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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Presentation Ministries - Special Appeal

(NOTE: Many of you already received this letter by mail or e-mail. Thank you for your generous response.)

December, 2013

Dear Brother or Sister in Christ:

Praise Jesus, the King of Kings! Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication in serving Christ through reading and sharing God’s word in One Bread One Body (OBOB) and for your fidelity in responding to our Special Appeal last fall. Your sacrificial donations, both large and small, allow OBOB, Daily Bread radio, the Bible Institute, Gaudalupe Bible College and our other ministries to continue to flourish as we follow the Holy Spirit and take the good news of the gospel in all directions.

One of our ministries with the biggest need is the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center building project (see photo). We are very excited to report that part of this new building, 2 bathrooms, 2 classrooms and 4 dorm rooms, will be completed and ready for use in early 2014. It is a small part, but we praise God for this progress! The focus of our Special Appeal this year is for funds to complete the rest of the building.

At Presentation Ministries we have a very faith-based approach to money put in place by our founder, Fr. Al Lauer. We simply make our needs known and trust that God will work through people’s hearts to meet them. We don’t do elaborate mailing campaigns, telephone calls or matching gift opportunities. We simply want you to know about our needs and then give you a chance to respond to the Holy Spirit. When you give from the heart, you receive a blessing from God.

We have no paid staff in our ministry. Everyone volunteers their time and talents, even several people who work full-time for PM. Our statutes specify that we take no loans, so we need to have the funds on hand before we can continue to build the next phases of this new building.

When the new retreat center is fully completed it will have a chapel that seats over 250 people, 42 dorm rooms and 6 classrooms. The building will be the location of our Discipleship Retreats program which runs over 15 retreats a year and it will also be the future headquarters of Guadalupe Bible College. Our retreats are currently run out of a converted dairy barn and participants stay in trailer housing or hotels.

We really look forward to completing this new facility so we can continue to follow the vision of Fr. Al Lauer. "To stop abortion, save lives, restore families, evangelize young people, and build a new civilization of love, we need mature Christians, healed and deeply rooted in the imitation of Jesus. For a new world, we need new people, who have received a new formation. The Holy Spirit will pour out the grace of Christian maturity on all those open to His will."

Thank you for continuing your prayers for our ministries and for this building project. May the Lord bless you and all your loved ones in the coming holy seasons of Advent and Christmas.

In Jesus and Mary,

You can make a donation online by using our secure online donation form, or send your donation to:

Presentation Ministries
3230 McHenry Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45211

In Jesus and Mary,

Deacon George Schmidl, Mark Schuermann, Chris Jasek & Judy Erwin 
(Directors of Presentation Ministries) 


NOTE: You are receiving this e-mail as you are a member of the One Bread, One Body or PM eNewsletter email lists; or you have placed an order for PM materials via PM's website. This is a special e-mailing which we only do a few times a year. Click here to remove your e-mail address from any of these lists.


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