page of Presentation Ministries? Please take a look.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As it has been written,
"Come after Me and I will make you fishers of men."
—Matthew 4:19
"Stay with this task whether convenient or inconvenient —
correcting, reproving, appealing — constantly teaching and
never losing patience" (2 Tm 4:2).
My editorial ministry is to spread the word of Christ through
Presentation Ministries to all that will hear. We, you and I,
are part of a family of over 4000 readers around the world. I
ask, why not 8000? Will you help and share this eNewsletter
with at least one friend in Christ, today, now? Share with
them how different your life has become since focusing on
the Word, daily.
Then encourage them to join us at Presentation Ministries for
the weekly eNewsletter and the daily readings and reflections
of One Bread One Body.
May God continue to bless you and all you care for.
P.S. As of 1-Mar-2008, I have received requests for 51 sample
eNewsletters. Thats a good start. Praise Jesus!
March 2nd, the fourth Sunday of Lent.
This week, oh Christ, we celebrate a saint who saw the
needs of the poor, and helped them above and beyond the norm.
St. Katherine Drexel spent all of her resources on helping
the poor of all ethnic groups, she opened many orphanages
and schools, to give them a chance at a future.
She was so in love with You, and really wanted to be Your
hands and heart.
Jesus, help us as we go through Lent to become Your
hands and heart.
Let us see with Your eyes, and come to respect all people
as children of God.
Let us give all we can to help stop abuse, hunger, and
demeaning attitudes to the poor.
Let us see that we are all created not only equal, but we
are all special in Your eyes.
We are all children of the Father.
Let us be given the gift to see others as You see them, and
love them as You do, with loving care.
Let us be instruments of love.
Let us be able to know when to help, and how to help.
Let us come to You in the Eucharist, and go on fire with
love and joy.
Let us really be totus tuus. Amen and Amen
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving us totally.
**** If you would like to send a copy of this eNewsletter
to a friend anonymously, you may send the email address
with the appropriate time zone to me at the link below. This
would be a one time copy, not a subscription ****
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"Some of the Pharisees around Him picked this up, saying,
'You are not calling us blind, are You?' " —John 9:40
Jesus told the Pharisees they were blind. He called them
blind guides and blind fools (Mt 23:16, 17, 24, 26). He called
the apostles blind when He exclaimed: "Are your minds
completely blinded? Have you eyes but no sight?" (Mk 8:17-18)
Jesus called the whole church of Laodicea blind (Rv 3:17).
Jesus may be calling us spiritually blind right now. How will
we take Jesus' diagnosis of our condition? Will we become
defensive, or will we thank Jesus for telling us the truth? The
Pharisees got angry at Jesus for calling them blind. They
blinded themselves (see Is 29:9) to being blind. They
resented the man cured of blindness and threw him out of
the synagogue (Jn 9:34). They even tried to impose
blindness on everyone else. The Pharisees became so blind
that they became darkness (see Eph 5:8). As darkness,
they hated the light (Jn 3:20). They hated Jesus, "the Light
of the world" (Jn 9:5), and crucified Him.
Spiritual blindness is degenerative. It turns into darkness and
violence. We must admit our spiritual blindness (2 Cor 4:4)
and ask Jesus to heal us. Otherwise, we will hurt and even
crucify our Healer (see Heb 6:6) and those whom He has
healed of spiritual blindness. Let Jesus heal you from being
blind to your spiritual blindness.
"This was the second sign that Jesus performed." —John 4:54
"Do you want to be healed?" —John 5:6
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries,
check us out at
Share an OBOB e-mail with a friend today! It's easy and
quick and it will make Jesus smile!
" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you
don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochures
· A Prophetic Lent
· TV Addiction
· The Secret of Confession
"It is in Christ and through His blood that we have been
redeemed and our sins forgiven." (Ephesians 1:7)
Picture Jesus hanging on the cross, blood coming out of
His nailed hands and feet, blood dripping down His face from
His thorn-crowned head, blood seeping out His shredded
back after having been whipped and scourged. One drop of
the blood of Jesus can wash away every sin that has, or will
be committed. One drop of the blood of Jesus can wash
away wars, nuclear bombing, holocausts, abortion, hatred,
and racial prejudice. The only thing that can keep our sins
from being forgiven is our refusal to repent and confess them.
· The Secret of Fasting
· Scriptural Stations of the Cross
· Lent and the Renewal of Our Baptismal Promises
PM Internet Prayer Requests
J and J and Marianne and Chad's are in desperate need of
your prayers for a troubled marriage.
(A.H., Midland, 3/1/2008 7:35:15 PM)
Please pray for my father, Brian, who is struggling with trust
and suffering with child custody battle. May he surrender to
God's will.
(K., Cincinnati, OH, United States, 3/1/2008 6:39:26 PM)
Please pray for my grandaughter Gabrielle who has been
taken into foster care due to very bad home situation. She is
in need of mental healing and Jesus in her life and soul. She
has been through too much trauma in her short 10 years of
life. I pray for God's blessings and a new and better life.
Thank-you Lord and all who pray for her.
(J.W., pittsburgh, pa., United States, 3/1/2008 2:47:07 PM)
Pray for my sins.
(W., United States, 3/1/2008 11:49:12 AM)
Please pray for me as I am expecting my first baby - for good
health, peace of mind during a smooth pregnancy and safe
delivery. Praise you Jesus for this gift of life within me. May I
be a good Mother and Model to my child and my family.Amen
(L., 3/1/2008 11:23:14 AM)
Please pray for Rita who was hit by a vehicle and even though
3 weeks have passed the wound is healing externally but the
pain has not subsided - that she will be free of the pain and be
able to walk unhindered soon as she is unable to go to work,
to do her household chores and even go for Mass. Thank you
for your prayer support. God bless you and your families this
Lent. Amen
(Anonymous, 3/1/2008 11:19:32 AM)
Please pray for Manju as she has bouts of giddiness, severe
headaches and accompanying weakness whereas the tests
are all clear. Please pray that the Doctor will receive divine
wisdom to know what line of treatment is to be followed and
that she will soon be well and there for her children and
husband. Amen
(Anonymous, India, 3/1/2008 11:16:41 AM)
Instead of asking for something this first day of March from
our good Lord, I just want to tell him thanks for everything
(Anonymous, 3/1/2008 10:25:02 AM)
My Mom having a stroke recently hope brothers and sisters
can make a healing prayer for her to stood up and carry
things, hope her restoration energy is recover and the blood
vessels move smoothly and the croak is vanish in the midst
of the air. Thank You brother and sister do it for me.
(M.L., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3/1/2008 10:01:14 AM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable
tapes online. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
are featured as well as The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more
communities by raising up leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." — Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
Bible Telephone Line
Atlanta 770 521-8570
Cleveland 440 572-4366
Cincinnati 859 291-7000
Columbus 614 470-0020
Dayton 937 640-2740
Indianapolis 317 767-5413
Long Island 631 574-2413
Listen Online!
Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the
Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope reaffirms Church's stance against euthanasia
Vatican City, Feb 25, 2008 / 11:01 am (CNA).- Pope Benedict
received participants in an international congress entitled:
"Close by the Incurable Sick Person and the Dying: Scientific
and Ethical Aspects" today and reiterated that the Church is
against all forms of euthanasia.
The event which brought the specialists to the Vatican is being
promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life as part of their
general assembly. The gathering will take place in the Vatican
over the coming days.
Reflecting on the moment of death, the Pope said that it
"concludes the experience of earthly life, but through death
there opens for each of us, beyond time, the full and definitive
life. ... For the community of believers, this encounter between
the dying person and the Source of Life and Love represents a
gift that has a universal value, that enriches the communion
of the faithful".
This moment of encounter, the Holy Father emphasized
should draw the community along with close relatives around
the dying person in support as they face the last moments of
their life. "No believer", he said, "should die alone and abandoned".
Benedict XVI also spoke of the larger societal dimension of
respecting those who are ill or dying. All society "is called
to respect ......................
Catholic News Agency, February 25th, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
LENT 2008
Almsgiving helps us to overcome this constant temptation,
teaching us to respond to our neighbor's needs and to share
with others whatever we possess through divine goodness.
Almsgiving ... is not mere philanthropy: rather it is a concrete
expression of charity, a theological virtue that demands
interior conversion to love of God and neighbor, in imitation of
Jesus Christ, Who, dying on the cross, give His entire self
for us.
(Source: Lenten message, dated October 30, 2007)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below
you can find information about some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
Online Registration
Mar 15
Women's Retreat
As a woman, you are most precious to the Lord ~ come find
out more about receiving God's love and His deepest purpose
for your genuine femininity. "The dignity and the vocation of
women have gained exceptional prominence in recent years.
The hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of
women is being acknowledged in its fullness, the hour in which
women acquire in the world an influence, an effect and a power
never hitherto achieved. That is why, at this moment when the
human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women
imbued with a spirit of the Gospel can do so much to aid
humanity in not falling." – John Paul II, On the Dignity and
Vocation of Women
Apr 4 - 5
Seek First the Kingdom
Matthew 6:33 states: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and
his righteousness, and all these things will be given you
besides." This retreat will help put priorities in a "right order."
Apr 7 - 9
Bible Study ~ Letter to the Hebrews
The key verse for the letter to the Hebrews: "Fix your eyes
on Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest Whom we
acknowledge in faith" (3:1). Come and learn more!
Apr 10
Day of Meditation and Adoration
As the springtime of the year arrives, come to Jesus in
adoration, give Him your heart, and He will give you His
Most Sacred Heart. Each new flower, every budding tree
is an "I love you" from the Lord…come and meditate in the
midst of the renewal of creation!
Apr 11 - 12
Life Style in the Spirit
For many centuries, the Lord has directed us to renew our
Baptismal promises. To do this authentically, we must be
in a state of constant conversion, constantly growing closer
to the Lord. Come and find out how you can become more
deeply aware of just how much God loves you and how you
can respond more completely!
Apr 15 - Jun 3
A "Life in the Spirit" Seminar (This retreat will be held at
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood, Ohio)
Life in the Spirit is an opportunity for you to "step away"
and take the time to deepen you personal relationship with
God...which may change your life!! All Sessions held at
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Room #116, Norwood,
Ohio ~ Tuesday Evenings ~ 7:30pm – 9:00pm ~ Beginning
April 15, 2008 ~ For Six Consecutive Weeks ~ Through June 3, 2008
" Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."
Matthew 10:-8
Do you have an inspirational story to share with our brothers
and sisters regarding walking with Christ?
Could I tell your story or someone's you know next week? Pray on it.
Until then, "May God Bless you and all you care for."
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