-6, Luke 2:22-35
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"My eyes have witnessed Your saving Deed displayed for all the peoples to see: A revealing Light to the Gentiles, the Glory of Your people Israel." - Luke 2:30-32
What has Jesus been giving you as you begin the Christmas season? Expect to receive the Lord's personal love this day and each day in the next few weeks. He loves you and wants to show it. Let Him touch and embrace you this Christmas time.
You may have a Simeon-Christmas by receiving what it seems you've been waiting for your whole life (Lk 2:29). Now your life is complete; you can die. Maybe you will die and have the best Christmas ever, in heaven. Perhaps you've been praying for your son to accept Jesus as Lord. This Christmas may be the one when you see the glory of God. Alternatively, you may have a "Mary" Christmas. You may receive a prophetic word about the future. Even if a sword of suffering will pierce your heart, it's a great Christmas gift to know God's plan for your life (Lk 2:34-35). You may have a Joseph-Christmas, a Shepherds-Christmas, or a Magi-Christmas.
All of these Christmases are life-changing encounters with the living God. "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on man what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor 2:9). Let the Christ of Christmas have His way in your life this Christmas.
Prayer: Lord, this Christmas may I let You love me with abandon.
Promise: "The man who continues in the light is the one who loves his brother; there is nothing in him to cause a fall." -1 Jn 2:10
Praise: As St. Thomas was being martyred, he proclaimed: "For the name of Jesus and in defense of the Church I am willing to die."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
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Friday, December 28, 2012
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS - One Bread, One Body, 12/28/2012
Like One Bread, One Body on Facebook. We are posting each day's teaching on Facebook so you can share it with friends and groups there.
Friday, December 28, 2012, Holy Innocents
1 John 1:5-2:2, Psalm 124:2-5, 7-8, Matthew 2:13-18
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"God is Light; in Him there is no darkness." -1 John 1:5
By two revelations, the Lord defeated Herod in His plan to kill Jesus. The wise men "received a message in a dream not to return to Herod" (Mt 2:12). "After they had left, the angel of the Lord suddenly appeared in a dream to Joseph with the command: 'Get up, take the Child and His mother, and flee to Egypt' " (Mt 2:13). Both these revelations were necessary to protect Jesus from Herod. If the wise men had reported to Herod, God's revelation to Joseph would have been too late to save Jesus' life. In addition, if Joseph had not heard the Lord, God's revelation to the wise men would have been useless.
We defeat the darkness by the light of divine revelation. We need to hear everything the Lord wants to tell us as soon as He tells us. "A people living in darkness has seen a great light. On those who inhabit a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen" (Mt 4:16). Consequently, we must be encouraged to daily seek God's face by praying, reading God's word, celebrating the sacraments, and living in Christian community. We want to receive the fullness of divine revelation. Then we must accept responsibility to share the light of Christ. "Rise up in splendor! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the Lord shines, and over you appears His glory. Nations shall walk by Your light, and kings by Your shining radiance" (Is 60:1-3).
Defeat Herod. Protect children from death. Bring down the culture of death. Receive and share immediately and repeatedly "the light of life" (Jn 8:12).
Prayer: Father, "with You is the fountain of life, and in Your light we see light" (Ps 36:10).
Promise: "We have, in the presence of the Father, Jesus Christ, an Intercessor Who is just. He is an Offering for our sins, and not for our sins only, but for those of the whole world." -1 Jn 2:1-2
Praise: The Holy Innocents now number hundreds of millions. They pray for us to repent.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Friday, December 28, 2012, Holy Innocents
1 John 1:5-2:2, Psalm 124:2-5, 7-8, Matthew 2:13-18
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"God is Light; in Him there is no darkness." -1 John 1:5
By two revelations, the Lord defeated Herod in His plan to kill Jesus. The wise men "received a message in a dream not to return to Herod" (Mt 2:12). "After they had left, the angel of the Lord suddenly appeared in a dream to Joseph with the command: 'Get up, take the Child and His mother, and flee to Egypt' " (Mt 2:13). Both these revelations were necessary to protect Jesus from Herod. If the wise men had reported to Herod, God's revelation to Joseph would have been too late to save Jesus' life. In addition, if Joseph had not heard the Lord, God's revelation to the wise men would have been useless.
We defeat the darkness by the light of divine revelation. We need to hear everything the Lord wants to tell us as soon as He tells us. "A people living in darkness has seen a great light. On those who inhabit a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen" (Mt 4:16). Consequently, we must be encouraged to daily seek God's face by praying, reading God's word, celebrating the sacraments, and living in Christian community. We want to receive the fullness of divine revelation. Then we must accept responsibility to share the light of Christ. "Rise up in splendor! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the Lord shines, and over you appears His glory. Nations shall walk by Your light, and kings by Your shining radiance" (Is 60:1-3).
Defeat Herod. Protect children from death. Bring down the culture of death. Receive and share immediately and repeatedly "the light of life" (Jn 8:12).
Prayer: Father, "with You is the fountain of life, and in Your light we see light" (Ps 36:10).
Promise: "We have, in the presence of the Father, Jesus Christ, an Intercessor Who is just. He is an Offering for our sins, and not for our sins only, but for those of the whole world." -1 Jn 2:1-2
Praise: The Holy Innocents now number hundreds of millions. They pray for us to repent.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Thursday, December 27, 2012
FULLY MAN, FULLY GOD, FULLY LOVE - One Bread, One Body, 12/27/2012
Read through the whole Bible in 2013. See our reading schedules at:
Thursday, December 27, 2012, St. John
1 John 1:1-4, Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12, John 20:1-8
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"...what we have looked upon and our hands have touched - we speak of the Word of Life." -1 John 1:1
John is traditionally identified with the Beloved Disciple, on whose testimony the fourth Gospel is based (Jn 21:24). John testified that he surely could not help but speak of what he had heard and seen (Acts 4:19-20). Everything within John found joy in sharing his experience of Jesus' love with others (1 Jn 1:3-4).
John saw Jesus. He heard Jesus' heart beating (Jn 13:25). John stood at the foot of the cross and watched Jesus pour out His blood to save us (Jn 19:26, 34). He was in a position to testify that "the Word became flesh" (Jn 1:14).
Even with all this experience of Jesus' physical, human presence, John's love for Jesus longed to go deeper. John, "the one Jesus loved" (Jn 20:2), experienced Jesus' love so deeply that he "was caught up in ecstasy" (Rv 1:10) into the mystery of love. He encountered the divinity of Christ "in heaven" (Rv 4:2). Because of this encounter (see Rv 5:6ff), John knew that Jesus was God (Jn 1:1). His Gospel, more than any other, proclaims the divinity of Jesus. John was consumed with the desire to proclaim that the Baby Jesus in the lowly Christmas manger is the divine God enthroned in heavenly majesty.
John wrote "to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in His name" (Jn 20:31). What John saw and heard, he proclaimed "in turn to you so that you may share life" with him and Jesus forever (1 Jn 1:3). Look, hear, believe in Jesus, and live forever.
Prayer: Jesus, may I be known by others as the one You love.
Promise: "He saw and believed." -Jn 20:8
Praise: St. John was the only apostle who stood at the foot of Jesus' cross.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Thursday, December 27, 2012, St. John
1 John 1:1-4, Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12, John 20:1-8
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"...what we have looked upon and our hands have touched - we speak of the Word of Life." -1 John 1:1
John is traditionally identified with the Beloved Disciple, on whose testimony the fourth Gospel is based (Jn 21:24). John testified that he surely could not help but speak of what he had heard and seen (Acts 4:19-20). Everything within John found joy in sharing his experience of Jesus' love with others (1 Jn 1:3-4).
John saw Jesus. He heard Jesus' heart beating (Jn 13:25). John stood at the foot of the cross and watched Jesus pour out His blood to save us (Jn 19:26, 34). He was in a position to testify that "the Word became flesh" (Jn 1:14).
Even with all this experience of Jesus' physical, human presence, John's love for Jesus longed to go deeper. John, "the one Jesus loved" (Jn 20:2), experienced Jesus' love so deeply that he "was caught up in ecstasy" (Rv 1:10) into the mystery of love. He encountered the divinity of Christ "in heaven" (Rv 4:2). Because of this encounter (see Rv 5:6ff), John knew that Jesus was God (Jn 1:1). His Gospel, more than any other, proclaims the divinity of Jesus. John was consumed with the desire to proclaim that the Baby Jesus in the lowly Christmas manger is the divine God enthroned in heavenly majesty.
John wrote "to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in His name" (Jn 20:31). What John saw and heard, he proclaimed "in turn to you so that you may share life" with him and Jesus forever (1 Jn 1:3). Look, hear, believe in Jesus, and live forever.
Prayer: Jesus, may I be known by others as the one You love.
Promise: "He saw and believed." -Jn 20:8
Praise: St. John was the only apostle who stood at the foot of Jesus' cross.
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012
THE REAL CHRISTMAS SPIRIT - One Bread, One Body, 12/26/2012
Read through the whole Bible in 2013. See our reading schedules at:
Wednesday, December 26, 2012, St. Stephen
Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59, Psalm 31:3-4, 6, 8, 16-17, Matthew 10:17-22
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"Stephen, meanwhile, filled with the Holy Spirit..." -Acts 7:55
The spirit of the world is at odds with the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:17). Because of this, it is crucial for us to be absolutely certain we are following the Holy Spirit in our celebrations of the Christmas season. Otherwise, we are "opposing the Holy Spirit" (Acts 7:51), just like the Jewish leaders who put St. Stephen to death. These leaders sincerely thought they were serving God by killing Stephen, but were unwittingly fulfilling Jesus' prophecy instead (see Jn 16:2).
Martyrs like Stephen empty themselves of their blood, just as Jesus emptied Himself (Phil 2:7). Likewise, we must empty ourselves of the world's spirit so that we don't blindly oppose the Holy Spirit. When we are completely empty of self and the spirit of the world (2 Cor 4:4), we can be full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5). If we aren't empty of the things of the world, we will have no room for the Father's gift of the Spirit (see 1 Jn 2:15).
Get the real Christmas spirit. For your Christmas present, "receive the Holy Spirit" (Jn 20:22). May you be found guilty of always opposing the world's spirit and always receiving the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Father, pour out Your love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rm 5:5). Come, Holy Spirit!
Promise: "Do not worry about what you will say or how you will say it. When the hour comes, you will be given what you are to say. You yourselves will not be the speakers; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you." -Mt 10:19-20
Praise: St. Stephen "worked great signs and wonders among the people" (Acts 6:8) and was so "filled with faith and the Holy Spirit" (Acts 6:5) that he was martyred even before the apostles were.
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012, St. Stephen
Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59, Psalm 31:3-4, 6, 8, 16-17, Matthew 10:17-22
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"Stephen, meanwhile, filled with the Holy Spirit..." -Acts 7:55
The spirit of the world is at odds with the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:17). Because of this, it is crucial for us to be absolutely certain we are following the Holy Spirit in our celebrations of the Christmas season. Otherwise, we are "opposing the Holy Spirit" (Acts 7:51), just like the Jewish leaders who put St. Stephen to death. These leaders sincerely thought they were serving God by killing Stephen, but were unwittingly fulfilling Jesus' prophecy instead (see Jn 16:2).
Martyrs like Stephen empty themselves of their blood, just as Jesus emptied Himself (Phil 2:7). Likewise, we must empty ourselves of the world's spirit so that we don't blindly oppose the Holy Spirit. When we are completely empty of self and the spirit of the world (2 Cor 4:4), we can be full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5). If we aren't empty of the things of the world, we will have no room for the Father's gift of the Spirit (see 1 Jn 2:15).
Get the real Christmas spirit. For your Christmas present, "receive the Holy Spirit" (Jn 20:22). May you be found guilty of always opposing the world's spirit and always receiving the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Father, pour out Your love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rm 5:5). Come, Holy Spirit!
Promise: "Do not worry about what you will say or how you will say it. When the hour comes, you will be given what you are to say. You yourselves will not be the speakers; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you." -Mt 10:19-20
Praise: St. Stephen "worked great signs and wonders among the people" (Acts 6:8) and was so "filled with faith and the Holy Spirit" (Acts 6:5) that he was martyred even before the apostles were.
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
DIS-HONORABLE MENTION - One Bread, One Body, 12/25/2012
We at Presentation Ministries wish you a very holy and blessed Christmas. We pray you will receive Jesus, the Word Incarnate, in a new way into your heart.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012, Christmas
Isaiah 52:7-10, Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 98:1-6, John 1:1-18
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"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who bring glad tidings, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, 'Your God is King!' " -Isaiah 52:7
The good news of Christmas is: "A Savior has been born to you" (Lk 2:11). "Your Savior comes" (Is 62:11). "When the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us" (Ti 3:4-5). If Jesus had not been born, our future would be bleak, our present a desperate escape attempt, and our past an even heavier burden. If Jesus had not been born, fear, resentment and depression would reign supreme. If Jesus had not been born, we could not stand to live but would be afraid to die.
At Christmas midnight Mass, I looked at the congregation from my place behind the altar. One young girl was trapped in fornication. Two young men were in a homosexual perversion. A middle-aged man had destroyed his family through alcoholism. An elderly woman was mentally ill. A couple was talking divorce after thirty years of marriage. This was a sampling of the midnight Mass crowd. They desperately needed to be saved. Despite this, none of their fellow parishioners had told them about Jesus the Savior. They were given Christmas carols, Christmas presents, and holiday wishes, but Jesus was only given "honorable mention."
Tell a broken world about Jesus this Christmas. Accept Him as Lord and Savior. "Christ our Savior is born!"
Prayer: Jesus, open my lips to tell a lost and hurting world about Your saving love for them.
Promise: "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, and we have seen His glory: the glory of an only Son coming from the Father, filled with enduring love." -Jn 1:14
Praise: Alleluia! Christ our Savior is born. Praise You, Jesus! We give our lives to You. Alleluia!
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012, Christmas
Isaiah 52:7-10, Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 98:1-6, John 1:1-18
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"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who bring glad tidings, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, 'Your God is King!' " -Isaiah 52:7
The good news of Christmas is: "A Savior has been born to you" (Lk 2:11). "Your Savior comes" (Is 62:11). "When the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us" (Ti 3:4-5). If Jesus had not been born, our future would be bleak, our present a desperate escape attempt, and our past an even heavier burden. If Jesus had not been born, fear, resentment and depression would reign supreme. If Jesus had not been born, we could not stand to live but would be afraid to die.
At Christmas midnight Mass, I looked at the congregation from my place behind the altar. One young girl was trapped in fornication. Two young men were in a homosexual perversion. A middle-aged man had destroyed his family through alcoholism. An elderly woman was mentally ill. A couple was talking divorce after thirty years of marriage. This was a sampling of the midnight Mass crowd. They desperately needed to be saved. Despite this, none of their fellow parishioners had told them about Jesus the Savior. They were given Christmas carols, Christmas presents, and holiday wishes, but Jesus was only given "honorable mention."
Tell a broken world about Jesus this Christmas. Accept Him as Lord and Savior. "Christ our Savior is born!"
Prayer: Jesus, open my lips to tell a lost and hurting world about Your saving love for them.
Promise: "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, and we have seen His glory: the glory of an only Son coming from the Father, filled with enduring love." -Jn 1:14
Praise: Alleluia! Christ our Savior is born. Praise You, Jesus! We give our lives to You. Alleluia!
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Monday, December 24, 2012
THE ZECHARIAH SYNDROME - One Bread, One Body, 12/24/2012
We at Presentation Ministries wish you a very holy and blessed Christmas. We pray you will receive Jesus, the Word Incarnate, in a new way into your heart.
Monday, December 24, 2012
2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16, Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29, Luke 1:67-79
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"Then Zechariah, his father, filled with the Holy Spirit, uttered this prophecy." -Luke 1:67
We see so many Zechariahs in our churches every Sunday. They're "just in the eyes of God" (Lk 1:6). They're good church-goers, dedicated and willing to lend a helping hand. Like Zechariah, however, they are paralyzed. They cannot speak in Jesus' name or hear His voice (Lk 1:62-63). They are spiritually deaf and dumb from a lack of faith, a lack of a personal relationship with the Lord.
The Zechariahs are not ready for Christ's Christmas coming or His final coming at the end of the world. In fact, they're not ready for life, death, or life after death since "all depends on faith, everything is grace" (Rm 4:16).
These Zechariahs can be set free. They can believe and receive the Holy Spirit. They can hear the voice of God and prophesy in Jesus' name. They can meet Jesus personally this Christmas.
Will you give a spiritually deaf person the opportunity for Christmas? If we stay dumb, the Zechariahs will stay deaf. If we stay dumb we are probably deaf ourselves and one of the Zechariahs. Repent and believe! The Lord is coming!
Prayer: Come, Lord Jesus! May I never be ashamed to talk about You. Come, Lord Jesus!
Promise: "Your house and kingdom shall endure forever before Me; your throne shall stand firm forever." -2 Sm 7:16
Praise: "Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel because He has visited and ransomed His people" (Lk 1:68).
(Be freed from spiritual dumbness. For a related teaching, order our tape "Evangelization "on audio AV 55-1 and AV 55-3 or video V-55.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Monday, December 24, 2012
2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16, Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29, Luke 1:67-79
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"Then Zechariah, his father, filled with the Holy Spirit, uttered this prophecy." -Luke 1:67
We see so many Zechariahs in our churches every Sunday. They're "just in the eyes of God" (Lk 1:6). They're good church-goers, dedicated and willing to lend a helping hand. Like Zechariah, however, they are paralyzed. They cannot speak in Jesus' name or hear His voice (Lk 1:62-63). They are spiritually deaf and dumb from a lack of faith, a lack of a personal relationship with the Lord.
The Zechariahs are not ready for Christ's Christmas coming or His final coming at the end of the world. In fact, they're not ready for life, death, or life after death since "all depends on faith, everything is grace" (Rm 4:16).
These Zechariahs can be set free. They can believe and receive the Holy Spirit. They can hear the voice of God and prophesy in Jesus' name. They can meet Jesus personally this Christmas.
Will you give a spiritually deaf person the opportunity for Christmas? If we stay dumb, the Zechariahs will stay deaf. If we stay dumb we are probably deaf ourselves and one of the Zechariahs. Repent and believe! The Lord is coming!
Prayer: Come, Lord Jesus! May I never be ashamed to talk about You. Come, Lord Jesus!
Promise: "Your house and kingdom shall endure forever before Me; your throne shall stand firm forever." -2 Sm 7:16
Praise: "Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel because He has visited and ransomed His people" (Lk 1:68).
(Be freed from spiritual dumbness. For a related teaching, order our tape "Evangelization "on audio AV 55-1 and AV 55-3 or video V-55.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Sunday, December 23, 2012
PM eNewsletter 4th Sunday of Advent
December 23rd Fourth Sunday of Advent
Oh! Christ, You are about to come again as the babe in the manger.
Please help us to realize that You, as a baby, are all loving and all
That all of our sins can and should be washed away, so that this
year we can end on a note of praise and peace.
We can never truly have peace unless we are truly washed clean
in Your Blood.
Jesus, thank You so much for Your becoming like us in everything
but sin.
Let us be excited that You love us so much that You died that we
might have eternal life.
Let us, this joyous season, lift our voices in praise and glory to You.
Let us be freed from the bondage of sin and soar like the angels
in loving You.
Amen and Amen.
Thanks to You, Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Therefore the Lord will give them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has
borne." -Micah 5:2
Christmas 2012 may be even greater than the amazing Christmases of the past. This Christmas
may be the Christmas of Christmases. To prepare for the greatest Christmas, we need all the
help we can get. Before Christ's Christmas coming, we need Elijah to turn the hearts of
fathers to their children and of children to their fathers (Mal 3:24). We also need to hear
the prophetic message of John the Baptizer and be immersed in his baptism of repentance
(Lk 3:3). Most of all, we need Mary, the ultimate expert on Christmas.
As the mother of God and the Immaculate Conception, Mary is the expert on the meaning of
conception. (This is exceptionally important today when so many babies are killed shortly
after conception through abortion.) As the pregnant Lady of Guadalupe, Mary is also the
expert on pregnancy. As the mother who gave birth to Jesus in the stable, she is the expert
on birth. As the virgin spouse of the Holy Spirit, she will minister to us the Holy Spirit
of Christmas when she visits us this Christmas (see Lk 1:39-41).
"Mary" Christmas! May we love Jesus as Mary does. When we do, we will have the Christmas of
Prayer: Father, may this Christmas be more than I can ever ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20).
May I trust You this Christmas when You do things I don't understand.
Promise: "I have come to do Your will." -Heb 10:9
Praise: "O Emmanuel, King and Lawgiver, Desire of the nations, Savior of all people, come
and set us free, Lord our God."
"Then Zechariah, his father, filled with the Holy Spirit, uttered this prophecy." -Luke 1:67
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who bring glad tidings, announcing
peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, 'Your God is King!' "
-Isaiah 52:7
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochure
Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
What Happens When You Fall in Love
"All of us, gazing on the Lord's glory with unveiled faces, are being transformed from
glory to glory into His very image by the Lord Who is the Spirit." -2 Corinthians 3:18
Jesus promised to be with us always even to the end of the world (Mt 28:20). At the
Last Supper, He said: "This is My body," "This is My blood" (Mk 14:22, 24), and "Do
this as a remembrance of Me" (Lk 22:19). After receiving the Holy Spirit, the early
Church began ...........................
Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Life Changing Masses, No Matter What
One Bread, One Body
This is My Body
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
( check out BTL 3 sections below for another way of sharing prayers)
Greetings Friends of St. Francis: I am about ready to embark on preparation for future
ministry in the Church -my graduate degree in Theology/ Philosophy. I beg for your
community's powerful prayer support for: Truly infinite vast oceans of relentless growth
in: complete, perm.: emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical, biological, psychic
healings & solid preparation for the immense tasks that lay ahead of me. Especially I pray
for complete healings & regeneration, revitalization of any, all:
herniated /bulging / completely deteriorated missing disks, worn, torn, pulled, tendency
towards spasm [muscles, tendons], droped shoulders, rotatorcuff injuries, knee damage -
left knee.
(Anonymous, 12/22/2012 8:37:36 PM)
I am asking for prayers for my parents. my mother has had two open heart surgeries this year
for aortic dissection and my father has had melanoma surgeries and last year he had a stroke.
Now he has cellulitis. please pray to Our Blessed Lady and st Rita and St Anthony and St Jude
to lay this prayer before Jesus for Health for my parents. Please also pray for my health. I
have abdominal issues and back pain.
(Anonymous, 12/22/2012 8:13:10 PM)
I have a # of prayer requests: 1. For the health and well being of my family; 2. For
reconciliation between a family member and myself; 3. For all of the world's poor
(fiancially, physically, mentally, and spiritually) that they might know the intimate touch
of the divine physician; 4. For my personal financial security now (2013) and in the future
as I look forward to my future years, 5. For increased awaremess of trinitarian love present
in my life & for a deeper devotion to Mary
(John S, A., PA, United States, 12/22/2012 4:03:42 PM)
Please pray that this depression leave me, Today !! Reconciliation in *Special relationship*
today !! also pray that this fellow *Michigander* or *Michiganian* Jacob Plymouth, MI United
States recieve all that he is believing for !!!
(Br.Phil BBBBBBBBBB, United States, 12/22/2012 3:35:22 PM)
Heavenly father thank you for all the Blessings,please forgive me for all my sins, please
guide us by your Holy spirit as we go along with our work.Lord Bless our family and other
family ,Help us O Lord to do our duty as lector and commentator touch our heart and mind to
spread the good news and by reading the messages of God with understanding and clearly.we
ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen..
(antang4, 12/22/2012 1:00:51 PM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. May those that need help, seek help. Those that can help, give help.
Those that need love, seek love. Those that can love, give love. Through you LORD all things
are possible. In JESUS I trust. Thank you
(Jim, Wisconsin, 12/22/2012 12:25:47 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 19 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.
** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**
Akron, OH 330 344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443 529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701 595-5300
Boston, MA 508 591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513 823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440 572-4366
Columbus, OH 614 210-3111
Detroit, MI 734 418-9101
Fort Worth, TX 817 203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317 564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561 768-4321
Lexington, KY 859 554-1500
Long Island, NY 631 317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323 984-7500
Louisville, KY 502 694-3131
Miami, FL 305 520-9922
Pittsburg, PA 412 228-0228
Phoenix, AZ 480 630-3999
St. Augustine, FL 904 414-4142
St Louis, MO 314 561-7411
San Diego, CA 619 272-6111
Toledo, OH 419 318-2211
Toronto, Ontario 647 723-9923
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Your vocation is not easy to live, especially today, but the vocation to love is a
wonderful thing, it is the only thing that can truly transform the cosmos, the world.
Dear married couples, watch over your children and, in a world dominated by technology,
transmit to them, with serenity and trust, reasons for living, the strength of faith,
pointing them towards high goals and supporting them in their fragility.
... Let me add a word to the children here: be sure that you always maintain a
relationship of deep affection and attentive care for your parents, and see that your
relationships with your brothers and sisters are opportunities to grow in love.
(Sources: Homily, World Meeting of Families, 6/3/12, Milan, Italy; General Audience, 6/ 6/12)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
John Paul Speaks
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Let the Spirit Lead You Into the Desert of Lent with His Gifts (Feb 15-16)
· Women's Retreat (Mar 9)
· Intercession and Healing (Apr 12-14)
Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?
More information and registration for the Bible Institute
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Oh! Christ, You are about to come again as the babe in the manger.
Please help us to realize that You, as a baby, are all loving and all
That all of our sins can and should be washed away, so that this
year we can end on a note of praise and peace.
We can never truly have peace unless we are truly washed clean
in Your Blood.
Jesus, thank You so much for Your becoming like us in everything
but sin.
Let us be excited that You love us so much that You died that we
might have eternal life.
Let us, this joyous season, lift our voices in praise and glory to You.
Let us be freed from the bondage of sin and soar like the angels
in loving You.
Amen and Amen.
Thanks to You, Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Therefore the Lord will give them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has
borne." -Micah 5:2
Christmas 2012 may be even greater than the amazing Christmases of the past. This Christmas
may be the Christmas of Christmases. To prepare for the greatest Christmas, we need all the
help we can get. Before Christ's Christmas coming, we need Elijah to turn the hearts of
fathers to their children and of children to their fathers (Mal 3:24). We also need to hear
the prophetic message of John the Baptizer and be immersed in his baptism of repentance
(Lk 3:3). Most of all, we need Mary, the ultimate expert on Christmas.
As the mother of God and the Immaculate Conception, Mary is the expert on the meaning of
conception. (This is exceptionally important today when so many babies are killed shortly
after conception through abortion.) As the pregnant Lady of Guadalupe, Mary is also the
expert on pregnancy. As the mother who gave birth to Jesus in the stable, she is the expert
on birth. As the virgin spouse of the Holy Spirit, she will minister to us the Holy Spirit
of Christmas when she visits us this Christmas (see Lk 1:39-41).
"Mary" Christmas! May we love Jesus as Mary does. When we do, we will have the Christmas of
Prayer: Father, may this Christmas be more than I can ever ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20).
May I trust You this Christmas when You do things I don't understand.
Promise: "I have come to do Your will." -Heb 10:9
Praise: "O Emmanuel, King and Lawgiver, Desire of the nations, Savior of all people, come
and set us free, Lord our God."
"Then Zechariah, his father, filled with the Holy Spirit, uttered this prophecy." -Luke 1:67
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who bring glad tidings, announcing
peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, 'Your God is King!' "
-Isaiah 52:7
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochure
Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
What Happens When You Fall in Love
"All of us, gazing on the Lord's glory with unveiled faces, are being transformed from
glory to glory into His very image by the Lord Who is the Spirit." -2 Corinthians 3:18
Jesus promised to be with us always even to the end of the world (Mt 28:20). At the
Last Supper, He said: "This is My body," "This is My blood" (Mk 14:22, 24), and "Do
this as a remembrance of Me" (Lk 22:19). After receiving the Holy Spirit, the early
Church began ...........................
Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Life Changing Masses, No Matter What
One Bread, One Body
This is My Body
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
( check out BTL 3 sections below for another way of sharing prayers)
Greetings Friends of St. Francis: I am about ready to embark on preparation for future
ministry in the Church -my graduate degree in Theology/ Philosophy. I beg for your
community's powerful prayer support for: Truly infinite vast oceans of relentless growth
in: complete, perm.: emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical, biological, psychic
healings & solid preparation for the immense tasks that lay ahead of me. Especially I pray
for complete healings & regeneration, revitalization of any, all:
herniated /bulging / completely deteriorated missing disks, worn, torn, pulled, tendency
towards spasm [muscles, tendons], droped shoulders, rotatorcuff injuries, knee damage -
left knee.
(Anonymous, 12/22/2012 8:37:36 PM)
I am asking for prayers for my parents. my mother has had two open heart surgeries this year
for aortic dissection and my father has had melanoma surgeries and last year he had a stroke.
Now he has cellulitis. please pray to Our Blessed Lady and st Rita and St Anthony and St Jude
to lay this prayer before Jesus for Health for my parents. Please also pray for my health. I
have abdominal issues and back pain.
(Anonymous, 12/22/2012 8:13:10 PM)
I have a # of prayer requests: 1. For the health and well being of my family; 2. For
reconciliation between a family member and myself; 3. For all of the world's poor
(fiancially, physically, mentally, and spiritually) that they might know the intimate touch
of the divine physician; 4. For my personal financial security now (2013) and in the future
as I look forward to my future years, 5. For increased awaremess of trinitarian love present
in my life & for a deeper devotion to Mary
(John S, A., PA, United States, 12/22/2012 4:03:42 PM)
Please pray that this depression leave me, Today !! Reconciliation in *Special relationship*
today !! also pray that this fellow *Michigander* or *Michiganian* Jacob Plymouth, MI United
States recieve all that he is believing for !!!
(Br.Phil BBBBBBBBBB, United States, 12/22/2012 3:35:22 PM)
Heavenly father thank you for all the Blessings,please forgive me for all my sins, please
guide us by your Holy spirit as we go along with our work.Lord Bless our family and other
family ,Help us O Lord to do our duty as lector and commentator touch our heart and mind to
spread the good news and by reading the messages of God with understanding and clearly.we
ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen..
(antang4, 12/22/2012 1:00:51 PM)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. May those that need help, seek help. Those that can help, give help.
Those that need love, seek love. Those that can love, give love. Through you LORD all things
are possible. In JESUS I trust. Thank you
(Jim, Wisconsin, 12/22/2012 12:25:47 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 19 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.
** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**
Akron, OH 330 344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443 529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701 595-5300
Boston, MA 508 591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513 823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440 572-4366
Columbus, OH 614 210-3111
Detroit, MI 734 418-9101
Fort Worth, TX 817 203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317 564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561 768-4321
Lexington, KY 859 554-1500
Long Island, NY 631 317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323 984-7500
Louisville, KY 502 694-3131
Miami, FL 305 520-9922
Pittsburg, PA 412 228-0228
Phoenix, AZ 480 630-3999
St. Augustine, FL 904 414-4142
St Louis, MO 314 561-7411
San Diego, CA 619 272-6111
Toledo, OH 419 318-2211
Toronto, Ontario 647 723-9923
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Your vocation is not easy to live, especially today, but the vocation to love is a
wonderful thing, it is the only thing that can truly transform the cosmos, the world.
Dear married couples, watch over your children and, in a world dominated by technology,
transmit to them, with serenity and trust, reasons for living, the strength of faith,
pointing them towards high goals and supporting them in their fragility.
... Let me add a word to the children here: be sure that you always maintain a
relationship of deep affection and attentive care for your parents, and see that your
relationships with your brothers and sisters are opportunities to grow in love.
(Sources: Homily, World Meeting of Families, 6/3/12, Milan, Italy; General Audience, 6/ 6/12)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
John Paul Speaks
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Let the Spirit Lead You Into the Desert of Lent with His Gifts (Feb 15-16)
· Women's Retreat (Mar 9)
· Intercession and Healing (Apr 12-14)
Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?
More information and registration for the Bible Institute
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
THE CHRISTMAS OF CHRISTMASES - One Bread, One Body, 12/23/2012
For Christmas read the Psalms. Our brochure "Your Christmas Present: The Psalms" has a reading schedule.
Sunday, December 23, 2012, Fourth Sunday of Advent
Micah 5:1-4, Hebrews 10:5-10, Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19, Luke 1:39-45
Link to Readings -->
"Therefore the Lord will give them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has borne." -Micah 5:2
Christmas 2012 may be even greater than the amazing Christmases of the past. This Christmas may be the Christmas of Christmases. To prepare for the greatest Christmas, we need all the help we can get. Before Christ's Christmas coming, we need Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers to their children and of children to their fathers (Mal 3:24). We also need to hear the prophetic message of John the Baptizer and be immersed in his baptism of repentance (Lk 3:3). Most of all, we need Mary, the ultimate expert on Christmas.
As the mother of God and the Immaculate Conception, Mary is the expert on the meaning of conception. (This is exceptionally important today when so many babies are killed shortly after conception through abortion.) As the pregnant Lady of Guadalupe, Mary is also the expert on pregnancy. As the mother who gave birth to Jesus in the stable, she is the expert on birth. As the virgin spouse of the Holy Spirit, she will minister to us the Holy Spirit of Christmas when she visits us this Christmas (see Lk 1:39-41).
"Mary" Christmas! May we love Jesus as Mary does. When we do, we will have the Christmas of Christmases.
Prayer: Father, may this Christmas be more than I can ever ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20). May I trust You this Christmas when You do things I don't understand.
Promise: "I have come to do Your will." -Heb 10:9
Praise: "O Emmanuel, King and Lawgiver, Desire of the nations, Savior of all people, come and set us free, Lord our God."
(The Blessed Virgin Mary knows about Christmas more than anyone else. Order our tape on "The Assumption of Mary" on audio AV 81-1 or video V-81.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Sunday, December 23, 2012, Fourth Sunday of Advent
Micah 5:1-4, Hebrews 10:5-10, Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19, Luke 1:39-45
Link to Readings -->
"Therefore the Lord will give them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has borne." -Micah 5:2
Christmas 2012 may be even greater than the amazing Christmases of the past. This Christmas may be the Christmas of Christmases. To prepare for the greatest Christmas, we need all the help we can get. Before Christ's Christmas coming, we need Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers to their children and of children to their fathers (Mal 3:24). We also need to hear the prophetic message of John the Baptizer and be immersed in his baptism of repentance (Lk 3:3). Most of all, we need Mary, the ultimate expert on Christmas.
As the mother of God and the Immaculate Conception, Mary is the expert on the meaning of conception. (This is exceptionally important today when so many babies are killed shortly after conception through abortion.) As the pregnant Lady of Guadalupe, Mary is also the expert on pregnancy. As the mother who gave birth to Jesus in the stable, she is the expert on birth. As the virgin spouse of the Holy Spirit, she will minister to us the Holy Spirit of Christmas when she visits us this Christmas (see Lk 1:39-41).
"Mary" Christmas! May we love Jesus as Mary does. When we do, we will have the Christmas of Christmases.
Prayer: Father, may this Christmas be more than I can ever ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20). May I trust You this Christmas when You do things I don't understand.
Promise: "I have come to do Your will." -Heb 10:9
Praise: "O Emmanuel, King and Lawgiver, Desire of the nations, Savior of all people, come and set us free, Lord our God."
(The Blessed Virgin Mary knows about Christmas more than anyone else. Order our tape on "The Assumption of Mary" on audio AV 81-1 or video V-81.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Saturday, December 22, 2012
"O MOTHER OF THE WORD INCARNATE" - One Bread, One Body, 12/22/2012
Follow Presentation Ministries (@presmin) on Twitter for OBOB, Daily Bread radio, Mass Readings and other updates.
If you are on Twitter please feel free to retweet some of of our tweets to spread the word about these resources. Spread God's Word on the social networks!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
1 Samuel 1:24-28, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Luke 1:46-56
Link to Readings -->
"My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord." -Luke 1:46
Most Bible scholars reckon that Mary was in her teenage years when she uttered her Magnificat (Lk 1:46-55). Catholic tradition holds that Mary was presented in the Temple at a young age and was raised by holy guardians who reared her and taught her the Scriptures. The feast of the Presentation of Mary on November 21, the patronal feast of Presentation Ministries, preserves and celebrates this tradition.
Mary heard the word of God and kept it, that is, obeyed it (Lk 8:21). Mary conceived the Word of God (Jn 1:1, 14) in her womb and kept It, that is, guarded Jesus. Mary treasured the Word of God and kept it, that is, contemplated it (Lk 2:19).
Mary's Magnificat flowed from the center of her "being" (Lk 1:46). Her words in the Magnificat are a constant quotation of Scripture. While carrying the Word of God in her womb, she also carried the Word of God in her heart and soul, and that Word poured forth readily from her in the words of her Magnificat. Though a teenager, she had spent a lifetime in God's Word, and so she spoke from the abundance of her heart (Lk 6:45), and what was in her heart was the Word of God.
During these final days of Advent, let us prepare for the Christmas coming of Jesus, the Word of God, as Mary did: by immersing ourselves in Scripture. Devour God's Word (Jer 15:16) to prepare to meet the incarnate Word this Christmas.
Prayer: Father, may I desire Your Word more than Christmas presents (see Ps 119:72).
Promise: "His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him." -Lk 1:50
Praise: "O King of all the nations, the only Joy of every human heart; O Keystone of the mighty arch of man, come and save the creature You fashioned from the dust."
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
If you are on Twitter please feel free to retweet some of of our tweets to spread the word about these resources. Spread God's Word on the social networks!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
1 Samuel 1:24-28, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Luke 1:46-56
Link to Readings -->
"My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord." -Luke 1:46
Most Bible scholars reckon that Mary was in her teenage years when she uttered her Magnificat (Lk 1:46-55). Catholic tradition holds that Mary was presented in the Temple at a young age and was raised by holy guardians who reared her and taught her the Scriptures. The feast of the Presentation of Mary on November 21, the patronal feast of Presentation Ministries, preserves and celebrates this tradition.
Mary heard the word of God and kept it, that is, obeyed it (Lk 8:21). Mary conceived the Word of God (Jn 1:1, 14) in her womb and kept It, that is, guarded Jesus. Mary treasured the Word of God and kept it, that is, contemplated it (Lk 2:19).
Mary's Magnificat flowed from the center of her "being" (Lk 1:46). Her words in the Magnificat are a constant quotation of Scripture. While carrying the Word of God in her womb, she also carried the Word of God in her heart and soul, and that Word poured forth readily from her in the words of her Magnificat. Though a teenager, she had spent a lifetime in God's Word, and so she spoke from the abundance of her heart (Lk 6:45), and what was in her heart was the Word of God.
During these final days of Advent, let us prepare for the Christmas coming of Jesus, the Word of God, as Mary did: by immersing ourselves in Scripture. Devour God's Word (Jer 15:16) to prepare to meet the incarnate Word this Christmas.
Prayer: Father, may I desire Your Word more than Christmas presents (see Ps 119:72).
Promise: "His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him." -Lk 1:50
Praise: "O King of all the nations, the only Joy of every human heart; O Keystone of the mighty arch of man, come and save the creature You fashioned from the dust."
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Friday, December 21, 2012
ANTICIPATION - One Bread, One Body, 12/21/2012
Follow Presentation Ministries (@presmin) on Twitter for OBOB, Daily Bread radio, Mass Readings and other updates.
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Friday, December 21, 2012, St. Peter Canisius
Song of Songs 2:8-14 or, Zephaniah 3:14-18, Psalm 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21, Luke 1:39-45
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"He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in His love, He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals." -Zephaniah 3:17-18
Jesus is more eager for Christmas 2012 than the most excited child. He wants to spring across the mountains and leap across the hills (Sg 2:8). He's passionately in love with you. If you doubt this, look at His nail-scarred hands, pierced for love of you.
Jesus, Love incarnate, is "gazing through the windows, peering through the lattices" (Sg 2:9). He has come to you; He wants you to come to Him. He whispers: "Arise, My beloved, My beautiful one, and come!" (Sg 2:10)
"O, come all ye faithful," "come, let us adore Him." Jesus is running toward us; let us run toward Him. Let's proceed "in haste into the hill country" (Lk 1:39). Let the Holy Spirit leap within us (Lk 1:44). Let's "shout for joy," "sing joyfully," and "be glad and exult" with all our hearts (Zep 3:14). The King of Israel, the Lord, is in our midst, we have "no further misfortune to fear" (Zep 3:15).
Rejoice, the Lord is coming to meet us. Let us open our arms and hearts to Him. Jesus is near!
Prayer: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...
Promise: "When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leapt in her womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." -Lk 1:41
Praise: "O Radiant Dawn, Splendor of eternal light, Sun of Justice: Come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death."
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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If you are on Twitter please feel free to retweet some of of our tweets to spread the word about these resources. Spread God's Word on the social networks!
Friday, December 21, 2012, St. Peter Canisius
Song of Songs 2:8-14 or, Zephaniah 3:14-18, Psalm 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21, Luke 1:39-45
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"He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in His love, He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals." -Zephaniah 3:17-18
Jesus is more eager for Christmas 2012 than the most excited child. He wants to spring across the mountains and leap across the hills (Sg 2:8). He's passionately in love with you. If you doubt this, look at His nail-scarred hands, pierced for love of you.
Jesus, Love incarnate, is "gazing through the windows, peering through the lattices" (Sg 2:9). He has come to you; He wants you to come to Him. He whispers: "Arise, My beloved, My beautiful one, and come!" (Sg 2:10)
"O, come all ye faithful," "come, let us adore Him." Jesus is running toward us; let us run toward Him. Let's proceed "in haste into the hill country" (Lk 1:39). Let the Holy Spirit leap within us (Lk 1:44). Let's "shout for joy," "sing joyfully," and "be glad and exult" with all our hearts (Zep 3:14). The King of Israel, the Lord, is in our midst, we have "no further misfortune to fear" (Zep 3:15).
Rejoice, the Lord is coming to meet us. Let us open our arms and hearts to Him. Jesus is near!
Prayer: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...
Promise: "When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leapt in her womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." -Lk 1:41
Praise: "O Radiant Dawn, Splendor of eternal light, Sun of Justice: Come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death."
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
SCROOGE - One Bread, One Body, 12/20/2012
"Unforgiveness is the Cause" which is one of our more popular publications has been published in the pilot issue of a new Catholic magazine called "Tidings" from Shalom Media ministry.
If you wish to order the pilot issue you can do so at
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Isaiah 7:10-14, Psalm 24:1-6, Luke 1:26-38
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"Is it not enough for you to weary men, must you also weary my God?" -Isaiah 7:13
Some people are doubting Thomases, Scrooges, and Grinches. They have a cynical attitude toward Christmas. If you tell them that Jesus is truly coming this Christmas, that all will "be calm" and "bright," that the "herald angels" will sing and there will be "joy to the world," these cynics would respond: "Bah! Humbug!"
To those who don't expect much out of Christmas, the Lord says: "Ask for a sign from the Lord, your God; let it be deep as the nether world, or high as the sky!" (Is 7:11) The Lord is willing to confirm the good news of Christmas with signs and wonders, but the Scrooges must be open enough to ask for a sign.
If you are cynical, the Lord will accept you where you are, but He will not accept your staying where you are. He expects you to ask for a sign which will replace cynicism with hope. Therefore, ask for a sign - a big sign, even an impossible sign (see Lk 1:37). The Lord will give you the sign you ask for or even better. The Lord will definitely show that He is Lord, Immanuel ("God with us") (Is 7:14), and loving Savior.
If, after seeing the sign, you turn to Jesus, you will have your greatest Christmas ever. You will have Christmas by God's standards, a Marian Christmas, a true encounter with Jesus Himself, God and Man.
Prayer: Jesus, have Christmas in my life Your way.
Promise: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." -Lk 1:35
Praise: "O Key of David, O royal Power of Israel controlling at Your will the gate of heaven: come, break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death; and lead Your captive people into freedom."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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If you wish to order the pilot issue you can do so at
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Isaiah 7:10-14, Psalm 24:1-6, Luke 1:26-38
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"Is it not enough for you to weary men, must you also weary my God?" -Isaiah 7:13
Some people are doubting Thomases, Scrooges, and Grinches. They have a cynical attitude toward Christmas. If you tell them that Jesus is truly coming this Christmas, that all will "be calm" and "bright," that the "herald angels" will sing and there will be "joy to the world," these cynics would respond: "Bah! Humbug!"
To those who don't expect much out of Christmas, the Lord says: "Ask for a sign from the Lord, your God; let it be deep as the nether world, or high as the sky!" (Is 7:11) The Lord is willing to confirm the good news of Christmas with signs and wonders, but the Scrooges must be open enough to ask for a sign.
If you are cynical, the Lord will accept you where you are, but He will not accept your staying where you are. He expects you to ask for a sign which will replace cynicism with hope. Therefore, ask for a sign - a big sign, even an impossible sign (see Lk 1:37). The Lord will give you the sign you ask for or even better. The Lord will definitely show that He is Lord, Immanuel ("God with us") (Is 7:14), and loving Savior.
If, after seeing the sign, you turn to Jesus, you will have your greatest Christmas ever. You will have Christmas by God's standards, a Marian Christmas, a true encounter with Jesus Himself, God and Man.
Prayer: Jesus, have Christmas in my life Your way.
Promise: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." -Lk 1:35
Praise: "O Key of David, O royal Power of Israel controlling at Your will the gate of heaven: come, break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death; and lead Your captive people into freedom."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
OH, BABY! - One Bread, One Body, 12/19/2012
"Marriage and Family" is the title of the latest issue of Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth.
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Judges 13:2-7, 24-25, Psalm 71:3-6, 16-17, Luke 1:5-25
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"He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from His mother's womb." -Luke 1:15
God rescues His people by sending babies filled with the Holy Spirit. This has been God's plan throughout salvation history. God has always sent babies to redeem and deliver His people. The babies Samson (Jgs 13:5), John the Baptizer (Lk 1:16-17), and Jesus (Lk 1:32-33) are commissioned before conception to rescue God's people. In addition, Scripture presents baby Moses (Ex 2:2ff) as an infant who should have been killed but was rescued from certain death so he could rescue Israel.
Since God rescues His people by sending anointed babies, it stands to reason that Satan would fight strongly against the conception, delivery, and raising of babies. Millions of babies are aborted chemically and surgically each year. Many millions more never were conceived because of artificial contraception. Those babies who are conceived and survive the womb may still have to face the dangers of abuse, divorce, inadequate or unloving parenting, etc. Even babies with the best parents must survive the hostile culture of death and its assault on life. Jesus Himself was nearly assassinated by such a culture (see Mt 2:13ff).
Let's not reject God's plan of deliverance through babies and attempt to defeat it (Lk 7:30, RNAB). This Christmas, embrace the Infant Jesus and all babies. "Make disciples" (Mt 28:19) by fostering holy married couples who will conceive, bear, and nurture babies anointed from the womb. Jesus, "the Life" (Jn 11:25; 14:6), plans to defeat the culture of death through our openness to life. "Choose life" (Dt 30:19).
Prayer: Father, may I "be fertile and multiply" for You (Gn 1:28).
Promise: "Joy and gladness will be yours." -Lk 1:14
Praise: "O Flower of Jesse's stem, You have been raised up as a Sign for all peoples; kings stand silent in Your presence; the nations bow down in worship before You. Come, let nothing keep You from coming to our aid."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth is designed as a bulletin insert which you can use at your local church to keep up to date on what the Holy Father is saying. You are free to reproduce it for this purpose.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Judges 13:2-7, 24-25, Psalm 71:3-6, 16-17, Luke 1:5-25
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"He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from His mother's womb." -Luke 1:15
God rescues His people by sending babies filled with the Holy Spirit. This has been God's plan throughout salvation history. God has always sent babies to redeem and deliver His people. The babies Samson (Jgs 13:5), John the Baptizer (Lk 1:16-17), and Jesus (Lk 1:32-33) are commissioned before conception to rescue God's people. In addition, Scripture presents baby Moses (Ex 2:2ff) as an infant who should have been killed but was rescued from certain death so he could rescue Israel.
Since God rescues His people by sending anointed babies, it stands to reason that Satan would fight strongly against the conception, delivery, and raising of babies. Millions of babies are aborted chemically and surgically each year. Many millions more never were conceived because of artificial contraception. Those babies who are conceived and survive the womb may still have to face the dangers of abuse, divorce, inadequate or unloving parenting, etc. Even babies with the best parents must survive the hostile culture of death and its assault on life. Jesus Himself was nearly assassinated by such a culture (see Mt 2:13ff).
Let's not reject God's plan of deliverance through babies and attempt to defeat it (Lk 7:30, RNAB). This Christmas, embrace the Infant Jesus and all babies. "Make disciples" (Mt 28:19) by fostering holy married couples who will conceive, bear, and nurture babies anointed from the womb. Jesus, "the Life" (Jn 11:25; 14:6), plans to defeat the culture of death through our openness to life. "Choose life" (Dt 30:19).
Prayer: Father, may I "be fertile and multiply" for You (Gn 1:28).
Promise: "Joy and gladness will be yours." -Lk 1:14
Praise: "O Flower of Jesse's stem, You have been raised up as a Sign for all peoples; kings stand silent in Your presence; the nations bow down in worship before You. Come, let nothing keep You from coming to our aid."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
MIRACULOUS BIRTH - One Bread, One Body, 12/18/2012
We hope the LORD has blessed you through our website and e-mail lists. Fr. Lauer believed in making our needs known and trusting the Lord would meet them. Please read our donations appeal letter and pray about making a donation to PM.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Jeremiah 23:5-8, Psalm 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19, Matthew 1:18-25
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"She is to have a Son and you are to name Him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins." -Matthew 1:21
What better way could "God be with us" (Mt 1:23) than to become one like us? Jesus' birth is the most blessed event of all. Matthew's Gospel ends with the words: "And know that I am with you always, until the end of the world!" (Mt 28:20) Between verses 1:23 and 28:20, Matthew tells us that the whole purpose of writing his Gospel is to show how "God is with us" in His Son Jesus.
Jeremiah had looked forward to the righteous king. Accordingly, he prophesied, "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous Shoot to David" (Jer 23:5). The purpose of this righteous Shoot is to save (Jer 23:6). The name Jesus means Savior. Therefore, both Jeremiah and Matthew are speaking about Jesus as Savior.
So often we forget that it is in Jesus we find salvation - not in money, not in family, not in work. We must have our priorities right before God. Jesus is the divine Son of Mary conceived through the power of the "Holy Spirit" (Mt 1:20). He is the "Emmanuel" (Mt 1:23), for He is God present to us.
We must learn to obey the divine command as Joseph did. Joseph did what God wanted him to do (Mt 1:24). Both Joseph and Mary are presented to us as models of what is entailed in salvation - obeying God's word (Lk 1:38; Mt 1:24). Jesus was born so that we might become obedient unto Him and thus obedient unto the Heavenly Father.
Prayer: "Mary said: 'I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say' " (Lk 1:38).
Promise: "He shall rescue the poor man when he cries out, and the afflicted when he has no one to help him." -Jn 3:17
Praise: "O sacred Lord of ancient Israel, Who showed Yourself to Moses in the burning bush, Who gave him the holy law on Sinai mountain: come, stretch out Your mighty hand to set us free."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Jeremiah 23:5-8, Psalm 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19, Matthew 1:18-25
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"She is to have a Son and you are to name Him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins." -Matthew 1:21
What better way could "God be with us" (Mt 1:23) than to become one like us? Jesus' birth is the most blessed event of all. Matthew's Gospel ends with the words: "And know that I am with you always, until the end of the world!" (Mt 28:20) Between verses 1:23 and 28:20, Matthew tells us that the whole purpose of writing his Gospel is to show how "God is with us" in His Son Jesus.
Jeremiah had looked forward to the righteous king. Accordingly, he prophesied, "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous Shoot to David" (Jer 23:5). The purpose of this righteous Shoot is to save (Jer 23:6). The name Jesus means Savior. Therefore, both Jeremiah and Matthew are speaking about Jesus as Savior.
So often we forget that it is in Jesus we find salvation - not in money, not in family, not in work. We must have our priorities right before God. Jesus is the divine Son of Mary conceived through the power of the "Holy Spirit" (Mt 1:20). He is the "Emmanuel" (Mt 1:23), for He is God present to us.
We must learn to obey the divine command as Joseph did. Joseph did what God wanted him to do (Mt 1:24). Both Joseph and Mary are presented to us as models of what is entailed in salvation - obeying God's word (Lk 1:38; Mt 1:24). Jesus was born so that we might become obedient unto Him and thus obedient unto the Heavenly Father.
Prayer: "Mary said: 'I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say' " (Lk 1:38).
Promise: "He shall rescue the poor man when he cries out, and the afflicted when he has no one to help him." -Jn 3:17
Praise: "O sacred Lord of ancient Israel, Who showed Yourself to Moses in the burning bush, Who gave him the holy law on Sinai mountain: come, stretch out Your mighty hand to set us free."
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Monday, December 17, 2012
DECORATING THE FAMILY TREE - One Bread, One Body, 12/17/2012
Praise Jesus! A Spanish version of One Bread, One Body will be available in print for the February / March 2013 issue.
To order copies or yourself, faith group or church send an email to with your name, complete address and number of copies desired.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Genesis 49:2, 8-10, Psalm 72:1-4, 7-8, 17, Matthew 1:1-17
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"A family record of Jesus Christ..." -Matthew 1:1
Many people have now set up their Christmas trees and have displayed them in a prominent place, visible to all. They carefully decorate the tree, filling in the thin spots so as to present a beautiful and attractive tree. The Church, likewise, begins its Advent grand finale by setting its Christmas "tree" in a prominent place. This tree is Jesus' family tree. However, the Church does not hide the ugly spots in this tree.
Jesus' family tree has prostitutes such as Tamar (Mt 1:3), adulterers like David (Mt 1:6), murderers like Manasseh (Mt 1:10), fools such as Rehoboam (Mt 1:7), and many nondescript unknowns. Jesus, however, does not hide the black sheep in His family. He loves His "family record" (Mt 1:1), and does not omit a single person. The Lord makes a statement by beginning the New Testament with the names of His family members. It's as if He can't wait to introduce His family to us, so precious are they to Him. This long list of names may not mean much to us, but every one of these individuals is precious to Jesus. And why should this surprise us? Don't many of us pull out the picture albums and family tree records at our Christmas gatherings?
Rejoice! "Once you were no people" (1 Pt 2:10), but now you have been "grafted in" to Jesus' family tree (Rm 11:17). You are adopted into His family (Rm 8:15). Every time you see a Christmas tree, think automatically of Jesus' family tree, and how "you are the branches" (Jn 15:5). Be a fruitful branch (Jn 15:8), and bring honor to your family name, the name of Jesus.
Prayer: Father, You have included me in Your family! Use me to bring many thousands of people into our family.
Promise: "In Him shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed; all the nations shall proclaim His happiness." -Ps 72:17
Praise: "O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, You govern all creation with Your strong yet tender care. Come and show Your people the way to salvation."
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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To order copies or yourself, faith group or church send an email to with your name, complete address and number of copies desired.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Genesis 49:2, 8-10, Psalm 72:1-4, 7-8, 17, Matthew 1:1-17
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"A family record of Jesus Christ..." -Matthew 1:1
Many people have now set up their Christmas trees and have displayed them in a prominent place, visible to all. They carefully decorate the tree, filling in the thin spots so as to present a beautiful and attractive tree. The Church, likewise, begins its Advent grand finale by setting its Christmas "tree" in a prominent place. This tree is Jesus' family tree. However, the Church does not hide the ugly spots in this tree.
Jesus' family tree has prostitutes such as Tamar (Mt 1:3), adulterers like David (Mt 1:6), murderers like Manasseh (Mt 1:10), fools such as Rehoboam (Mt 1:7), and many nondescript unknowns. Jesus, however, does not hide the black sheep in His family. He loves His "family record" (Mt 1:1), and does not omit a single person. The Lord makes a statement by beginning the New Testament with the names of His family members. It's as if He can't wait to introduce His family to us, so precious are they to Him. This long list of names may not mean much to us, but every one of these individuals is precious to Jesus. And why should this surprise us? Don't many of us pull out the picture albums and family tree records at our Christmas gatherings?
Rejoice! "Once you were no people" (1 Pt 2:10), but now you have been "grafted in" to Jesus' family tree (Rm 11:17). You are adopted into His family (Rm 8:15). Every time you see a Christmas tree, think automatically of Jesus' family tree, and how "you are the branches" (Jn 15:5). Be a fruitful branch (Jn 15:8), and bring honor to your family name, the name of Jesus.
Prayer: Father, You have included me in Your family! Use me to bring many thousands of people into our family.
Promise: "In Him shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed; all the nations shall proclaim His happiness." -Ps 72:17
Praise: "O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, You govern all creation with Your strong yet tender care. Come and show Your people the way to salvation."
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 27, 2012
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.
You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at
Copyright © 2012 Presentation Ministries
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Sunday, December 16, 2012
PM eNewsletter 3rd Sunday of Advent
December 16th Third Sunday of Advent
Jesus, as we get closer to the greatest moment in all of history,
Your birth, help us all to get closer to You.
Let us stop all the Christmas preparation, and come and just sit
with You in adoration.
Let us just sit before the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and let
us just be in awe of the fact, that You are really present in the Most
Blessed Eucharist.
You love us so much that You want us to eat the Bread of Life, and
slowly become truly Christ to others.
Let us see in the breaking of the Bread, the love, the help and the
healing that You always give us.
Let us become new creations in, to and through You.
Amen and Amen.
Thanks to You, Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation." -Isaiah 12:3
As we near Christ's coming this Christmas, the Lord commands us to "shout for joy" and to
"sing joyfully" (Zep 3:14). In doing this, we are joining our heavenly Father, Who is
singing joyfully because of us (Zep 3:17).
The Lord commands us not only to rejoice sometimes, but to rejoice always (Phil 4:4). This
does not mean we rejoice over all things, but that we rejoice in the Lord under all
circumstances. Because the Lord is our Joy and the circumstances are not, we can rejoice
in the midst of "the distress of many trials" (1 Pt 1:6). By God's grace and our faith in
the Lord, sufferings do not rob us of our joy. In fact, we rejoice in the measure that we
share Christ's sufferings (1 Pt 4:13). This miraculous joy is the joy of Jesus and
therefore complete joy (Jn 15:11). It is divine joy, "inexpressible joy" (1 Pt 1:8),
Marian joy (see Lk 1:47), and the true joy of Christmas.
Therefore, "rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again. Rejoice!" (Phil 4:4)
Prayer: Father, on this Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday, give me a deeper faith and a spirit of
unselfishness (see Phil 4:5) so as to produce in my life the fruit of the Spirit called
joy (Gal 5:22).
Promise: "He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire." -Lk 3:16
Praise: "I rejoice heartily in the Lord, in my God is the joy of my soul" (Is 61:10).
"A family record of Jesus Christ..." -Matthew 1:1
"She is to have a Son and you are to name Him Jesus because He will save His people from
their sins." -Matthew 1:21
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochure
Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
What Happens When You Fall in Love
"All of us, gazing on the Lord's glory with unveiled faces, are being transformed from
glory to glory into His very image by the Lord Who is the Spirit." -2 Corinthians 3:18
Jesus promised to be with us always even to the end of the world (Mt 28:20). At the
Last Supper, He said: "This is My body," "This is My blood" (Mk 14:22, 24), and "Do
this as a remembrance of Me" (Lk 22:19). After receiving the Holy Spirit, the early
Church began ...........................
Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Life Changing Masses, No Matter What
One Bread, One Body
This is My Body
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
( check out BTL 3 sections below for another way of sharing prayers)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. Urgent need for finavncial increase for our family Send now
prosperity !LORD let me recognize your voice among the noise of the world. It is advent I
need to repent. LORD take care of the tragedy on the east coast. In JESUS I trust. Thank
(Etoile , LA, 12/15/2012 8:08:51 PM)
Need a Boaz Blessing in my finances. Lord bring new ideas new people in my life who uplift
my faith and support me in Jesus. I pray that you give the wisdom the strength and the
diligence to move forward no matter what adversity comes to me and my family in Jesus name.
stir up the gifts of songs law, music arts film writing and give me the creativity that
manifests thru me as Gods gift Amen
(B Jacobs , NJ, 12/15/2012 8:05:23 PM)
praying for divine favor and a favorable outcome in January so my children can be with me
in our new 3 bdrm in Harlem. Holy Spirit charge the angels to keep my baby from harm no
weapon formed against us shall prosper in Jesus name romans 8:28 Give favor with the courts
judge doctors and workers so my child can be with me Amen
(Mrs Abernathy , New Britain , CT, 12/15/2012 7:59:33 PM)
During this season of advent as we prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas I ask you
Lord to fill my inlaws with your peace and joy. Bless them in every way possible. Spirit of
the living God fall afresh on them. Melt them, mould them, fill them, touch them and heal
them while they care for my child. Bless my husband, children and touch and heal him too of
all past wounds and hurts that cause him to hurt others.Give me wisdom of Esther and David
Be with me Lord, guide, guard and protect me. May I always do your will and what is right,
no matter what. Amen
(Manasseh, 12/15/2012 6:52:19 PM)
For all prayers posted. Amen.
(Anonymous, 12/15/2012 4:06:08 PM)
Please Holy spirit keep a Angelic hedge of protection around my darling baby while she's at
my sister in laws house. She's had 2 fevers and a cold and they don't tell me my baby was
sick Lord please expedited our paperwork and give me divine Favor so I can housing before
January So my child can be with me and away from these spiteful old women's in Jesus name
(Nfteri, Ny, Nyc, 12/15/2012 2:50:26 PM)
Urgent, desperate financial help.
(Anonymous, 12/15/2012 1:34:36 PM)
Heavenly father thank you for all the Blessings, please forgive me for all my sins, please
guide us by your Holy spirit as we go along with our work. Lord Give us a healthy body and
help me also that i can have something to be gave to my pupils. we ask this through Christ
our Lord.Amen...
(antang4, 12/15/2012 1:06:48 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 19 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.
** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**
Akron, OH 330 344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443 529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701 595-5300
Boston, MA 508 591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513 823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440 572-4366
Columbus, OH 614 210-3111
Detroit, MI 734 418-9101
Fort Worth, TX 817 203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317 564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561 768-4321
Lexington, KY 859 554-1500
Long Island, NY 631 317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323 984-7500
Louisville, KY 502 694-3131
Miami, FL 305 520-9922
Pittsburg, PA 412 228-0228
Phoenix, AZ 480 630-3999
St. Augustine, FL 904 414-4142
St Louis, MO 314 561-7411
San Diego, CA 619 272-6111
Toledo, OH 419 318-2211
Toronto, Ontario 647 723-9923
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
...Without the family humanity has no future; young people in particular need to learn the
values that give meaning to life, they need to be born into and grow up in that community
of life and love which God Himself desired for men and women.
Dear married couples, by means of a special gift of the Holy Spirit, Christ gives you a
share in His spousal love, making you a sign of His faithful and all-embracing love for
the Church. If you can receive this gift, renewing your "yes" each day by faith, with the
strength that comes from the grace of the sacrament, then your family will grow in God's
love according to the model of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Pray often for the help of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, that they may teach you to
receive God's love as they did.
(Sources: Homily, World Meeting of Families, 6/3/12, Milan, Italy; General Audience, 6/ 6/12)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
John Paul Speaks
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Let the Spirit Lead You Into the Desert of Lent with His Gifts (Feb 15-16)
· Women's Retreat (Mar 9)
· Intercession and Healing (Apr 12-14)
Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?
More information and registration for the Bible Institute
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
Jesus, as we get closer to the greatest moment in all of history,
Your birth, help us all to get closer to You.
Let us stop all the Christmas preparation, and come and just sit
with You in adoration.
Let us just sit before the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and let
us just be in awe of the fact, that You are really present in the Most
Blessed Eucharist.
You love us so much that You want us to eat the Bread of Life, and
slowly become truly Christ to others.
Let us see in the breaking of the Bread, the love, the help and the
healing that You always give us.
Let us become new creations in, to and through You.
Amen and Amen.
Thanks to You, Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home page of Presentation Ministries?
Please take a look.
To add your e-mail address to this list go to
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation." -Isaiah 12:3
As we near Christ's coming this Christmas, the Lord commands us to "shout for joy" and to
"sing joyfully" (Zep 3:14). In doing this, we are joining our heavenly Father, Who is
singing joyfully because of us (Zep 3:17).
The Lord commands us not only to rejoice sometimes, but to rejoice always (Phil 4:4). This
does not mean we rejoice over all things, but that we rejoice in the Lord under all
circumstances. Because the Lord is our Joy and the circumstances are not, we can rejoice
in the midst of "the distress of many trials" (1 Pt 1:6). By God's grace and our faith in
the Lord, sufferings do not rob us of our joy. In fact, we rejoice in the measure that we
share Christ's sufferings (1 Pt 4:13). This miraculous joy is the joy of Jesus and
therefore complete joy (Jn 15:11). It is divine joy, "inexpressible joy" (1 Pt 1:8),
Marian joy (see Lk 1:47), and the true joy of Christmas.
Therefore, "rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again. Rejoice!" (Phil 4:4)
Prayer: Father, on this Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday, give me a deeper faith and a spirit of
unselfishness (see Phil 4:5) so as to produce in my life the fruit of the Spirit called
joy (Gal 5:22).
Promise: "He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire." -Lk 3:16
Praise: "I rejoice heartily in the Lord, in my God is the joy of my soul" (Is 61:10).
"A family record of Jesus Christ..." -Matthew 1:1
"She is to have a Son and you are to name Him Jesus because He will save His people from
their sins." -Matthew 1:21
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries, check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochure
Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
What Happens When You Fall in Love
"All of us, gazing on the Lord's glory with unveiled faces, are being transformed from
glory to glory into His very image by the Lord Who is the Spirit." -2 Corinthians 3:18
Jesus promised to be with us always even to the end of the world (Mt 28:20). At the
Last Supper, He said: "This is My body," "This is My blood" (Mk 14:22, 24), and "Do
this as a remembrance of Me" (Lk 22:19). After receiving the Holy Spirit, the early
Church began ...........................
Celebrating Mass in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Life Changing Masses, No Matter What
One Bread, One Body
This is My Body
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
( check out BTL 3 sections below for another way of sharing prayers)
Fear is useless. LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said
silently in our hearts. Urgent need for finavncial increase for our family Send now
prosperity !LORD let me recognize your voice among the noise of the world. It is advent I
need to repent. LORD take care of the tragedy on the east coast. In JESUS I trust. Thank
(Etoile , LA, 12/15/2012 8:08:51 PM)
Need a Boaz Blessing in my finances. Lord bring new ideas new people in my life who uplift
my faith and support me in Jesus. I pray that you give the wisdom the strength and the
diligence to move forward no matter what adversity comes to me and my family in Jesus name.
stir up the gifts of songs law, music arts film writing and give me the creativity that
manifests thru me as Gods gift Amen
(B Jacobs , NJ, 12/15/2012 8:05:23 PM)
praying for divine favor and a favorable outcome in January so my children can be with me
in our new 3 bdrm in Harlem. Holy Spirit charge the angels to keep my baby from harm no
weapon formed against us shall prosper in Jesus name romans 8:28 Give favor with the courts
judge doctors and workers so my child can be with me Amen
(Mrs Abernathy , New Britain , CT, 12/15/2012 7:59:33 PM)
During this season of advent as we prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas I ask you
Lord to fill my inlaws with your peace and joy. Bless them in every way possible. Spirit of
the living God fall afresh on them. Melt them, mould them, fill them, touch them and heal
them while they care for my child. Bless my husband, children and touch and heal him too of
all past wounds and hurts that cause him to hurt others.Give me wisdom of Esther and David
Be with me Lord, guide, guard and protect me. May I always do your will and what is right,
no matter what. Amen
(Manasseh, 12/15/2012 6:52:19 PM)
For all prayers posted. Amen.
(Anonymous, 12/15/2012 4:06:08 PM)
Please Holy spirit keep a Angelic hedge of protection around my darling baby while she's at
my sister in laws house. She's had 2 fevers and a cold and they don't tell me my baby was
sick Lord please expedited our paperwork and give me divine Favor so I can housing before
January So my child can be with me and away from these spiteful old women's in Jesus name
(Nfteri, Ny, Nyc, 12/15/2012 2:50:26 PM)
Urgent, desperate financial help.
(Anonymous, 12/15/2012 1:34:36 PM)
Heavenly father thank you for all the Blessings, please forgive me for all my sins, please
guide us by your Holy spirit as we go along with our work. Lord Give us a healthy body and
help me also that i can have something to be gave to my pupils. we ask this through Christ
our Lord.Amen...
(antang4, 12/15/2012 1:06:48 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 19 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.
** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**
Akron, OH 330 344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443 529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701 595-5300
Boston, MA 508 591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513 823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440 572-4366
Columbus, OH 614 210-3111
Detroit, MI 734 418-9101
Fort Worth, TX 817 203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317 564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561 768-4321
Lexington, KY 859 554-1500
Long Island, NY 631 317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323 984-7500
Louisville, KY 502 694-3131
Miami, FL 305 520-9922
Pittsburg, PA 412 228-0228
Phoenix, AZ 480 630-3999
St. Augustine, FL 904 414-4142
St Louis, MO 314 561-7411
San Diego, CA 619 272-6111
Toledo, OH 419 318-2211
Toronto, Ontario 647 723-9923
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
...Without the family humanity has no future; young people in particular need to learn the
values that give meaning to life, they need to be born into and grow up in that community
of life and love which God Himself desired for men and women.
Dear married couples, by means of a special gift of the Holy Spirit, Christ gives you a
share in His spousal love, making you a sign of His faithful and all-embracing love for
the Church. If you can receive this gift, renewing your "yes" each day by faith, with the
strength that comes from the grace of the sacrament, then your family will grow in God's
love according to the model of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Pray often for the help of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, that they may teach you to
receive God's love as they did.
(Sources: Homily, World Meeting of Families, 6/3/12, Milan, Italy; General Audience, 6/ 6/12)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
John Paul Speaks
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Let the Spirit Lead You Into the Desert of Lent with His Gifts (Feb 15-16)
· Women's Retreat (Mar 9)
· Intercession and Healing (Apr 12-14)
Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?
More information and registration for the Bible Institute
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at
To remove your e-mail address from this list go to
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