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Monday, July 28, 2008

HOSPITALITY PLUS - One Bread, One Body, 7/29/2008

Our Daily Bread radio program celebrated its 25th anniversary of being on
the air back on May 3. Why not give it a listen if you haven't before.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008, St. Martha

Jeremiah 14:17-22, Psalm 79, John 11:19-27, or Luke 10:38-42
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/nab/readings/072908.shtml


"The Lord in reply said to her: 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and upset
about many things; one thing only is required. Mary has chosen the better
portion and she shall not be deprived of it.' " —Luke 10:41-42

In Luke's Gospel, loving God with all our hearts and our neighbor as
ourselves is often a matter of offering hospitality. That's what the Good
Samaritan did for the man who fell prey to robbers (Lk 10:34-35).
Hospitality was how Martha showed her love to Jesus (Lk 10:38). Luke
teaches that hospitality is one of the most important expressions of love.

After extolling the merits of hospitality, Luke hits us with the
revelation that there is something even better. The portion better than
hospitality is sitting at the Lord's feet and listening to His words (Lk
10:39). Listening to Jesus' words is the ultimate, the key to the meaning
of life, the most awesome privilege possible for human beings.

Do you listen to the Lord throughout the day? Do you set a time each day
when you focus on listening to the Lord? Are you overjoyed to hear Jesus'
voice? (Jn 3:29) "By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet and
in trust your strength lies" (Is 30:15). Listen to the still, small voice
of God (1 Kgs 19:12). Jesus is God's beloved Son. "Listen to Him" (Mk

Prayer: Father, Your words are "spirit and life" (Jn 6:63). May I listen

Promise: "I am the Resurrection and the Life: whoever believes in Me,
though he should die, will come to life; and whoever is alive and believes
in Me will never die." —Jn 11:25-26

Praise: St. Martha exercised both her gift of hospitality and her ability
to listen and trust in her Lord.

(For a related teaching, order our leaflet "Hearing God" or our tape on
audio AV 45-1 or video V-45.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my
permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from June
1, 2008 through July 31, 2008
†Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati, January 4, 2008

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be
free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have
granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or
statements expressed.


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