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Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Key to Reconciliation

The Key to Reconciliation
Source: Greg Laurie
When the apostle Paul went to Athens and preached the gospel, he walked
around the city and saw that it was completely given over to idolatry.
Athens was known for its cultural learning. It was known for its incredible
edifices. And it was also known for spirituality.

The people of Athens were very religious. They worshipped many gods. It was
said in that time that it was easier to find a god in Athens than a man.
Idols were erected for every conceivable deity imaginable, including one
with an inscription that read, "To the Unknown God" (see Acts 17:23).

Historians tell us there was a great cloud of hopelessness covering the
ancient world. Their philosophies were empty. Their traditions were
disappearing. Their religion was a vain attempt to reach God by their own
human efforts, and it was powerless to impact them in this life or to
prepare them for the life to come.

In spite of their numerous gods, they did not have a relationship with the
one true God.

Is that not a picture, in many ways, of our culture today? We have made
incredible advances in technology. But I think more and more Americans are
asking the big questions such as: Why am I here? What is the meaning of

Unfortunately, many are looking for truth in all of the wrong places. We
want the benefits of faith, but we don't want the restrictions of it.

The Bible says this will be a sign of the last days. As one translation puts
it, "They will act as if they are religious, but they will reject the power
that could make them godly" (2 Timothy 3:5 NLT).

So in Ephesians 2, Paul was basically saying to the believers at Ephesus
(and to all of us), "You were without God. You were separated from Him."

But then comes a blessed interruption in verse 13: "But now in Christ Jesus
you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ"
(NKJV, emphasis mine).

We were on our way to a certain judgement, but God sent Jesus. Because of
His death and His shed blood, we have now been reconciled with God.

That was really the essence of the angel's message to the shepherds as they
watched over their flocks on that first Christmas Eve. Part of that message
was, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"
(Luke 2:14 NKJV). A more literal translation of this statement would be,
"Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth among men with whom God is

That is the key to peace on earth, peace between nations, and peace in a
family: Peace on earth among men with whom God is well-pleased.

How do we please God? It is only through Jesus Christ, only through the way
of reconciliation He has made available to us. So if we want to be
reconciled to God and want to be reconciled with others, then it must be
through Christ.

So many of us need reconciliation today. Husbands need to be reconciled to
wives. Parents need to be reconciled with children. Sinners need to be
reconciled with God. We all need reconciliation.

Sin is the great separator. Ever since it entered the world, it has divided
people throughout human history. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit,
sin immediately began its work of separation. It separated Adam and Eve from
God. It ultimately separated their sons, Cain and Abel. It was all because
of the separating impact of sin.

But at the cross of Calvary, Jesus eliminated the wall that separated us
from Him. He brought about reconciliation. And Paul was saying that because
of this, we need to be reconciled to one another.

In the Old Testament, an animal was sacrificed for sin. But in the New
Testament, Jesus Christ fulfilled all that the Old Testament pointed to. He
became the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Now the only way that I can know God is through the shed blood of Christ. It
is only through Jesus Christ that I can approach God.

This is the great truth: We have open access to God through Christ. We can
be reconciled to Him. And He wants us to be reconciled to one another.

Let's rejoice that God has given us this access to Him.

Useful link: www.harvest.org/greg/

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