August 2, 2008. The featured speaker this year is Dan Schneider. Much is
offered during this spirit-filled event so visit the link below for more
information. Online registration is now available.
Monday, June 30, 2008, First Martyrs of Rome
Amos 2:6-10, 13-16, Psalm 50, Matthew 8:18-22
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"When you see a thief, you keep pace with him, and with adulterers you
throw in your lot." —Psalm 50:18
Not many of us run the streets with thieves and adulterers (Ps 50:18) or
take our children to participate in immoral activities (Am 2:7-8). Yet
before we dismiss the above passage as irrelevant to our lives, let us
examine who we let into our lives through TV, movie screens, magazines, or
Internet browsers. It's commonly known that some entertainers are publicly
engaged in continuing lifestyles of adultery, fornication, or other
perversities. Any trip through an average supermarket checkout line
confirms this. Do we throw in our lot with adulterers (Ps 50:18) when we
can't wait to see their latest sitcom or movie, or hear their latest song?
Entertainers have no monopoly on sin. Athletes, government officials,
members of the media, "religious" people, parents, youth, and any other
human being can live unrepentant, sinful lifestyles. Amos accuses his
audience of not only being soft on sin, but of keeping up with sinners,
sin for sin. The psalmist eloquently describes the progression of falling
into a sinful lifestyle (see Ps 1:1):
* First, we listen to the thoughts of unrepentant sinners rather than
listen to God's thoughts on the subject.
* Next, we "keep pace" (Ps 50:18) with them, that is, imitate them by
walking "in the way of sinners" (Ps 1:1).
* Finally, we sit "in the company" of those who are firmly entrenched
in these lifestyles. That is, we join them and are hooked into that
Repent of affection for sin by permissiveness toward sinners.
Prayer: Father, may those in the public eye who do not believe in You
repent, be converted, and lead many into Your kingdom.
Promise: "He that offers praise as a sacrifice glorifies Me." —Ps 50:23
Praise: The First Martyrs of Rome were able to courageously face death
because their strength came from the Victor over death.
(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my
permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from June
1, 2008 through July 31, 2008
†Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati, January 4, 2008
The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be
free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have
granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or
statements expressed.
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