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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Value the season you're in

Weekly Feature

Source: Christine Caine
People can get so caught up in the fact their dream is so close - preparing
here, there, and everywhere - but forget they still have to finish this
season before launching into the next one. I have had lots of opportunities
to finish things - jobs, relationships, renovating my house (!). The most
important lesson I've gained from all of this is the way we finish one thing
directly impacts the way we enter the new thing.

Don't Devalue the Season You're In!

The reason you may not have given birth to your dream yet is that God
obviously has more for you to learn in the season you are currently in.
Maybe it's a lesson in relationships, money, management, or cleanliness.
(Want an office with a view? Try keeping your current work space tidy.)
Regardless of the subject matter, these lessons help prepare you for
birthing your dream and living it out.

Don't forget to:
*Recognise and reflect on how far this present season has brought you.
*Ask the question: is there more to learn here?
*Appreciate the opportunities this season has given you.
*Don't Drop the Ball

You may be on the brink of giving birth to a new dream, but that's no excuse
for forgetting your current responsibilities. That would be like someone who
was getting a departmental promotion in six months deciding to take a
four-day weekend every week. Only you can decide what kind of legacy and
example you want to leave.

A positive finish might involve:
*Training new leaders
*Getting the accounts up-to-date
*Developing new systems or writing a how-to manual.
*Teaching someone the ropes.
*Working ahead of schedule to make the transition smoother once you're gone.
*Leaving the tape dispenser and stapler behind!
*Don't Burn Your Bridges

Entering a new phase doesn't necessarily mean cutting out everyone and
everything from the season you're leaving. While people in your current
season might not be coming into the next phase of your journey, they may
very well play a part in your future.

Don't gloat over the fact that you're moving on and maybe others are not.
Always value people for the part they've played in your life (however small
that might be). Say thank you - maybe even buy chocolates to show your

Preparation always precedes something new, and our level of preparation
revels to God (and others) our level of expectancy. It's pivotal that we be
prepared if we want to successfully birth the dreams God has put in our
hearts, but it is also important to realise that prematurely birthing them
can have debilitating effects. Realise God will bring your dreams to pass in
His perfect, divine timing. (So chill out. If it's God, it will happen! )

Do the season you're in now well. Don't stop preparing for what God has for
you, but exact all you can out of what God has given you right now.
Useful link: www.equipandempower.org

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