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Thursday, June 13, 2019

PURE HOLINESS - One Bread, One Body, 6/14/2019

Attend our upcoming Discipleship Retreat, "Family Vacation -- With the Lord!", Jun 24 - 28 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Peebles, OH. For more information or to register visit http://www.presentationministries.com/general/event.asp?eventID=343

Friday, June 14, 2019

2 Corinthians 4:7-15, Psalm 116:10-11, 15-18, Matthew 5:27-32
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/061419.cfm


"You have heard the commandment, 'You shall not commit adultery.' What I say to you is: anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his thoughts." -Matthew 5:27-28

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus commands us to have the highest standard in resisting sexual temptations. We are to be pure and free, even if we have to gouge out our eyes or cut off our hands (Mt 5:29-30). The Lord does not intend for us to literally maim ourselves, but we must do whatever it takes to avoid the occasions of sin and receive God's grace to live holy lives. Some people must "gouge out" their TVs, that is, give up TV altogether and not merely try to control their use of the TV. Many are called to cut off their Internet service. Some are called to cut out swimming or other entertainments, which have been affected by the immodesty and perversions of our society.

Jesus makes it clear that entertainment and pleasure-seeking are not to be our priorities. Holiness is. Jesus is so serious about our holiness that He died on the cross so that we might become holy as He is holy (see 1 Pt 1:16; cf Lv 19:2). He took on our sins "so that in Him we might become the very holiness of God" (2 Cor 5:21). Thus, we will help others recognize our Father's name as holy (Mt 6:9). Come, Spirit of holiness and purity!

Prayer: Father, give me such a desire to be holy that I will suffer all of my purgatory before my death rather than after it.

Promise: "This treasure we possess in earthen vessels, to make it clear that its surpassing power comes from God and not from us." -2 Cor 4:7

Praise: Louise gave up her acting career in Hollywood to answer a call to holiness in the cloister.

(For a related teaching on "TV Addiction", order, view, or download our leaflet or order, listen to, or download our CD 65-1 or DVD 65 on our website.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant the "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") for "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from June 1, 2019 through July 31, 2019
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, October 24, 2018

The "Nihil Obstat" ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the "Nihil Obstat" agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


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