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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Weekly Feature from ACCTV

Weekly Feature

Life - The Pursuit of Purpose

Source: David Jeremiah

In 1959, the Milton Bradley Company asked their famous inventor of "The Checkered Game of Life" to develop a new game. Taking a cue from Bradley's first game, Klamer invented The Game of LIFE®.

LIFE's players spin a wheel, take chances, choose careers, get married, etc., and eventually retire. The winner retires the richest in terms of money and game tiles.

But there is something wrong when that's all there is to it, for Jesus said, "One's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses. . . . Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing" (Luke 12:15, 23). Jesus is "The prince of life" (Acts 3:15) and we are to "reign in life" through Him (Romans 5:17).

So we'd better think carefully about the purpose of life. What on earth are we here for? How can we make the most of life?

Long ago, young David volunteered to fight the giant, but his brothers scoffed. David's famous response was: "Is there not a cause?" (1 Samuel 17:29)

There is a cause for every one of us because God has a perfect purpose and plan for our lives to use us to change the world. We're here to accomplish His will. Our success and significance depend on finding the cause.

Let's take those five letters—CAUSE—as our model.

The "C" stands for Celebration. We're here to celebrate God, to worship Him, to rejoice in Him.

Our very lifestyle is an act of worship; and when we come together on Sundays, we're simply expressing corporately what we've been experiencing individually.

Are you worshipping today? I have a place where I worship the Lord during a definite period each day. I close the door and read the Bible, sometimes aloud; and I pray aloud. Sometimes I even sing. I sense God's presence and it's wonderful.

The "A" stands for Attitude. God desires in us certain attitudes that He wants displayed—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When we are rooted and growing in Christ, we're like fruit trees. The invisible "sap" of the Holy Spirit produces the attitudes of Christ like fruit in our lives. We become Christ-like, His disciples.

The "U" stands for Unity. We're made to be part of God's family and to care for His children. Jesus prayed for us, "That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me" (John 17:21).

I love the family, and that word speaks to me of all that should be true in the church. According to the Bible, everyone who accepts Christ as personal Saviour is automatically born into God's forever family.

The fourth letter in the word CAUSE stands for Service. We can only serve God when we serve others. Jesus said when we give a small kindness to one of the least of His children, it's as though we are doing it for Him. He came not to be served, but to serve; and He expects us to follow in His steps.

Serving God isn't just showing up at church on Sunday with a bright smile on our faces. It's getting down to help people who need our help and being available to God so He can use us in all situations.

Finally, the "E" stands for Evangelism. We're often frightened to share our faith, but the early Christians were scattered everywhere, preaching the Word. It isn't a complicated message. It's as simple as John 3:16. But we have to share it, for God has given us a great commandment—to love one another—and a great commission—to share the message of Christ with the entire world.

A great commitment to the great commandment and the great commission makes a great Christian and a great church.

This is life. This is our cause. It's not a game, but a glorious calling because our lives do not consist in the abundance of the things we possess, but in Him who gives us life more abundantly.

Dr. Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point for God, senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, Calif., and chancellor of San Diego Christian College.

Useful link: www.TurningPointOnline.org

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