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Friday, October 2, 2009

"ANGEL OF GOD, MY GUARDIAN DEAR..." - One Bread, One Body, 10/2/2009

Friday, October 2, 2009, Guardian Angels

Exodus 23:20-23, Psalm 91:1-6, 10-11, Matthew 18:1-5, 10
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/nab/100209.shtml


"See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring
you to the place I have prepared." —Exodus 23:20

Most of us have ignored and forgotten our guardian angels for years. When
we finally noticed them, we thought we had done all that was necessary.
Then we heard that our guardian angels were supposed to be working for us
(Heb 1:14), and we had left them unemployed for years. We asked them to do
something for us, and we were surprised that they did. Nevertheless, there
is still more to appreciating our guardian angels. We must obey them.
God's authority resides in them (Ex 23:21). When we obey them, we are
obeying God. Therefore, we must be attentive to them, heed their voices,
and not rebel against them (Ex 23:21). If we carry out all they tell us,
we will have victory over our enemies (Ex 23:22-23). In the light of the
New Testament, this means we will overcome the devil (see Eph 6:12).

First, we notice the angels, then employ them, and finally obey them. We
get hurt frequently, so it doesn't seem that the angels are guarding us.
However, it's difficult to guard people who don't follow instructions.
Guardian angels work best with obedient Christians. Obey the angels.

Prayer: Father, thank You for giving me brilliant, mighty creatures to
guard me. Help me to obey them and You.

Promise: "See that you never despise one of these little ones. I assure
you, their angels in heaven constantly behold My heavenly Father's
face." —Mt 18:10

Praise: Amanda petitions her angel in times of trial and duress and sees

(Our Discipleship, Leadership, Redemptive Suffering & Mary" retreat wraps
together some of the basic principles of our faith in three powerful days
of teaching, Oct 9-11. Call 937-587-5464 or 513-373-2397 to register or
for information.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my
permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from
October 1, 2009 through November 30, 2009
†Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati, June 3, 2009

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be
free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have
granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or
statements expressed.


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