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Friday, December 6, 2013

BLIND MAN'S BLUFF - One Bread, One Body, 12/6/2013

Listen to Fr. Al Lauer's 12-part audio series entitled, "How to Teach the Bible"

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Friday, December 6, 2013, St. Nicholas

Isaiah 29:17-24, Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14, Matthew 9:27-31
Link to Readings --> http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/120613.cfm


"Two blind men came after [Jesus]." -Matthew 9:27

The Church repeatedly reads to us from the Bible about being blind and being healed from blindness by Jesus. Our first reaction to this may be that of the Pharisees: "You are not calling us blind, are You?" (Jn 9:40) Jesus' response to that question is: "Yes, I'm calling you blind, blinded by sin, and I'm commanding you to repent both of blinding yourself (see Is 29:9) and of denying your spiritual blindness."
Jesus doesn't "beat around the bush." He bluntly calls sin "sin" and acts like God in demanding we repent. We can react to Jesus' candor as did the Pharisees. We can blindly try to kill the only One Who can heal blindness, or we can confess our denial, see our blindness, and cry out to Jesus: "Son of David, have pity on us!" (Mt 9:27) Then Jesus will touch our eyes, and we will be healed.
There are Christmas presents, and then there are Christmas presents. We can receive presents worth $5 or $5,000, or ones which are priceless. Healing from spiritual blindness is one of the greatest gifts a person can receive. This healing is even more valuable than a healing from physical blindness, as great as that is. Repent, open your Christmas present, and open your spiritual eyes.

Prayer: Jesus, "I want to see" (Mk 10:51).

Promise: "Out of gloom and darkness, the eyes of the blind shall see." -Is 29:18

Praise: St. Nicholas was a saintly monk before God raised him to abbot, archbishop, and saint. He set a standard for giving gifts of generosity and freedom.

(For a related teaching, order our tape Spiritual Blindness" on audio AV 65-1 or video V-65.)


Rescript: In accord with the "Code of Canon Law", I hereby grant my permission to publish "One Bread, One Body" covering the period from December 1, 2013 through January 31, 2014
?Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 17, 2013

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.


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