June 28th Thirteenth Sunday in ordinary time
This week, oh Jesus, Your church celebrates St's. Peter and Paul.
The apostles that brought our church into existance through their
love and fidelity to You.
Their lives were not easy, but their love for You kept them to the
task of evangelizing the world, to bring it in, and under You.
Peter, Your first pope died by crucifixion, and Paul, Your evangelist,
died by execution.
Their blood formed the church that would worship You, and give
You all honor and glory.
Holy Spirit, lead us to true faith, that we may fully trust in You.
Amen and Amen.
Thank you Lord, for loving us totally.
For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the home
page of Presentation Ministries? Please take a look.
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One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Healing power had gone out from Him." -Mark 5:30
According to the Old Testament, you would become unclean if a
hemorrhaging person touched you (Lv 15:25-33). If you touched a dead
person, you would also become unclean (Nm 19:11ff). An unclean, defiling
power seemed to come forth from the bleeding or dead.
However, when Jesus was touched by or touched the unclean, an unclean
power did not defile Him. Instead, His healing, life-giving power went
out from Him and made the unclean clean. Unlike everyone else, Jesus is
contagious in the good sense.
For instance, if you put a healthy person in a room of sick people, do
all the sick people catch health or does the healthy person get sick? Do
live people visiting a cemetery raise the dead or eventually join the
dead? Sickness and death are contagious but health and life are not -
except in Jesus.
When Jesus entered this sick, dying world, millions of people caught
health and life. The evil effects of sin still spread like the plague,
but contagious grace far surpasses it (Rm 5:20). Live with Jesus; eat
His body and drink His blood (Jn 6:56); let Him touch you; catch
abundant life (Jn 10:10).
Prayer: Jesus, touch me and make me whole.
Promise: "Your plenty at the present time should supply their need so
that their surplus may one day supply your need, with equality as the
result." -2 Cor 8:14
Praise: Praise Jesus, Who is the Resurrection and the Life (Jn 11:25)
and Who has given us life everlasting! Those who believe in Him will
live forever (Jn 11:26). Alleluia!
"From now on a merited crown awaits me." -2 Timothy 4:8
Tuesday BACK LOT
"Lot's wife looked back." -Genesis 19:26
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries,
check us out at
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you
don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochures
How to Teach the Bible in the Holy Spirit
"The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad indeed."
-Psalm 126:3
The Lord is doing "great things" in Cincinnati, Ohio. Through our Bible
teachers' training program, He is rattling the dry bones of His body,
the Church, and raising it to life by the power of His word (Ez 37:1-14).
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord is .......................
Brochures by Topic
PM Internet Prayer Requests
Father, my heart is pounding out of my chest. I need You. For those
family members I'm denied to see...I lose a little more light from my
life each day. I dread the thought of how their mother talks badly
about us. We love them more than anything on this earth. I'm accused
of anything that ever went wrong. She has wrongly accused me of her
own sins she brought on herself. Everything is blamed on me. I now
think the one person that helped keep me in touch with them, and
allowed me to talk to them has taken sides against me even though I
in the past had helped her out in the same way. I defended her. I feel
betrayed. I pray I'm wrong. Father let me be wrong. Please let this
person make some communication with me. Please. I love You Father, In
Jesus name I pray, Amen
(Anonymous, , 6/27/2015 6:54:55 PM)
My friend has had a terrible past in which he has hurt terribly and in
the worst of ways. At this point in his life he is beyond suicidal and
has already tried to kill himself on more than one occasion. He asked
me as a last resort to try and bring him to Jesus but I honestly don't
know how to bring a person who has faced so many trials to our Lord. I
have absolutely no doubt that God has a plan for me and with Faith, He
will definitely save my friend's life, but right now I doubt that the
Lord has made the right decision in picking me to bring His light into
my friends life. I know that with Gods guidance I will introduce my
friend to Jesus, please pray that I may have the courage to do as God
instructs me, guides me and helps me to do today. Then please thank Him
for saving the life of another person here on earth.
(Marco, Manzella, Gauteng, South Africa, 6/27/2015 6:08:03 PM)
Heavenly father Thank you for all the Blessings, please guide us with
your Holy spirit as we go along with our work. Thank you Lord for the
answered prayer., Lord please help my son monchris to have a healthy
body and clear mind in everything he will do. we ask this through Christ
our Lord.Amen
(antang4, Philippines, 6/27/2015 4:04:14 PM)
I ask that others join me in praying for our nation as now the Supreme
court has legalized the "marriage " between same sex couples in every
state. May the Lord have mercy on these judges that gave into sin and
evilness. In God's eyes this means that human beings are ignoring His
plea to become holy and pure so I ask whole heartedly that through our
prayers, we may defeat the power of the evil one who wants many and
more souls for eternal damnation. Amen. St. Michael, the Archangel
defend us all from evil. Amen.
(Diane, Phoenix, AZ., United States, 6/27/2015 2:50:30 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable tapes online. The Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are featured as are The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4, 1
Corinthians Part 1 & 2, and Romans Parts 1-3, thru Revelation. Also available, many MP3 formatted
Audio tapes of most epistles in the bible and numerous 15 minute Bible studies by Fr. Al Lauer.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more communities by raising up
leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." - Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact: community@presentationministries.com
Bible Telephone Line
New Technology for Bible Telephone Line Ministry
Local Numbers Double Practically Overnight!
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) has been in operation for 24 years. Begun by Fr. Al
in 1991, it now continues with three teachers trained by him and by Presentation
Ministries. In cities where local numbers have been established, the BTL provides
callers with a short teaching on the readings for the daily Mass. It is available 24
hours a day and 7 days a week. Callers may also leave a short prayer request which
will be shared on the line with the other callers the next day.
** Please check these listings as a number of changes have been made.**
Akron, OH 330-344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443-529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701-595-5300
Boston, MA 508-591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513-823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440-572-4366
Columbus, OH 614-210-3111
Detroit, MI 734-418-9101
Ft. Worth, TX 817-203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317-564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561-768-4321
Lexington, KY 859-554-1500
Long Island, NY 631-317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323-984-7500
Louisville, KY 502-694-3131
Miami, FL 305-520-9922
Perryville, MO 573-513-8411
Putnam, CT 860-821-0411
Phoenix, AZ 480-630-3999
Pittsburgh, PA 412-228-0228
San Diego 619-272-6111
St. Augustine,FL 904-414-4142
St. Louis, MO 314-561-7411
Toledo, OH 419-318-2211
Toronto, ON CAN 647-723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Charlotte, NC 704-594-4811
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Francis and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
The time has come for the Church to take up the joyful call to mercy once
more. It is time to return to the basics and to bear the weaknesses and
struggles of our brothers and sisters. Mercy is the force that reawakens
us to new life and instills in us the courage to look to the future with
It is absolutely essential for the Church and for the credibility of her
message that she herself live and testify to mercy. Her language and her
gestures must transmit mercy, so as to touch the hearts of all people and
inspire them ... to find the road that leads to the Father.
Merciful like the Father ... is the "motto" of this Holy Year. In mercy,
we find proof of how God loves us... Day after day, touched by His
compassion, we also can become compassionate towards others.
(Source: Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, April 11, 2015)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below you can find information about
some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Prophecies from Word Gifts Ministry
My People Newspaper
PM Newsletter
St. John Bosco Youth Group
Online Registration
· Love in Action = Worship and Evangelization (Jul 20-22)
· What are You calling me to, Lord? (Silent Retreat) (Aug 2-5)
· Healing the Broken Hearted (Divorced & Separated Retreat) (Sep 18-20)
Can you help us with the construction of the new Chapel and Retreat Center?
More information and registration for the Bible Institute
Catholic Retreats
· Sign-up for the OBOB daily e-mail list
Visit Presentation Ministries at http://www.presentationministries.com
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