May 25th, the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
oh! Christ, You gave us a gift that is so great that we should
all humbly bow before it in adoration and love, and that is
Your Eucharistic presence.
Let us be in awe of the gift, and on fire with the reception of it.
Let Your Body and Blood start, within us, a change of heart
that will cause us to desire to receive You as often as possible,
but also cause us to want to come, and sit or kneel, in
adoration of this wonderful presence.
Let us be on fire with the knowledge that You are staying with
us, in the Eucharist, and that You are really there.
Let us truly realize that this gift can, and will, change us and
draw us into a life worthy as a vessel of Yours, as You live
in us. Amen and Amen.
Thank you Lord, for loving us totally.
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home page of Presentation Ministries? Please take a look.
One Bread, One Body
This weeks readings and reflections
"We, many though we are, are one body." —1 Corinthians 10:17
Jesus has made His disciples members of His
body (1 Cor 12:12). This is not just a figure of speech.
We truly are members of His body. Ours is not a superficial
unity; Jesus calls us to be one as He and God the Father
are one (Jn 17:21). This miracle was effected by Jesus'
death and resurrection and our Baptism into Jesus
(1 Cor 12:13). When we sin and thus disrupt the unity of
Christ's body, that unity is restored through the Sacrament
of Reconciliation. To live and deepen the miraculous unity
of our membership in Christ's body, we receive Jesus in
Holy Communion.
"Because the loaf of bread is one, we, many though we are,
are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf" (1 Cor 10:17).
By receiving the body of Christ, we become more deeply
united with the members of the body of Christ. Therefore, it
is very important for us to receive Jesus in Holy Communion
daily or as often as possible. If we receive Jesus with the
deep love of total commitment to Him, this will significantly
affect the whole body of Christ and therefore impact the
whole world.
On this glorious, solemn feast day of the Body and Blood
of Christ, accept the Lord's grace to receive Him in
Holy Communion daily and deeply. Pray for One Bread, One
Body to fulfill its purpose and have this effect in people's lives
and thus be true to its name. When you receive Communion
today, the eucharistic minister will say: "The Body of Christ."
May your "Amen" transform the world by your love for Jesus
and His body.
Monday "I DO!" OR "I DO..."?
"Teacher, what must I do?" —Mark 10:17
"Jesus answered: 'I give you My word, there is no one who has
given up home, brothers or sisters, mother or father, children
or property, for Me and for the gospel who will not receive in
this present age a hundred times as many." —Mark 10:29-30
For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries,
check us out at
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" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics you
don't usually hear addressed."
This Week's Featured Brochures
· The Scriptural Rosary
· Sexual Sin, Abortion, and the Pill
· Seek First the Kingdom
Seek First the Kingdom (Mt. 6:33)
"Repent! The kingdom of God is at hand!" —Mk 1:15, our translation
Jesus told us to present His gospel by proclaiming that the
kingdom of God is at hand (Mt 10:7). He commanded us to
seek first His kingdom and then everything else would be
given to us (Mt 6:33). Whenever we pray, we should pray for
His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven (Mt 6:10).
He gave His Church the keys of the kingdom (Mt 16:19).
When Jesus healed and delivered people from the evil one,
these were signs of the kingdom (Lk 11:20). The Last Supper
was a kingdom-celebration (Mt 26:29). Jesus was even put
to death because He claimed to be the King of the Jews
(Lk 23:38). Jesus repeatedly emphasizes that the gospel is
to be presented in terms of the kingdom.
Yet most Christians today never think of Christianity as the
building of a kingdom. They think in terms of personal
relationship with Jesus, membership in a church, salvation,
or life in the Spirit. These are essential aspects of God's
kingdom, but we must see the whole kingdom-vision if we
are to live a true, Biblical Christianity.
This pamphlet seeks to present a vision of God's kingdom:
how real it is, and how different it is from the form of
government we're accustomed to. This will prepare us to
make a decision to give all that we have to become active
citizens in God's kingdom.
· Risen Life
View All Brochures
PM Internet Prayer Requests
I ask Lord that you will unite us in conscience to help one
another out in these difficult times in the Eucharist. I ask Lord
that you will help us to remember you and Mary in defeating
the powers of the evil one and the evil in this world. May we
pray the rosary after recieving you in the Eucharist for a more
effective prayer for all our intentions.Especially for the
immediate conversion of these oil people with thier greed. In
Jesus name Amen.
(J., 5/24/2008 5:52:34 PM)
Plesase pray fro my friend, Virginia's daughter, Melissa J.
who found a lump in her breast this past week. Pray that the
biopsy comes back benign. In Jesus name I pray.
(L.C., North Carolina, 5/24/2008 5:35:16 PM)
I am currently in Afghanistan and my employer wants to
transfer my to South Korea. I pray that my transfer is delayed
until after the end of the year so I have time to spend with my
family and get my home and personal belongings in order. I
know it is possible through prayer to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
(G., Killeen, TX, United States, 5/24/2008 1:25:21 PM)
I pray to my deliverer that my biopsy is benign.
(Anonymous, 5/24/2008 5:29:34 AM)
For help in being myself without losing self, and for help with
complex issues esp feeling like I am "cursing". For help faith
need-Jesus is the truth gotta keep asking God for truth about
Bridgett, and patience as well as truth about people-who I
don't mind read
(Anonymous, 5/23/2008 11:48:50 PM)
Dear All, please pray for a little baby who is fighting for his
life. 1 lb 6 oz with heart, lung, and intestinal complications.
Was on a respirator, then he was breathing on his own, and
now he's back on. His name is Ignatius Maximillian (Iggy).
Young couple of faith. First baby for them.
(K.N., New York, NY, United States, 5/23/2008 10:09:31 PM)
Praying for the Divine Physician to watch over and care for
Karen and Rick Santorum's baby girl -- Isabella Maria. May
she live a long and joyful life singing praises and glory to
God forever.
(D. & J., PA, United States, 5/23/2008 7:58:53 PM)
Pray that the wall between my husband and I will come
down. restore the communication and peace. bless our marriage
(D., 5/23/2008 7:58:52 PM)
Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.
MP3 4 You
The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable
tapes online. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
are featured as well as The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4.
Take a moment and check the link below
Small Christian Communities
We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of more
communities by raising up leaders who will form communities
PM's Small Christian Community Network
Learn about the Communities in our Network
Small Christian Community Resources
Introduction to Small Christian Community
"Unless the Lord Build the House..." — Psalm 127:
Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)
Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)
For more information contact:
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Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the
Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer
Best of Daily Bread Radio Program
Pope Benedict XVI
Living faith rescues our cultural heritage from the past, Pope says
Vatican City, May 21, 2008 / 09:48 am (CNA).- At the
general audience today in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall,
Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the beauty of Christian
culture, which, because it is rooted in Christ, has left a
heritage that remains alive today.
Continuing his series of reflections on the Fathers of the
Church, the pope turned his attention to the poetry of a
little known figure, Romanus the Melodist.
Born in Syria at the end of the fifth century, Romanus
received a classical education, was ordained a deacon,
and settled in Constantinople. He was called the
"Christian Pindar" (a Greek poet) for his lofty
compositions in verse.
His preaching took the form of ......................
Christianity is the most profound revolution in history,
Pope declares
Vatican City, May 23, 2008 / 11:01 am (CNA).- On Thursday
evening Pope Benedict led a series of liturgical events
dedicated to the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. In his homily,
the Pontiff declared that the unity brought about in the
Eucharist shows that the Christian revolution is the most
profound revolution in human history.
The Corpus Christi events began at seven o'clock in the
evening on Thursday with the Pope celebrating Mass on the
square in front of Rome's Basilica of St. John Lateran. He
then led a Eucharistic procession to the Basilica of
St. Mary Major and concluded the evening with a time for
the adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Benedict XVI dedicated his homily at St. John Lateran to
explaining how the significance of Corpus Christi can be
seen in the three events of the evening. Firstly "our coming
together around the altar of the Lord to be together in His
presence," secondly "the procession, walking with the Lord,"
and finally "kneeling before the Lord in adoration."
Beginning with the gathering around the altar of the Lord,
the Holy Father quoted St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians,
where it is written that "there is no longer Jew or Greek,
there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and
female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.' ... In these
words," said the Pope, "we feel the......................
Catholic News Agency, May 21st & 23rd, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth
Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
"In no way should [grandparents] ever be excluded from the
family circle. They are a treasure which the younger
generations should not be denied, especially when they bear
witness to their faith." (Address at the Fifth World Meeting of
Families, Valencia, July 8, 2006).
The Church has always paid special attention to grandparents,
recognizing them as a great treasure from both the human
and social, as well as religious and spiritual viewpoints.
In the past, grandparents had an important role in the life and
growth of the family. Even with their advancing age they
continued to be present with their children, their grandchildren
and even their great-grandchildren, giving a living witness of
caring, sacrifice and a daily gift of themselves without reserve.
(Source: Address to Pontifical Council for the Family, April 5, 2008)
PM Ministry List
" The Lord works through PM in many different ways. Below
you can find information about some of our ministries.
Bible Institute
Word Gifts Ministry
Online Registration
Jun 13 - 15
Father's Day Weekend Family Campout
Looking for an EXTRAORDINARY way to spend Father's Day
weekend? Well, here's a great way to enjoy all three days of
Father's Day Weekend with the family ~ campsite hookups
available, housing available in cabins and mobile homes on
site…explore the woods, enjoy bonfires, roast marshmallows,
pray together…spend some real quality time as a family,
celebrating Father's Day together all weekend long!
Jun 20 - 21
Living and Loving Your Vocation
Are you married? Raising a family? Are you a consecrated
Religious? Maybe you are Single for the Lord? Come and
revitalize the love you had at first for your state in life!
Priests and religious most welcome!
Jun 23 - 24
Gifts of the Spirit
Come and hear about more than 30 spiritual gifts
mentioned in the Scriptures: Isaiah 11:2-3 — RENEWAL
GIFTS: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Strength,
Knowledge, Fear of the Lord. Romans 12:6-8 — UNITY
GIFTS: Prophecy, ...
Jun 24 - 25
Proclaiming God's Word
Twelve simple men began the race (see 2 Tm 4:7) that
carried the good news to the "ends of the world" (Ps 19:5).
Now the disciples have passed the baton to us. Millions of
Christians with the charism of the spiritual gift of ...
Jun 26
Day of Eucharistic Adoration
"For every Christian generation, the Eucharist is
indispensable food that sustains us as we cross the desert
of this world, dried by ideological and economic systems
that do not promote life, but repress it. A world in which the ...
Jun 27 - 28
Prophecy & Deliverance (and Co-Workers' Retreat)
Prophecy is the gift to be sought above all the other gifts
(1 Cor 14:1)...and Jesus taught us to pray, "Deliver us from
evil, Amen."
Jun 30 - Jul 1
Worship and Evangelization
Evangelization is simply inviting others to a personal
encounter with Jesus. "You will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses...
to the ends of the earth" - Acts1:8. "Worship pleasing ...
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