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Sunday, November 16, 2008

PM eNewsletter The 33rd Sunday in ordinary time

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God Bless you and all you care for.
The editor

Nov. 16th The 33rd Sunday in ordinary time

This week, Jesus, we also celebrate another temple.

The new ark of the covenant, Mary our mother.

We celebrate the fact that You gave us a pure virgin, who
was so full of grace, that sin wasn't even a thought of hers.

You gave us a women, a mother, and an intercessor for us
for all time.

Jesus, as we celebrate the Presentation of Mary, let us
see the joy that You, the eternal God, must have felt
when she was bought to Your temple.

Let us have that sense of love that You have for her, and
let us share that love with all others.

Let us celebrate a plan of salvation that is working out
perfectly. Thank You Jesus. Amen and Amen

Thank you Lord, for loving us totally.

For more on the teachings of Father Al Lauer see the
home page of Presentation Ministries? Please take a look.

One Bread, One Body

This weeks readings and reflections


"You know very well that the day of the Lord is coming
like a thief in the night." —1 Thessalonians 5:2

The last day of all days after which there will be no more
time is called the day of the Lord. This day is the day of
ruin (1 Thes 5:3). "On that day the heavens will vanish
with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire" (2 Pt 3:10).
The day of the Lord is also the day of Christ's return. "The
Lord Himself will come down from heaven at the word of
command, at the sound of the archangel's voice and God's
trumpet; and those who have died in Christ will rise first.
Then we, the living, the survivors, will be caught up with
them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thes 4:16-17).
Therefore, the day of the Lord is also the day of resurrection
for those who have died in Christ and of the assumption into
the air for those Christians still living. Finally, the day of the
Lord will be the day of judgment (see Mt 25:31ff) and the day
of eternal salvation (Heb 9:28) or everlasting damnation (see Mt 25:46).

Although the day of the Lord is the day of ruin, return,
resurrection, assumption, judgment, salvation, and
damnation, it is primarily the day of the Lord. The Lord
Jesus should be the Focus of the last day, today, and
all our days. If we have totally given our lives to the Lord,
we won't have to fear the last day. We can cry out:
"Maranatha!" "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rv 22:20)


"At that very moment he was given his sight and began
to follow Him." —Luke 18:43


"Because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I
will spew you out of My mouth!" —Revelation 3:16

For more readings and inspiration from Presentation Ministries,
check us out at

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" Over 90 Biblically based brochures. Many on topics
you don't usually hear addressed."

This Week's Featured Brochures

· The Secret of Confession

· Seek Prophecy

· An Isaiah Advent

· Seek First the Kingdom

Seek First the Kingdom (Mt. 6:33)
"Repent! The kingdom of God is at hand!" —Mk 1:15, our translation

Jesus told us to present His gospel by proclaiming that
the kingdom of God is at hand (Mt 10:7). He commanded
us to seek first His kingdom and then everything else
would be given to us (Mt 6:33). Whenever we pray, we
should pray for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in
heaven (Mt 6:10). He gave His Church the keys of the
kingdom (Mt 16:19). When Jesus healed and delivered
people from the evil one, these were signs of the
kingdom (Lk 11:20). The Last Supper was a
kingdom-celebration (Mt 26:29). Jesus was even put to
death because He claimed to be the King of the Jews
(Lk 23:38). Jesus repeatedly emphasizes that the
gospel is to be presented in terms of the kingdom.

Yet most Christians today never think of Christianity as
the building of a kingdom. They think in terms of personal
relationship with Jesus, membership in a church, salvation,
or life in the Spirit. These are essential aspects of God's
kingdom, but we must see the whole kingdom-vision if we
are to live a true, Biblical Christianity.

This pamphlet seeks to present a vision of God's
kingdom: how real it is, and how different it is from the
form of government we're accustomed to. This will prepare
us to make a decision to give all that we have to become
active citizens in God's kingdom.

· Unforgiveness is the Cause

· An Urgent Message to Godparents

View All Brochures

PM Internet Prayer Requests

Pray that Joaquin will repent and and seek and obtain drug
treatment and ask the Holy Spirt to grant him wisdom and
to free him of spiritual darkness
(N., 11/15/2008 11:37:01 AM)

Please pray for my cousin's husband John L.He was
diagnosed with mesothelioma and had a lung removed in
Boston and was there for 7 weeks.He had numerous
complications and returned to Cleveland by ambulance
2 weeks ago. A CT scan revealed that the tumors are
now in his stomach, diaphragm and the surgery site. Pray
for John, Judy and their family -they are devastated at this
news. He so wants to see his grandchildren grow up.
(L., Wickliffe, Ohio, United States, 11/15/2008 10:51:32 AM)

Please pray that I may find another job in the city where
my wife is working. Plead with God that he look upon me
with His eyes of mercy and help me to find this job so
that I can relocate and end this separation between my
wife and I. Please pray for me am not enjoying my marriage
at the moment.
(L., Lilongwe, Malawi, 11/15/2008 8:22:54 AM)

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, Saint Anthony, Saint Joseph,
Saint Rita, Saint Anne, Saint Raphael, Saint John Vianney,
Saint Peter, Saint Paul, Saint Mark, Saint Michael the
Archangel, & all the angels & saints, & anyone reading
this can you please pray for my wife Audra, our family,
and our children. We are going through many struggles
with our family relationships, with our finances, and with
life in most every way. My faith is being challenged like
never before. Please pray that God brings an encounter
with him to us. Please pray that God brings us conviction,
conversion, mercy, grace, forgiveness, healing, peace,
love, reconciliation, and the strength, wisdom, and
everything we need to make it through this.
(D., MD, United States, 11/15/2008 6:08:32 AM)

Please pray for Jamie - in July, ultrasound tests discovered
that her pre-born baby did not develop kidneys. She is
praying for a miracle through the intercession of Blesseds
Louie and Zelie Martin. This additional information for a
recent prayer request adds urgency to their need for
prayers. Thank you.
(K., Terrytown, La, 11/15/2008 6:05:22 AM)

Jamie will have a C-section early Sat. morning, Nov. 15.
Please pray for this little family, Jamie, Glen and the baby,
and the doctor who delivers the child. This request came
from a friend who pickets the abortion mill in the N.O. area.
I am sure he has helped in some way to help this family,
and ask you to remember Jamie, Glen and child in your
prayers. Thank you.
(K., Terrytown, La, 11/15/2008 5:15:49 AM)

My brother called and said ,they found cancer in the liver
and colon of Melissa( My brothers live with her in Ohio.)She
also has diabetes like me.I am on insulin.I hope they can
stop it (stage one).My dad is starting chemo in December
because his marker went up(tells us there are cancer cells)
He had colon and liver cancer before too and every so often
he needs chemo(i think for the rest of his life).I started going
to the YMCA in Downey,Ca.I love it(really good equipment).
And i pray for the rest of my friends and family .
(J.A.H., Downey, Ca, United States, 11/15/2008 1:31:44 AM)

Please follow link to additional prayer intentions.

MP3 4 You

The internet ministry for PM is highlighting our downloadable
tapes online. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
are featured as well as The Acts of the Apostles Part 1 thru 4,
1 Corinthians Part 1 & 2 and Romans Parts 1-3. Take a
moment and check the link below

Small Christian Communities

We believe the Lord is calling us to build hundreds of
more communities by raising up leaders who will form communities

PM's Small Christian Community Network

Learn about the Communities in our Network

Small Christian Community Resources

Introduction to Small Christian Community

"Unless the Lord Build the House..." — Psalm 127:

Building Small Christian Communities (Team Manual)

Building Small Christian Communities (Guide Book)

For more information contact: community@presentationministries.com

Bible Telephone Line

Atlanta 770 521-8570
Cleveland 440 572-4366
Cincinnati 859 291-7000
Columbus 614 470-0020
Dayton 937 640-2740
Indianapolis 317 767-5413
Long Island 631 574-2413
Los Angeles 213 455-0872
Miami 305 356-7638

Listen Online!

Inspired teaching on the daily Scripture readings of the
Catholic Church by Fr. Al Lauer

Best of Daily Bread Radio Program


Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth

Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



The experience of the Saints bears witness to it: this
popular Marian prayer [the Rosary] is a precious spiritual
means to grow in intimacy with Jesus, and to learn at the
school of the Blessed Virgin always to fulfill the divine will.
It is contemplation of the mysteries of Christ in spiritual
union with Mary ...


To be apostles of the Rosary, ... it is necessary to
experience personally the beauty and depth of this
prayer which is simple and accessible to everyone.


It is ... necessary to let the Blessed Virgin take one
by the hand to contemplate the Face of Christ: a joyful,
luminous, sorrowful and glorious Face. Those who, like
Mary and with her, cherish and ponder the mysteries of
Jesus assiduously, increasingly assimilate His
sentiments and are conformed to Him.

(Source: Meditation at Pontifical Shrine of Pompeii, October 19, 2008)

PM Ministry List

" The Lord works through PM in many different ways.
Below you can find information about some of our ministries.

Bible Institute

Word Gifts Ministry


Online Registration


Sep 2 - Nov 18
How to Teach the Bible in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Faith comes through hearing the Word of God. Deepen
your personal commitment to Jesus Christ by discipling
others to a personal relationship with Jesus and
experience the great joy of working for the Lord.

· Married Couples Retreat (Nov 7-8)

· Men's Retreat (Dec 6)

· Co-Workers' Retreat ~ Focus on St. Paul (Jan 30-31)

· "Seek First The Kingdom of God" (Feb 27-28)



Visit Presentation Ministries at http://www.presentationministries.com

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