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Monday, January 16, 2012

RUNNING A RED LIGHT - One Bread, One Body, 1/16/2012

The latest issue of My People Newspaper is now online. Articles include:

Rights Of Defenseless Must Be Protected
St. Joseph's Silent Sermon
The Ultimate Love Affair
In Defense of Life: Evil Cannot Tolerate Good
Games Have Religious Themes
Prison To Praise: "Prisoners Love And Care"
Light to the Nations: A Christian Perspective on World News


Monday, January 16, 2012

1 Samuel 15:16-23, Psalm 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23, Mark 2:18-22
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/011612.cfm


"Samuel said to Saul: 'Stop!' " -1 Samuel 15:16

As we begin a new year, the Lord may be saying to us what He said to Saul. He may be saying: "Stop!" The Lord told Saul to stop disobeying Him, stop deceiving himself, and stop hating himself (1 Sm 15:17ff). However, Saul went right through the stop sign. He attempted murder, became involved in the occult, and finally crashed by committing suicide.
Will we go through a stop sign as Saul did? Will we run a red light telling us to stop patterns of sin and self-deception in our lives? The old wineskins of sin will never hold the new wine of life in the Spirit (see Mk 2:22). We need a truly new "new year," not just the changing of the number 2011 to 2012.
However, we naturally tend to sin, to stay in sin, and to run stop signs and red lights (Rm 8:7). How can we stop? Only by God's grace can we step on the spiritual brakes and stop sinning. We need the Savior. We need Jesus. We need the Lord to stop us before we kill ourselves.
Get out of the driver's seat of your life. Let Jesus drive. He alone can stop you.

Prayer: Father, may I stop in the name of Love.

Promise: "He that offers praise as a sacrifice glorifies Me; and to him that goes the right way I will show the salvation of God." -Ps 50:23

Praise: When Ruth gave her children back to the Lord, she experienced His love in a new, deeper way.

(For a related teaching, order our tape Developing A Deep, Personal Relationship with Jesus" on audio AV 52-1 or video V-52.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, July 27, 2011

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


You can find One Bread, One Body archives, the letter to readers, OBOB eBook edition, and an online donation form at


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